Keep Fucking That Chicken

Keep Fucking That Chicken
Okay, it happens.

In case you missed it, here is the now famous quote by Ernie Anastos of the New York’s original Fox News — Channel 5 in New York (formerly Metromedia Television). The whole things was supposed to be a pun on, “It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken,” probably dating back to Frank Purdue.

2 thoughts on “Keep Fucking That Chicken”

  1. Putty people, with painted on faces. A photoshop dreamscape. “Make ’em laugh, make ’em dance.. make them add two and two. Make ’em me, make ’em you, make ’em do what you want them too.” Painful album but, Floyd’s “Final Cut”, truly clears the debris. Just be sure to let go in the end.

    Welcoming the new moon! (Apparently I could use it!?!)


    Internal reclamation,

    and Peace,


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