Jordan is Dominick’s third cousin once removed. That is, she’s the daughter of his third cousin Dominique. Because the family at Dominick’s goes back so many generations, there are third and fourth cousins all over the place. And since the family is the product of two brothers and two sisters who married several generations ago, there are many double relational bonds; that is, cousins related on both sides of the family.
The cafe’s website is here. It’s located across the street from Book of Blue studio.
Jordan is cosmic. When I hang out with her I have this feeling of transcending space and time. She loves the camera. The kids always see me with a camera so they get right into the flow and aren’t intimidated by this huge four inch disk of black glass looking at them, they still know it’s me back there.
Dominick is extremely close to Jordan, as you can see, and he has a similar relationship with her brother. It’s interesting seeing these extended family bonds move and circulate and grow, and change as the new kids show up. I’m Italian so I speak that particular familial language, but my family is fragmented and there are no first cousins in my generation, and very few second cousins, so I have little direct experience. So I get to immerse myself in this tribe that is extremely rare for our day and age.
It used to be the way we lived, mostly pre-WWII, in an urban setting with extended family everywhere, everyone aware of and taking care of all the kids, who get the run of the place and who frequently know the customers. More than half of Dominick’s employees are blood relatives, others are friends that go back with the family 30 or 50 years. I’ll post another photo from today, of just the kids.
Lotta Love there. A lot of love.
What a gorgeous picture!