Dear Astrology Fiend and Reader:
I am checking in from the Loving More East Coast polyamorous conference in upstate New York, where I’m a fan and presenter. I’ll be blogging the conference in bits and bobs the next couple of days.
A couple of times/places this week I promised to post the pedigree of Sarah Palin’s birth data. I’ve also been reading in the best political blogs that those of us who support truth and justice need to keep the emphasis off of our little achtung baby uber cutie anti-choice Green Dragon girly gurrrl vice presidential candidate with the whopping Neptune transit. However, I will post a thread of emails in the spirit of giving a glimpse behind the scenes of astrologers working to figure out when somebody was born.
As you may have read in Planet Waves, there has been a unprecedented controversy over the birth times of candidates. Chris Brennan wrote a fabulous piece for Planet Waves on this strange data situation. Unprecedented means it’s really never happened before, at least in modern astrological history, that there is so much contention over candidate birth times. Is anyone collecting Obama times? I think there are six by now, and one of my teachers, Dave Roell, has done a rectification. (More on that next week, when I start my “advice” column for Mssrs. Obama and McCain.)
I originally got the 4:40 am time from Starlight News, send in by a reader, though its editor, Nancy, responded to my query and said that the time was unverified. I’ve been pinging around the astrology community and can share with you this set of email notes on the origins of the time. Anyone out there who feels so inclined is welcome to pursue the truth further, including researching mentioned newsletters and places where the data has appeared. What everyone seems to agree on is that the time is 4:40 pm. We need to find who has the certificate of birth in hand and if we can get it we need to see the thing. However, the chart works. In practice, the chart checks out, so that is a good start.
And hey, has anybody lived around Sandpoint, Idaho, or for example in nearby Spokane, WA? I hear that Sandpoint is a pretty gosh darned interesting town.
Here is the email thread. I’ve omitted some last names and all email addresses. I think that what you can see here is that astrologers care about these kinds of matters, and many have been genuinely gracious to Planet Waves. Any additional help sourcing the data is again welcome. You can send it to editorial – at –, the email address I share with our associate editor, feminist scholar and accidental astrologer-in-training, Ms. Rachel Asher.
Hello Eric:
The following is a post from Noel Tyl’s site:
Palin’s AA Rated Birth Chart
Posted By: Halina
Date: Wednesday, 3 September 2008
In Response To: The 4:40 pm Birth Chart (Halina)
Sally McDonald at Astrowold has posted a 4:40 pm time that came from Claudia Dikinis, a friend of Sarah Palin’s, via Margie Herskovitz from NCGR. A Leo ascendant, and the 4:40 pm time does have Leo rising with a Moon in Aquarius. Sally’s friend Claudia says that an AFAN newsletter reports the birth time of 4:40 pm is AA (reliable). Still no word on the source, though.
These “sudden revelations” about Sarah Palin speak of Uranus, and sure enough, using this chart puts trans Uranus retrograding over her progressed Midheaven. That would fit perfectly with her being picked out of nowhere and then this rapid meltdown.
— End of Post —
Eric, this morning, Sept. 4, I went on both the astroworld and Claudia’s starcats web site. I did not find any articles on either site in regard to Palin’s birth time.
Please keep me informed on any news in regard to the source.
Best wishes
Ira Rubin
On 9/3/08 7:30 PM, “Dian” wrote:
This is from the AFAN Interactive Group. The citedperson is Linda Lehman.
Dian Bustillo
Linda, how did he get the BC? Or info about it? I’m so wary of things like this, having written whole treatises based on erroneous information.
LindaJea writes:
Astrologer Gregg DeLaCastro reports Sarah Palin’s birth information as
AA: Quoted BC/BR
February 11, 1964
4:40 PM
Sandpoint, Idaho
Much of this confusion comes from my site. Here’s what happened:
Sally McDonald at Astroworld posted the 4:40 birth time as coming from Claudia Dikinis. I erroneously posted that Claudia was a friend of Sarah Palin’s, and this is emphatically not the case – I meant to write that Claudia was a friend of Sally’s. I corrected my post to reflect this and Sally removed her post on the subject to eliminate speculation and error. I emailed Claudia to inquire as to the source of the birthtime and she cited the AFAN newsletter and Gregg de la Castro. However, I cannot locate contact information for Mr. de la Castro and therefore can’t confirm the 4:40 pm birth time.
Personally, I feel that until a birth time is verified it shouldn’t be used. I hope this clarifies some of the issues.
Lynn Hayes