Keep Ohm Keepin’ Ohm: Jupiter, Saturn and an Aquarian Moon

By Len Wallick

Today and tomorrow, the waning Aquarius Moon is bending to its mission, working to very much the same ends as it was while in Sagittarius last Thursday and Friday. Its mission is one of mediation and moderation between the polarity of Jupiter opposing Saturn, extending to the Aries New Moon at the end of the week. The astrology will be symbolic and, ultimately instructive.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

Last week, the Sagittarius Moon’s connection to the Jupiter-Saturn opposition was a relationship between the fire and air elements that distinguish the signs these planets are in. Luna in the fire sign Sagittarius shared that same element with Jupiter in Aries, also known as a trine. The Moon was sextile to Saturn in Libra, which is a supportive relationship between two complementary elements.

Today and tomorrow the same modality transitions to an alternative expression. The flow has shifted. There is now an air sign trine between Saturn and the Moon. Lunar reinforcement is now applied to Saturn’s predilection towards limits and definition. This does not suffocate the flame of creativity. Air supports fire. The Moon’s relationship to Jupiter however, economizes the fire and encourages its direction.

Today’s Jupiter-Saturn opposition does not stand alone, it is part of something bigger, just like any one of us are. It will grow as any one of us grows to exist in relationship as the Moon gradually moves to conjoin with the Sun in Aries this coming Sunday. By then polarity will cease to be about two planets and grow to include other objects. It will no longer be about the relationship of sign elements, it will also include the paradox of their associated qualities. More to the point, the lunar perspective from Aquarius is more about how each one of us interfaces with a collective than how we individually experience our own passion. The prefix “com” is in play, as in communicate, commute, community and compassion.

Translated to our daily realities, this will become a matter of relationship. It must, as always start with the relationship each one of us has (or should have) with ourselves. This includes stopping long enough to be aware of any difference between what we think and what we feel, where we are detached and abstract, and to what we are passionately involved and attached to and with. Keeping with the qualities of Aquarius, we turn our attention outward and invoke the Moon’s emotional component. This will call for open hearts more than open mouths and a willing ear as much as an extended hand.

There will be some who lack communion with the collective. Our mission as people will be to hear their voices. There will be others who feel stagnation. Our obligation will be to see things their way so that we can help them see the way out. Yet others will be in search of cooperation; our service will be to work with them. Like the Moon, we each have a mission. It is both singular and collective. The objective is integration. It will require vigilance and strength because each of us will encounter those who believe that cooperation means doing things their way. But it will also require devotion to something other than personal ambition and objective. Striking the balance is our work together. Polarity is not the end of unity. It is the beginning.

Offered In Service

10 thoughts on “Keep Ohm Keepin’ Ohm: Jupiter, Saturn and an Aquarian Moon”

  1. “Polarity is not the end of unity. It is the beginning.” Needed to re read your words, Len and the posts several times today. A fog settled over my concentration each time I started to get into your article.
    It is really just so PACKED with important info, and has so many nuances and perspectives–some personal, others relating to “the whole” (damned bunch of us I feel like saying at times).
    Then I read bk and word and shebear and then jere’s “portals” (really struck a chord the second time around on that one) — these articles and blogs are “portals!” for us to appear and connect and create and grow together in what Eric said at the end of his article today “we are actually face to face with the potential to spark a global awakening”. Yeah.
    May the portals flow, the gardens grow, the paths be trod and the awakening proceed!

  2. Burning River: Ah thank you for bringing a smile to my heart this evening — much like you did last night when I read your comment in Fe’s post “All the Way Home.” I swear I could see and smell the beautiful garden of *your* life affirming soul……:-)

  3. be! LOL! I’m “still tryin'” to get all the excess “stuff” out of my life and into lives where it is more welcome too! (I remember this coming up awhile back.) And not 5 minutes ago I walked into my “living room” come “everything room” and felt so heavy I could hardly breathe.

    Len I sincerely wish you could bend the ear of a President or two – or three –

    And Jere, you should go with Len for said ear bending!! Like you said, you got the flint….

  4. she ber I hear you I think what you are doing is beautiful. Reaching out walking into the unknown with compassion, for compassion, and receiving it back. That took courage! I am happy for those you have given yourself and your time to, and happier for you. You Go, Girl!

  5. Dear “four planets in cancer” Annie: you would of course relate! I, who have little or no activity in cancer per se but with my moon operating in the first house like I mentioned, conjunct Borassisi interestingly enough, powers up my emotions like a “lovebulb”. I’m also thinking that perhaps being in very close quarters with my cancer rising/cancer moon girlfriend this w/e — she stayed with me since Thursday last — help conjure up the phrase. Glad you got a kick out of it.

  6. shebear13 – loving the ‘moon powered lovebulb’ phrase 😀 (I’ve got 4 planets in Cancer so I would lol) x

  7. Thank you once again Len and to Eric and his Team and everyone else who shares in this on-line com-munity 🙂

    I’m reading along daily and taking time to reflect and absorb and bless each one of you here

    Not much time to post – busy doing work in my community and applying community, authenticity and love to my work which has been a long-term work in progress for some years so not much time to post – the little bean of love for myself and to all who share my planet is growing at an amazing speed into a beanstalk which is stretching its tendrils to all around and I think this is the point of my being – there’s a word Eric uses which escapes me right now but it’s meaning is ‘finding your purpose’

    It’s been a very rough ride for 13 years but all working towards here and now and planetwaves has been the constant beacon – thank you all


  8. Something profound has changed for me since the full moon of last w/e. I am living in a brave new world, sensing it deep down within while seeing it out there in the eyes of the many I “com”muned with this past week — and it’s very much akin to michele and her story of the passenger in the airplane.

    Having done so much work learning the “Art of loving” (Eric Fromm) these many decades, (yes it took a very long time) I managed to kick my life out of first or second gear into turbo last week and the ride was incredible. I reached out and positioned myself among the fractured, the disenfranchised and the marginalized and it was a total rush. Yes I felt anxious and cautious inside but I worked with it, feeling like a lion tamer stepping into the ring to do some modifying and massaging of the essence of those raging in pain. People who are the walking wounded in life, who live so close to the edge of life and yet are so fully present to its majesty and potency AND creativity. In ministering to about dozen people being lead by the spirit in me that sought love over all else, I saw people touch their own spark and come alive right before my eyes, all because I extended to them what I have learned in loving myself. To administer tender loving care when feeling heartache and isolation. In their relaxing into themselves they fed it right back to me which filled *me* to the brim with love and acceptance.

    Absolutely I was quite trepidatious *many* times over, navigating my way through these new and uncharted waters but the new world I was introduced to, this *brave* new world that awaits us all, is quite the rush. Love is so simple really but its potency is timeless, boundless, formless, and when we get the knack of it, when our bravery inspires courage in others, to affirm *their* right to say hello to a disowned part of themselves and come out of hiding, is everything I have ever held true.

    The motto of the *com*munity centre that I have started to drop into over a month ago has been such an oasis for me and its motto is one worth sharing as it echoes what Len writes today, and which Eric over the w/e have been capturing on PW. The motto is “Awakening Compassion in the Creative City.” Since plugging myself into that energy, I have lit up like a moon powered lovebulb (!) and come into my own. I am so grateful to be alive to experience this, an actualization of love.

    One thing I have learned though and this is vital, is for me to remember to balance myself with these energies by taking the necessary time out to reflect and restore. That in turn arms me with new insights and perspectives and propels me to get out there again and continue being present for others becoming present. Len wrote on Thursday last, March 24th, “The moon calls us.” With me coming home to the power of my natal moon in my first house, I think I have accepted that call. Luna is the magical mediator right now and we can’t go wrong taking the time to meditate on her mediating 😉

    Thank you Len, thank you Eric and thank you to my PW community without whom I would be grappling with too much lost and too much lonely.
    But no more…………
    Being Compassionate, Being Grateful.

  9. I’m really glad you said these things Len, as I am on a life-time (personal) mission to sort through the “treasures” gathered over a lifetime and to release what I acknowledge as “no longer useful”. As Pluto relentlessly squares the degree of my natal Jupiter it is hard to think in terms of relationship until you said today’s Moon in Aquarius is about interfacing with the collective. So here I am ready and willing to listen to others. This is a lonely job you know, sorting through one’s own excess. I’d also like to add some “com” words to the list, like compact, compost and commode (yeah, I looked up “com” words in the dictionary!)

    Your’s would be wise words for the U.S. government too, as the Sunday New Moon will exactly square the U.S. Sibly Sun and oppose the natal Saturn within a degree as well as squaring the U.S. progressed Jupiter. “Striking the balance is our work together. Polarity is not the end of unity. It is the beginning.” Have you been talking to the President Len?

  10. I got the flint,.. you got the meddle?…

    ..I can start a fire,.. and you, Len, contain it well.


    ..this is what I’m talking about, as far as portals, and allowing others a space too birth their realities. We have to support eachother’s ventures.. in the most soul-full sense of the words. We owe it too ourselves.

    (Eric, maybe consider letting The editorial staff take over while you explore your-self for a bit? ..They’re freakin’ amazing writers. Seriously, the continuity runs deep with these cats.)


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