Leading up the Equinox

Dear Friends and Readers,

I’m back from my few days of much needed fun in the sun — I cannot put into words just how much being by the sea relaxes me and I couldn’t have asked for better company. I am well recharged now but as the planets suggest a lot hangs in the balance.

As we head into the Spring Equinox and Libra Full Moon, there is a powerful “cardinal cross” forming between the Sun, Moon, Mars and Pluto occupying the first degrees of the Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn respectively — these signs exert energy that propels and instigates action.

With the planets forming 90 degree angles to each other, they align in the shape of a cross. The square aspects are heightening the tension charged with the power of the cardinal signs and Full Moon goading us into action. Individually and collectively (the place where the two intersect — as suggested by the Aries Point) there is a feeling of being on the threshold of a new phase waiting to rush in like the tide.

Indeed we are on a threshold, square aspects tend to bring us an increased awareness of scenarios that just don’t seem right; Often pointing to an internal process that we need to deal with. Indeed we can’t change anyone or anything but ourselves — it has to come from within. There is an opportunity to transform any feelings of helplessness by taking charge without outwardly projecting. If the desire to break free is overwhelming it would be wise to not merely focus on freedom ‘from’ a situation but rather clarify what we would like to have the freedom to do. Once we find our direction and purpose channeling the energy can be a much easier task.

My time in Goa was definitely one of the most amazingly relaxing experiences, not to mention I can’t remember the last time I laughed that hard. I’ve been traveling to Goa on vacation practically every year since I was five years; 25 years later much has changed in Goa and in my life.

As I sat staring at the waves crash tirelessly to the shore, watching the sun set and the quarter Moon overhead I was reminded that although change is constant, these are just cycles we go through — good, bad, ugly, joyous… and this too shall pass.

The Moon is now in Virgo inching closer to the Libra Full Moon exact on Mar. 21, 2008 at 1:39 PM EST. The Sun is now in the last degree Pisces increasing our emotional and intuitive depth as it approaches its ingress into Aries. Soak in this feeling of knowing –spring is here and as the Beatles sang “Here comes the Sun…”

Priya Kale


Please read on for Eric’s blog below this one, a list of aspects for the minor planets and the Oracle.


To schedule a private astrology consultation please email me at priya@planetwaves.net. Also visit my new website at www.priyakale.com for daily astrology updates, monthly horoscopes, information on private consultations and more. Or you can email me just to say hello!

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