‘I think Dane would be proud’

Editor’s Note: We’ve been asking our clients for feedback about the professional services we publish, and your responses have created the opportunity for an exciting dialog.

So what got me to subscribe?

I did my doctoral studies in Religion and Culture. For my dissertation I wrote about astrology and astrological symbolism in the Christian west and its impact, historically, in living life as a Christian. Bringing it into the 20th century, I asked if the transpersonal turn in astrology made by Dane Rudhyar could make a difference in living an authentic life, as Christians or just in general, with self-actualization (as you have written about recently) as the blossoming of consciousness in the human form. And in the dissertation, I argued that it could.

I was directed to Planet Waves by a friend in California. My first response to your daily blog, et alia, was that you have integrated astrology into life, both personal and social. You, Eric, and your other writers have impressed me with the clarity of your thought, written and audio-recorded, and with your ability to interpret the movement of cosmic bodies with the movements of persons and social groups and nature’s ways. Bravo to you; I think Dane would be proud.

Reading such writing and connecting with such insight, I had no choice, which is rare for me to say, but to subscribe.

— Richard from Chicago

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