Midnight greetings from Book of Blue studio…it is two minutes to 12 (first edition). This is now the second edition, which revises last night’s adding dates of Nessus sign changes courtesy of Serennu. Note that Nessus, the third Centaur (discovered 1993) usually takes two years to change signs. Nessus, which orbits the Sun between Saturn and Neptune, is similar to Chiron in many ways, but with more specific themes. Two other aspects support today’s main discussion — Venus trine Pholus, and Sun conjunct Amor — an interesting day for real developments in love stories and the values that inform them.
Dear Friend and Reader:
Hidalgo square Nessus is the aspect of the day.
Hidalgo (an asteroid named for the priest who started the Mexican revolution) is the rebel who pulls it off. A square involving Hidalgo represents an inner revolt, and square Nessus is against the things that shut us down: negativity, mistrust, fear and abuse. Alice Miller points out that we must come to the recognition that we were all abused kids growing up in Western society. Growing up in an extremely judgmental, often blatantly racist society and instructed to hate a wide diversity of supposed enemies, we can become pretty freaky fish.
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Nessus tells us where we have internalized these things. A lot of us alive today have Nessus in Taurus or Gemini. In Taurus (1938/40 through 1961/63), it could be a crack in the values system that allows for certain hypocrisies to pass through. One result, Chiron-styled, could be a defender of truth and justice; the good cause, which is always a matter of values.
In Gemini (1961/63-1974/76) there is something afflicted with the inner twin. This is nothing less than the relationship with oneself.
The ideoglosia, the secret language of our inner twins, may be difficult for one or the other to understand. Nessus here can also talk about a difficult situation with siblings. I have never heard about a study on how well siblings get along through different phases of history. I think it would be really interesting to have a window into that.
In Cancer (starting 1974/76 through July 19, 1982), we might get a crack in the home, a little vent for darkness regarding whether one is ever safe. In the Western world, the divorce rate was skyrocketing, though for many families this represented a significant improvement over the prior state of affairs.
This being said, the mid- to late 1970s was a time focused on the home and making home for many people, after the tumult of the 1960s and early 1970s. It was a time of beginning to heal the wounds of the Vietnam War, when nearly all the troops came home. This was also the post-Watergate phase of American history, when people had a healthy mistrust in the government and when many paranoid policies of the Nixon administration (such as COINTELPRO) were reversed, corrected or finally revealed to the public. For example, the FISA court was created so that Americans could not be spied on willy-nilly by the government, but that is another issue: the Bush administration has done its best to subvert that court.
Cancer is not just the home, as in one’s hovel. It is home in the ecological sense; our planet. Eco literally means home and thus ecology is the study of home. In Esoteric Astrology by Bailey, she describes Cancer as a sign of the initiation of incarnation. In other words, Cancer is a kind of portal through which souls enter the planetary field. So it is our collective home, and then it represents our individual home (though Capricorn is influential here as well). This is a perfect ring with the Aries Point, which is personal, but then collectivizes.
Anyway — our aspect today is retrograde Hidalgo in Scoprio square Nessus in Aquarius. Gee whiz, Hidalgo in Scorpio: a sexual rebellion. Perhaps not a revolution, but an inward (retrograde) claiming of that Scorpionic sea of pleasure, depth and the shadow material that makes sex interesting. The problem with sex is that we keep it secret — often from ourselves as well, a Scorpio theme. So Hidalgo here to me is saying, reveal all secrets to yourself.
Aquarius takes this into a group context. Nessus currently in Aquarius is telling us we have a collective sexual injury that we need to heal together.
I have a clue for you: the sexuality of other people is interesting and beautiful. Listening in detail to what others experience is not just the Chivas Regal of porno; you learn about yourself with every word and nuance of feeling. I suggest we talk to ourselves and then one another on two topics.
One is the extremely dark experiences we carry, in particular from childhood abuse. It is like everyone drags this stuff into their relationships behind their back. Let’s get it on the table where we can use it to heal our lives.
The second are our secret pleasures or unspoken needs. Listen up people, we simply must break and free up the taboo on revealing ourselves for real. No charade. It feels really good to have people know what makes you feel good, and you get the amazing added benefit of letting go of guilt because what you feel is ok.
Aquarius is another of the astrological “individual via collective and back” archetypes. It is the emblem of rebellion and the rebel, but also the most insidious kinds of social metaprograms — you know, groupthink on some very scary scales.
Nessus in Aquarius is reminding us we have some significant cultural darkness we are working through or attempting to work through. It is collective darkness, not just individual. Chiron has been in Aqua for the same three years or so that Nessus has been there. Together, they are doing what they can to ignite a kind of insurrection of consciousness.
Padre Hidalgo, the High Priest of Scorpio, is here to inform the gringo forces of whoever would take sex away, that we are taking it back.
Yours & truly,
Aspects for Monday 14 April 2008, courtesy of Serennu.
Mercury (22+ Aries) conjunct 1992 QB1 (22+ Aries)
Eros (9+ Taurus) quincunx Pholus (9+ Sagittarius Rx)
Venus (9+ Aries) trine Pholus (9+ Sagittarius Rx)
Amor (24+ Aries) sesquiquadrate Pholus (9+ Sagittarius Rx)
Atlantis (20+ Libra Rx) sesquiquadrate Ceres (5+ Gemini)
Hidalgo (14+ Scorpio Rx) square Nessus (14+ Aquarius)
Sun (24+ Aries) sesquiquadrate Pholus (9+ Sagittarius Rx)
Mars (16+ Cancer) semisquare Saturn (1+ Virgo Rx)
Sisyphus (21+ Libra Rx) square Jupiter (21+ Capricorn)
Sun (24+ Aries) conjunct Amor (24+ Aries)
Mercury (23+ Aries) quincunx Psyche (23+ Scorpio Rx)
Ceres (6+ Gemini) semisquare Eris (21+ Aries)
Sisyphus (21+ Libra Rx) sesquiquadrate Ceres (6+ Gemini)
Mercury (23+ Aries) sextile Neptune (23+ Aquarius)
Oracle takes us back to Aug 01, 2002
Taurus – Planet Waves Weekly by Eric Francis
A rapidly-developing set of influences will help you resolve certain challenges that may have recently developed in your home or family situation. But is the healthy new influence luck or is it the intervention of someone’s goodwill? Once you decide to give thanks where it’s due. While we’re on the theme of problems and solutions we can (as friends and with any luck as a culture) acknowledge that fear and insecurity are among the greatest drains on peace and happiness. There is an old Yiddish saying that if something does not have a solution then it’s not a problem. These would be good words to live by as the next week progresses.
Alice Miller, one of my major heroes. Each one of us adapted to a society that doesn’t believe in the existence of the truth of who we are. This is pain that we don’t believe we are entitled to experience.
I have for many years identified with the unicorn. I know I exist. I know I’m a unicorn. I walk around the planet and people see an ordinary horse.
Why don’t people see the horn? (scuse the Freudian slip) Because we’ve been led to believe that we are ordinary horses. And through those blinkers, unicorns become mythical creatures and we are all dummed down to the lowest common denominator of mundane existence.
I would like to add that I love horses and that no horse was harmed in the typing of this message.
I would also like to add that Hidalgo encourages breaking out of the “I’m just an ordinary horse” syndrome. Let Hidalgo in Scorpio break down the barriers that are created through our pain of not believing in our own magic. Nessus in Aquarius is the genius in each one of us coming out of the bottle (Oh, did you say genius, I thought you said genie). Believe.
Free at last!! Great call shebear13.
in love,
“Padre Hidalgo, the High Priest of Scorpio, is here to inform the gringo forces of whoever would take sex away, that we are taking it back”
right fucking on!
from a survivor of irish catholicism (seven years in boarding school/mental prison no less)
free at last, thank the goddess universal, free at last!!