Hurricane Katrina: Five Years and Another Aries Point Event Later

Editor’s Note: the following has been adapted slightly from the Cosmic Confidential Diary. There’s also an earlier article from the time as well — Katrina the Awakener. — Amanda

With all the interesting news this past weekend and a bit of travel thrown into the mix, I neglected to make note of the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina — the costliest natural disaster in United States history according to Wikipedia. Given what a huge event it was, I knew Eric must have some astrological insights about it tucked away in the archives. So off I went to search Astrology Secrets Revealed, Eric’s column that ran for years on Jonathan Cainer’s page.

The site did not disappoint, as this article from September 9, 2005 shows. Eric notes a couple of important factors in the astrology of that event, both earlier in the summer: Saturn entering Leo and a Capricorn Full Moon exactly on the solstice — that date when the Sun enters Cancer. In other words, it was an Aries Point event with exponential potency.

Eric writes:

Solstice represents a peak of a cycle — the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere, the shortest in the Southern. The Sun has reached the furthest extent of its annual northward journey. The Full Moon also represents the peak of a cycle. Put the two together at the same time and the effect is not added, but rather multiplied. In addition, the point where the Full Moon happened, the first degree of Cancer, has been shown many times to be associated with vast, life-changing events that effect large numbers of people. This is because it’s related to the Aries point or because the Aries point is related to it.

Anyone who has been reading almost any Planet Waves offering knows well by now how potent Aries Point events are, since we’ve all been living through some palpable tension in the form of the cardinal T-square/grand cross this summer. What I haven’t seen much on these pages lately, however, is mention of the relationship between the sensitivity of these points and a couple other influential spots in the cosmos, the Galactic Core and M87:

Basically, the cardinal points are a highly sensitive energy structure, shaped like a cross. It is now clear that this cross, whose action and influence was long a mystery, may be so sensitive due to its proximity to the Galactic Core and M87. The cardinal points are sensitive whether the Sun is there or not. They are so predictable that, when activated by planets or planetary events (such as a Full Moon or eclipse), they will often respond with a worldly event or chain of events that affects many people.

Can we do anything about such information in advance? Well, not really — not usually. Even if astrology could predict a natural disaster exactly, nobody would listen. People barely listen to scientists. But we can use astrology to be psychically and psychologically prepared. Still, astrologers are expected to have a measure of foresight, and it’s good that they do, since often an astrologer’s job involves the whole issue of “what happens next” no matter how useful or not that information seems at the time.

Eric is probably right — we don’t listen to foresight nearly as closely as we could and need to, given the way our world seems to be spinning off its axis. And we can’t turn back the clock to prevent Hurricane Katrina or any other past disasters. But we can make the commitment to ourselves to carve out a little stillness now, listen, share information and act in whatever way we can when we hear the call. We can also make note of how little has been done in New Orleans to restore housing, schools and other services to the displaced and make sure the topic stays in public consciousness, as Rachel Maddow did this weekend.

5 thoughts on “Hurricane Katrina: Five Years and Another Aries Point Event Later”

  1. I really want to share this with the PW folks, and while this section is specific to Katrina, and my share is not, still it touches on the big movements of our environment, the Gulf, and what individuals can do…… and I just found it darn inspiring! I know one of the effects of Katrina was environmental devastation as all the toxins of the city got washed all over everywhere…… and surely, Gulf shrimp is a kinda big deal, in New Orleans…… so anyway, check this out!

    A Minnesota farmer has changed his farming practices to battle the Gulf “dead zone”.

    Scientists have recorded one of the largest “dead zones” in the Gulf’s history this year. This oxygen-sapped area — currently about the size of New Jersey — is caused in large part by fertilizer that funnels into the ocean from Midwestern farms, since more than 40 percent of the land in the United States drains into the Gulf.

    The fertilizer kicks off a chain reaction of biological processes that, in the end, drains the water of oxygen and kills fish, shrimp and other marine creatures that can’t swim away.

    This year, the BP oil spill may make matters worse. The coast is already strapped for cash, and some scientists fear cumulative effects of the environmental stress.

    Thompson, 54, whose family built a house on this farmland in 1878, doesn’t want to contribute to any of this.

    “I’d much rather eat wild Gulf shrimp than farmed shrimp, and I know that my efforts may seem insignificant, but I think we can have sustainable fishing in the Gulf and corn production in the Mississippi [River] watershed,” he said.

    “I think we should all be saying, ‘We must have both.’ ”

    But, as he well knows, cleaning up the Gulf from the Midwest will require continental changes.

    Suicidal shrimp

    As summer approaches and the Louisiana air gets hot and wet, Dean Blanchard says, he can tell that the dead zone is forming because shrimp leap onto the beach.

    “They pretty much commit suicide,” he says.

    Blanchard, who owns a large-scale seafood wholesaling business in Grand Isle, Louisiana, says he never saw that phenomenon until six or seven years ago.

    ……………………… (much more at link, a truly inspiring story.)

  2. thanks len — i’m just learning the ropes!

    thanks to anatoly and eric for adding the photo and second link to “katrina the awakener.”

    patricia — thanks for sharing the video.

  3. Amanda,
    Thank you and good call to run this article on the 5th anniversary of Katrina.

    You are really good! The Planet Waves community will enjoy and benefit from the many contributions you are making and are yet to make.

    While painting with a rather broad brush, the traumatic Katrina event, the floods in Pakistan and the impending impact of Hurricane Earl have one notable thing in common – Uranus in Pisces. The combination of water and disruption has been and will be a test of response. The response(s) in turn have served to distinguish the people involved in one way or another. Of course, there’s more to any of these event complexes than just a planet in a sign, but it’s a biggie.

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