How We Are

By Len Wallick

“The last phases (degrees of a sign) carry the possibility to purify the soul so that new life experience is possible, but first you may have to face those things which rise from the unconscious.” — Kirsti Melto, paraphrasing Raimo Nikula

Today is the last full day of the Sun in Aries. It is the last full day of Chiron in Aquarius (for this part of the transition cycle). Mercury stationed retrograde yesterday. Jupiter forms a semisextile, 30 degrees of contact, with Eris. The Moon moved into the sign of Cancer and will oppose Pluto in Capricorn today as well.

All or any of those could fairly be the subject of our blog today. They will be deferred in favor of what our own Barbara Koehler has called the “once in a lifetime scenario” of a very special yod with a very special placement.

The term yod is conferred by the shape of the aspect, that of a letter “Y”. The upper part of the letter “Y” represents two or more planets in a sextile aspect, 60 degrees separate. The participants in sextile work in harmony but the key word is work. Effort must accompany opportunity. It is like receiving a scholarship or a grant. Potential is rewarded but it must be made to happen.

The two sextiled points in a yod are each separated from the third point, the bottom of the letter “Y” by 150 degrees. This aspect, called a quincunx or inconjunct, is distinguished by the fact that the participants have nothing in common. They share neither element (earth, air, fire, water), nor mode (cardinal, fixed, mutable) nor receptivity (masculine/ feminine). Hence the planet at the bottom of the “Y” is in a position of estrangement from either side simultaneously. Adjusting to resolve the alienation at the apex is the imperative.

True yods are rare because the orb of influence for each participant is 2 degrees or less. Every once in a while a fourth planet or point is found precisely opposing the apex, thus appearing precisely in the middle of the sextile. This turns the “Y” into something resembling a peace symbol. This fourth, opposing planet, ironically works to resolve the tension. This is because points of astrological oppositions have something in common, mode and receptivity. This adds clarity and information. This special type of yod is sometimes referred to as a boomerang. The caveat for this aspect is that of an individual or group getting caught up, losing self-control or self-direction.

Today’s astrology features that special sort of “boomerang” yod populated by some heavy hitters. Before we go down the lineup, one other thing. All the participants are in the last degrees of their respective signs. Hence they are in possession of the whole extension of the signs they have occupied, some of them for a very long time.

In this corner of the sextile (wearing the bright red shorts) we find the Sun, center of the solar system, and source of heat and light. It is the expression and extension of self out and into the world. In the last degree of Aries, where it is exalted, it carries the full extension of the exuberant flame of individual assertion.

In the other corner of the sextile (wearing the Russian blue trunks) we find Chiron and Neptune in the last degrees of Aquarius, combining to focus awareness on that which was previously invisible, they condense the elusive into the tangible. At the end of Aquarius they carry the full extension of the collective, identifying with it.

The sextile has the potential to advance the imperfect union of the individual and the collective, relieving the oscillation between exploitation and dependence. It replaces alienation with altruism, seeing a common good in common achievement. The sextile exalts the one to the benefit of all, and detriment of none — expanding the inclusive and diminishing the exclusive. With it, we figure out just what we have to do to be fully human without sacrificing our humanity.

At the apex of the yod, focus of the tension is Saturn, retrograde in Virgo. Saturn reflects both the benefits and shortcomings of the colloquial term, keeping it real. It provides the principle of limitations, boundaries and structures, positively expressed as defining, negatively expressed as confining. There is nothing warm and fuzzy about Saturn. Neither is there anything dissolute or decadent. Retrograde in a mutable earth sign it carries the full extension of propriety either informed by or conflicted with desire, with convention either balanced by or challenged by innovation. It has little in common with the cardinal fire or the fixed air. It is under pressure. It is in retreat. Only the unlikely and unexpected can bring resolution.

In steps Uranus at the end of Pisces, effectively in opposition to Saturn, though still applying to exactitude. For purposes of a yod, it’s close enough. Who would have thought that there was any scenario where the ongoing opposition of Saturn and Uranus would contribute a relief of pressure? A release of tension? Well, we are seeing it today. How could that be?

As in real estate, so in astrology. Location, location, location. Today, placed neatly between the Sun and the Neptune-Chiron conjunction, it carries the whole extension of Pisces with the simple message: MOVE FORWARD TOGETHER. This is not the time to be attached to our grudges. This is not the place for the polemic. We can’t afford the waste of destroying that which works. We can’t sustain the insanity of repeating that which does not. Today’s aspect does not necessarily represent something final or momentous. As a matter of fact, the odds are overwhelming against that. However, it is a point of perspective. Let’s pick out three things, one just past, one in progress and one starting today and take a look at opportunities lost, presented and offered.

This last Saturday a white supremacist group held a legally-permitted rally on the south lawn of the Los Angeles City Hall. There were about 50 of them. They were motivated by fear of immigrants. They were met in conflict by those who oppose racism. The result was violence. Think how different it would have been if the opponents had shown up with placards reading “we support your right to free speech” or “welcome to LA, spend money”. How different it could have been if these fearful white supremacists had been offered food and refreshment instead of objects thrown with the intent to injure. As it was, no problem got solved. Nobody changed their mind, or thought about it. Nothing was accomplished. Things were only made worse. We will have other chances.

Today, on the Potomac near our nation’s Capital begins an assembly of hard core gun enthusiasts. They too are motivated by fear that they somehow imagine can only be assuaged by possession of firearms with no purpose other than to kill other human beings. The potential of such a gathering, internally divided and without focus, will likewise provoke fear. The outcome is to be determined. How we respond is in our hands. Will we be brittle and broken by fear begetting fear? Will we contemplate how to achieve a culture where nobody feels the need to arm themselves? We don’t know what will happen, but we know it will not be easy.

Finally, for nearly a week now, through an active volcano in Iceland, the Earth itself has been speaking to us, providing perspective and putting us in our place. It is showing us by direct experience what we need to work on and where our strengths, as well as weaknesses are to be found. One single geological event in a remote place has brought awareness and focus to how small we are. How fragile our institutions and commerce. How we take so much for granted. At worst, this event has shown the cost and hardship that result from greed and exploitation. At best we have the chance to show each other how flexible and innovative our potential is if informed by devotion and compassion.

And so it goes. On the one hand, a day like any other. On the other a reminder that no day is like any other. Especially now as we find ourselves in the midst of a long process of inevitable and unavoidable transformation. We are tested by pressure. We are offered opportunity. We experience the consequences of our actions, individually and collectively. We are presented with our imperative. If we want to see the other side we must move forward and we must do it together.

Offered In Service

12 thoughts on “How We Are”

  1. With Criron and the Sun in the last minute(s) of the last degree of their respective signs, two things of note from the news:

    (1) The Pope hosted a luncheon attended by 46 cardinals today. In his address to them he referred to the Catholic Church as “injured”.

    (2) The winner of the Men’s division of the Boston Marathon broke the previous course record by a minute and a half.

  2. It was pretty amazing the three days between Sept. 11 and 14, 2001 when flights were banned in the US. I was living on Vashon Island, Washington, in the flightpath to Sea-Tac, and suddenly life was quiet. The air was not filled with the constant din and rumble of movement.

    We do not realize what a noisy planet we have made, nor do we appreciate the silence — but I think we’re intimidated by it.

  3. Just beautiful, Len, thank you.
    I keep thinking about giving flowers to people who carry guns or are afraid of immigrants…..I know it’s been done but somethings are worth doing over and over again!

  4. Len, this is a particularly beautiful piece. Thanks. I’d like to add a small note about the volcanic eruption from London resident’s perspective.

    I’m enjoying it immensely; not just the thought of the eruption which I find really exciting – this is the earth giving birth to itself after all. But the skies above my home have been blissfully silent for days. Today I was walking in the park, and I was vitally aware that there were no planes flying, that the atmosphere was peaceful. How wonderful not to have regular roars and groans and booms overhead at all hours. I wondered if anyone else felt like they were more awake and alive simply because they didn’t have to tune out the extra noise. It’s like this eruption has opened up this beautiful clear space and it seems up to anyone conscious of it to make the most of it. To me the birds seem to be singing much more loudly – probably it’s just the absence of planes, but maybe at some level they are appreciating the opportunity to call for a mate in daylight (though I recall upsetting stories a couple of years ago of scientists discovering that our birds are having to sing at night because during the day it was so noisy their potential mates couldn’t hear them). Right now my street in North London is positively bursting with birdsong – its a sexy symphony!

    We think the background noise is ‘normal’; it isn’t and actually it makes us tune out all of our senses to a spectacular degree. I love these curveballs from Nature (perhaps enhanced by the day’s astrology?). They give us a chance to perceive how fucked up our ‘normal’ really is. For my part I hope the volcano keeps going for a while longer. I don’t car about the ‘lack’ of pineapple chunks form Ghana or baby sweetcorn from Thailand or cut flowers from Africa. I am loving the gift of this space.

  5. My indebted thanks go out to Fe Bongolan (just back from tropical vacation to edit this piece); to Barbara Koehler, a generous teacher who first brought the yod to my attention and to Eric for creating and maintaining this space.

  6. This last Saturday a white supremacist group held a legally-permitted rally on the south lawn of the Los Angeles City Hall. There were about 50 of them. They were motivated by fear of immigrants. They were met in conflict by those who oppose racism. The result was violence. Think how different it would have been if the opponents had shown up with placards reading “we support your right to free speech” or “welcome to LA, spend money”. How different it could have been if these fearful white supremacists had been offered food and refreshment instead of objects thrown with the intent to injure. As it was, no problem got solved. Nobody changed their mind, or thought about it. Nothing was accomplished. Things were only made worse. We will have other chances.

    This is an incredibly lucid explanation of a very warped dynamic between groups who perpetuate resistance. I particularly enjoyed “welcome to LA, spend money” because it gets right to the point about shared realities. So much that is of the essence of being human is often not manifested while remaining much more important than all that oppositional moral drivel.

    Super piece, Len. Bravo!


  7. Personally, I’m speechless, but Ceres says you take the cake, and she’s baked a big one in your honor Len. Pallas salutes you and I’m told Eris has something shiny with your name on it! Arachne is still marvelling at the exquisite pattern of your words and material and Venus wants to give you a big hug. We all love you and thank you for your wisdom and for sharing it with us.

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