Hebe in the chart of Palestine Independence

Dear Friend and Reader:

I want to check in with my astrological discovery of the day regarding the chart of the Palestinian independence declaration.

On one level, despite my pro-Israeli bias (I admit to still being in love with Golda Meir), what is happening now is truly a massacre of abused, starved people driven to hate their oppressors. But there is so much in the Palestinian chart about self-inflicted injuries, amorality and tribal madness that I am inclined to think this story really does go back thousands of years, though in our postmodern frame of mind, we don’t really acknowledge this consciously. At least most people have compassion for those who are getting bombed; and protests continue across Europe and well beyond.

The word “Palestine” was created by the Romans nearly 2,000 years ago, apparently as part of a program of suppressing Zionism. King Herod was not a big fan of the Jews. I dug back to the first revision of the Wikipedia page on Palestine, the first draft, and discovered this. I feel like the last person to be finding out.

“The region of Palestine is the land between the Mediterranean Sea and the banks of the Jordan River, plus various adjoining lands. Many different definitions of the region have been used in the past three millennia.” So there is no stable definition of the territory or the people. The term is only an indirect reference to non-News. Here is a history of the name.

It continues, “At one point early in the 20th century, Great Britain tried to settle the disputes over the disposition of the region by assigning all the land east of the Jordan River to a new kingdom, which became today’s state of Jordan. The remainder of the region then became known as ‘Palestine’, and people largely stopped referring to any lands east of the Jordan River as being part of the region of Palestine.”

So Palestine used to include Jordan, and Jordan is a new country, created in the last century. And the Palestinian people we know of today might have become Jordanian under slightly different circumstances. Palestine once also included parts of Syria and Lebanon. I was not around when this happened and I wonder what happened, that is, what it was like if you were on the ground. So they are basically Arabs who were not adopted by one of those three countries. (My Hebrew mysticism teacher, the late Arthur Joseph Kushner, used to say this all the time, and now I know what he was on about. Here is one of his poems, on another subject.)

I am off my point a bit here, though. I became curious about the asteroid Hebe in the chart for the independence of the Palestinians, done under Yassir Arafat in 1988. Hebe is about the codependent triangle of abuser, abused and rescuer.

One thing that we need to remember about the Israeli people is that they are no ordinary lot, and they were in particular not so ordinary in the late 1940s, having just barely survived annihilation by the Nazis. So when they took or were given (depending on who you ask, and how you ask) territory in Palestine in 1948, they were emerging from the role of the totally abused, murdered and displaced. And then this beleaguered people was set, or settled in, amidst their other enemies, the Arabs.

Then ensued a story, amidst nonstop political manipulation in the modern era, that we have not heard the end of, even as we watch the late breaking news from all the usual unreliable sources.

As for Hebe. It’s on the 12th house cusp of the Palestinian independence chart, exactly square Pluto and Mercury. Like, exact to a fraction of a degree. This is all about codependency (abuser/abused/rescuer), and square Pluto it has that distinctly deeply introverted quality. It’s about a sick, spiraling relationship to existence, often acted out with others, and today, Israel, the survivors of the Holocaust, is pounding the shit out of a bunch of defenseless, hungry people, fulfilling that aspect. And these somehow tribes keep surviving to keep telling the story in a different generation, from a different side of the triangle.

— Eric Francis

39 thoughts on “Hebe in the chart of Palestine Independence”

  1. Worms? So what time is it on *your* planet, B? Your timestamp says after 10 in the morning, pretty sure the worms done been found.




    Anyone who remembers my post re: Nemisis in this chart, just forget it. I was looking at the wrong chart (wrong date) so he’s not conjunct Nessus. That’s Liilith at 20+ Virgo.

    Now go away and leave me alone. I need to find some worms.

  3. Victoria,

    I swear you can be so funny; it’s a joy to read when you get on a roll (role?).

    And Gardener too. . . is everybody getting slap-happy? You know how hospital employees, esp. the ER, feel about what happens to people during a full moon. Is it that release of energy that happens during these times? Pent up maybe?

    And I just got an hour dose of History Channel telling me all the ways the world and all it’s inhabitants could come to an end.

    DAMN It feels good to be alive! . . . . and you’re supposed to be watching for a SAIL boat – not a SHIP boat! Big difference.

  4. A-ha! Your friend is onto something – the world’s citizens all focused on the same thing! Cancer 22 opposing Capricorn – so who won the brick-breaking contest?

    Maybe cancer 22? Translated by Cancer 23 – A serious little study group, a literary club, has met for social and intellectual fellowship in some member’s home.

    I prayed for you all last night and again this morning. I’d say the ship came in after all.

  5. be, my healers are all around me. I’m really doing okay. Gardener got my bricks busted. Well hello chakra no. 1.

    I talked with an elder sister today. She opened with: I hate to say that I’m seeing things, but this is what I saw.

    We have the bailout blitz and the violence blitz along with some earth rumbling and we all said something’s not right. And in unison the citizens of the world asked a question “what is going on?” That’s alot of focussed energy. And I believe we are finding out. So pop up some corn, sit back and relax, and watch it happen. Oh yeah, I’m in the movie too. I am working that part.

  6. well, bust my bricks Gardener. After we exchanged last night, I got offline and stoked the fire in preparation to go prone and experience the movies. I heard a rumble in the distance outside, a plane? I moved to the porch in the full moon lit shadows of plants and trees. It was like the sound of a plane high overhead but it was closer, closer to the ground some distance south. Hmmmm! Fire was going, I got prone. And I felt my eldest sister. It’s weird. She is very psychic. Lately I have noticed when she calls I have just thought of her. Anyway, I was all resonatey with the energy of the moon when she called. She was being smarmy. She must have sensed where I was at feeling the power of creation. She threatened me with the “evil” twin. (oh oh I just heard that sound again and the pheasants are back, I’m doing double time here: and two females being chased by a male, dear me, it’s moving too fast). That she would sig the twin on me. I saw the pattern. Here’s where you come in. I said to her: You are bullying me. It isn’t working for me anymore. She insisted. She said: it’s funny and laughed. And I said: it’s funny alright. BREAK THE CHAIN!

    Thanks for the powerful earth energy in your words.

  7. I keep getting blocked because I’m trying to direct you to another website.

    anyway – I stopped having so many psychic experiences after I visited the osteopath. Sometimes we carry a lot fo negative energy insdie of us and hang onto it because it is part of who we are – or who we have become. Let go of fear and anger and allow love to take its place. Fear and anger create hugely negative experiences. Dark cannot exist where there is light. Love energy brings greater love energy back to you. What happens when you smile at strangers? If I’d gone to the osteopath 10 years sooner I would not have needed a hip replacement. Attitude is everything! That was my example about the kung fu masters. Maybe enrolling in a kung fu class would help too.

    My doctor’s name was Brooksby, and he wrote a book called “Be Still and Know” about the spiritual energy, or chi, that is inside us and all around us. He was a student of James Jealous. If you can find someone like that, you will be very blessed indeed.

    An old Indian healer told me to drink peppermint tea once. Try googling for a prayer by Howard Wills – the series of prayers are a wonderful daily meditation. it is howard wills dot com.

    Remember to always pray for the ancestors and all the relations, because we are them and they are us.

  8. I stopped having so many ‘psychic’ experiences after I visited the osteopath. Sometimes we carry a lot of negative energy inside of us, and hang onto it because it is part of who we are, or at least who we think we are. Let go of fear and anger and allow love to take its place. Fear and anger create hugely negative experiences. dark cannot exist where there is light. Love energy brings greater love energy back to you. Try smiling at strangers in the store and on the street. What happens when you frown at them? You are lucky if all you get is a ‘fuck you’. It took four trips to the osteopath for me, but it worked. If I’d gone 10 years earlier I would never have needed a hip replacement. Attitude is everything! That was my example above, about the kung fu masters. Maybe enrolling in a kung fu class would help too.

    It isn’t easy to find someone who can work with this energy. My doctor was Brooksby, who authored a book called “Be Still and Know” – it was all about the spiritual energy that is inside and around us. You might try to find the book and read it, and then start searching for someone who can do what he did. There are not many doctors who can do this kind of healing. He was a student of James Jealous.

    Drink Peppermint Tea – it is very spiritually healing and comforting too. Visit the website http://www.howardwills.com and read the prayers out loud.

    Pray for the ancestors, and all the relations

  9. I don’t know either victoria, but my guess is that Saturn, the transiting one, yeah, the grim reaper guy, has been on or is about to be on your (as it is on your sister’s) natal Virgo Sun. When it was on my Sun I was about to leave town to care for my elderly mom. It crossed over my Sun (retrograde) and back, and during that time she died. I heard voices (coming from inside me) and I had aches and pains due to the intense physical stress of caring for her, and yet I was able to see it through to the end. I attribute that to Saturn – the strength to see it through – because he’s just that kind of guy. Talks about serious stuff, like dying, but gives us (me) strength to get through the worst of times.

    I’m interested in Gardener’s suggestion to you about seeing a spiritual healer. I believe there are many ways to find relief (from physical or mental or emotional discomfort). Seem’s Gardener had a successful release from something like that with this method. You both should be receiving some powerful stuff right now as the Moon is fully full in this moment. Your Venus and Gardener’s Moon are being zapped by the (full) moon which is not only opposed by the Sun, but sextiled by Saturn and trined by Uranus. This alone should help you clean the cave and gain a sense of (emotional anyway) freedom.

    I’m sorry if you get any negative vibes from all the symbols coming at you, but I really believe you will benefit from “them” especially if you regain and keep the balance. The balance between the “out there” and the “in here” mostly, but in other ways too. You have the skills and the knowledge to do that. The sailboat will get here – I’m betting – sooner or later.

    Later for me dude…..

  10. Victoria,

    Have you thought about seeing a spiritual healer? I went to one once – an osteopath – not just any osteopath, but one who was gifted in cranial rythmic impulse work. The results were amazing. He worked with abuse problems, both present life and past life abuse. He said he could ‘age’ the scars – and he was talking about past life. Look for a website that explains cranial rythmic energy. I tried to answer this twice already and planet waves held up th ecomment.

    My doctor died two years ago. Some chiropractors can also work with the cranial rythm, but an osteopath is meidcally trained toknow if there is something organically wrong.

  11. Victoria,

    Have you thought about seeing a spiritual healer? I went to one once – an osteopath – not just any osteopath, but one who was gifted in cranial rythmic impulse work. The results were amazing. He worked with abuse problems, both present life and past life abuse. He said he could ‘age’ the scars – and he was talking about past life.

    Here is a website to look at that explains osteopathy and cranial energy. http://www.cranialacademy.com/cranial.html – I picked it out of a google search so I don’t know anything about this school.

    The doctor who treated me died two years ago. Some chiropractors can also work with cranial rythm, but an osteopath is medically trained to know if there is something organically wrong.

  12. Gardner, with your physical know how, I am sure you will be busting bricks by morning or getting a pretty good idea of how to do that. So you are my friend right? You really don’t want to hurt anyone right?

  13. be, about the Varuna, Eris thing. I think Varuna might be the great equalizer in the power we are. For example, lets say we are all bipolar. We feel good. We feel bad. We like feeling good. We do not like feeling bad. Of two poles. No matter how you cut it and I know all you practitioners have to do that: it’s a dirty job but somebody has got to do it, Eris feels isolated, victimized, cut off and pissed (again, not that that comes from personal experience or anything. ha ha, yolks on me. ) Varuna comes back at her anger with equal force, goading the power source.

    Okay let’s just say there’s this sister who I am coming to know well (all right all right so it’s me, picnic on my psyche I don’t care) and she is being beaten up alot and has anger, powerful anger and thank goodness a caring moon to keep her from becoming a mass murderer but she has no rescuer anywhere but herself. So after she takes a hit which opens the wound she must resort to her cave to recover before heading out again. Let’s say this traveller in time has her natal Varuna at 12 taurus (the porter with oh so heavy baggage to carry and it keeps getting heavier, I don’t have to see that one, I can feel it in my body, and oh it is in the service sector, and the burden of service is so heavy it tenses the muscles and throws the spine out of alignment ). Thank you very much mr chiro for being there. The power source is very strong cuz she needed that, she is on a mission to release her past crippled life (which made her feel so helpless and dependent in the first place) manifested from all those battle wounds. And she comes under mass attack from all sides of her life and she collapses in a heap, she is crippled again. Damn! And there in complete defeat (did I mention my venus is at 22 cancer) physically unable to move, she surrenders (and blames her lazy mars). But as she surrenders, and lets go into slumber, some two timing trickster venus kicks her in her 7/8 (I’d say 8th house) and symbols start appearing and she sleeps so much that waking and sleeping become the same thing and the symbols are everywhere. And she starts to laugh. And then she starts talking in this strange voice and wonders what’s up with that. The voice does not stop coming and she realizes it is here to stay and it is integrating. Oh I forgot about her Eris, didn’t I mention that, it is at 9 aries.

    I’m not sure about what I am experiencing be, but I’m liking it. Called it psychic if you want to. What’s on my mind is materializing in my environment or is it vica versa? All I know is that I am in the crone energy and I have to resort, reorder and clean her cave.

    As I hit the Born to be Wild thing today. I reviewed the steppenwolf lyrics and there was the sun and immediately I thought of icarus. oh no. oh no. I might get too close to the sun and burn. Icarus at 1 cap. And as I made a new fear my upper back, my wings, started to ache. i don’t know be, I just don’t know. And it’s okay. It is what it is all about. This kind of “chaos” feels good. I just never know and there is always a new surprise. And I trust the balance in the universe, in me.

  14. At some time we were all abused or the abuser – in one lifetime or another. The key is to forgive ourselves. Really – we are living all these lives at once – for time does not exist, and we are one spirit after all. While forgiveness isn’t truly necessary, it is the pathway to true enlightenment (awake at last instead of ‘free at last’). Pray to the ancestors and pray for forgiveness for yourself, for the ancestors, and for all life forms, including your parents. Especially your parents.

    LOVE, LOVE and LOVE again. Turn no one away from your abiding and abundant love – not the president, nor the congress, nor the soldiers, nor the terrorist. Don’t say one is better than the other. We are all one and the same – just playing different roles in different bodies, in different energy planes or waves – planet waves. Do you watch the karate experts fight? They get control of their internal chi, so they can break a brick that is say 7 bricks down from the top – all with the energy of their minds. In slow motion, once the chop is made, you can see the energy wave rush through their bodies – it looks like an ocean wave rippling through the hand, forewarm, upper arm, and down through the body. It seems like a miracle that their hands and arms are not crushed, but it is the energy that does the work.

    Anyway, my moon sign is cancer at 22 degrees, so I sure hope that sailboat shows up tonight.

  15. be, I should have known I would hear from you. The pheasnts scampered by my window again. And you won’t believe this. That open letter thing.

    I drove to a sister’s house for lunch (everywhere food). I had not seen her in a long time. As I parked the car in her drive, I noticed her garage door was open exposing the butt of her car. Oh no. Big mccain/palin stickers on the “right” bumper side (how appropriate), but on the left I saw hope (hopefully appropriate) “Beam me up sideways scotty. No one here knows which way is up.” As long as we stay away from politics, we do great. So I enter her home and there she is, in a batiqued smock top (how sixties: isn’t that what this is about anyway surrounded by the power of 7). But here’s the kicker, I had to go back outside to get some stuff I had for her, cuz after all she gave me some material clutter, I had to return the favor. But all for a reason, because as I got back to her door I noticed an open envelope tacked by the top of the triangle opening of the envelope to her door. It is an open envelope. I lifted it up to see the face and it said, for mowing lawn on Monday. I asked her about it. As she works the boneyard shift, and sleeps days, she uses the envelope to put payment in for the yard guy (lawn, snow). It was fun to see the wide open envelope. And it was a fun day.

    She has been considering life and I know physical death. She is an older sister, a fellow virgoan, so in some ways I look at her, in her saturnian return, for clues. Her cave is messy too. As she accepts death she plans her memorial. She is craftsy, but very artsy in her craftsy. She creates beautiful things. And that is the memorial she is leaving the world. What she creates. Isn’t that an awesome way to look at life. She cares for the elderly by night and I am sure moving the creative energy in others too. Kinduv like you do, and the staff and bloggers on this site, and maybe even me.

    Oh oh be, you are indeed a symbolina pusher, I just took a break from this and went and got an envelope of the exact kind on the door of my sister. It is a standard rectangular envelop and man did I have a time opening it up to a full piece of paper with the glue job on that puppy. Just thought I’d let you know, it folds out into a diamond shape. Hmmm, what’s been going on in the mines of Solomon? I am just musing. It’s what I do in the land of symbols. If you get bored, try this exercise, and then look at the angles of the four trianges and the rectangle and see what you get.

    About the star of hope, that’s where I saw it, the history channel. The hopi drawing in the cave (back in the cave again) revealed a line which then split into two lines. One line showed famine and the other showed plenty (wasn’t it corn, like food, the native americans are big on corn, beans and squash?) The mediator said it is a choice and then revealed hope as a blazing blue diamond called the star. I think we have a choice here, you old two timer geminoid lover.

    The question I have about that program which means I need to see it again or look at this closer is this: the egyptian pyramid, the mayan temple, the henlaye(?) cross, points to this cosmic event and the spiritual transformation? I don’t remember a death knoll stream from those places. But ye ol grim reaper, nose up his religious damous, sees all sorts of crap? Could that be a reflection of his take on the punishing god. I mean we can only understand things through the time that we live in? For example, there is an old native american prediction somewhere that says, it will be summer everywhere. Yes cyclical changes, does that mean we have to burn to death about it? And that polar bear, they need to move her south, she migrated there, that is why she is white. She is basically a brown grizzly. The problem with the animals is that we haven’t left room for them. They made a huge reserve for the panda but now the climate has changed and the panda needs to move and the habitat is not so moveable. I would say we could use large wild redundancy spaces across the planet to accomodate the beasts. Locals here are moving in llamas and some strange birds. Oh boy, I’m getting into my personal stuff again. Scratch that part, I’m already on it!

    That is all I know about the blue star of hope. That we have a choice. And you know what, it really don’t matter. Do your part in the big show, work your performance, and present your creation. Sometimes we hit, sometimes we miss. Those are just the details that drive us into chaos because of our self judgement. Too many details per this virgo.

    Blah blah blah.

  16. gaelfire, I brushed against Starhawk once in a weird sort of way. I was taking of all things a series of management classes in an effort to understand what was going on with corporate management. Well, I aced the classes but got no evidence of the existence of what they were teaching in the classes in the managers I worked under.

    But anyway, it was a leadership project. Exploring leadership and as I perused the aislses of the library, there was a book written by Starhawk that I don’t even remember the name of. But I remember it sparking my power source. True fuel for my engine.

    I am not knowlegeable about the Israeli culture, except that they wear a banner of victim. And that it is our job to rescue them. There was a question people talked about when I entered college (now remember I was fresh off the farm at that time: mid 70s). Was Jewish a country or a religion? Seems like a thread through the world as I knew Jews every where I travelled.

    The only really bothersome thing I have heard is that when it comes to torture, Israel has the best of the nastiest torturers. And it’s the place we ship the ones we really don’t like, the ones that just won’t submit, the ones that piss us off. Once again the world uses the angry to do its dirty work. It is a manipulation of a vulnerability to harm a perceived “enemy.” (Not that I have resembled this in my lifetime or anything. ha ha)

    If we are committed to being a victim, do we not attract abusers to make us so? Is this the dance of anger? And isn’t is as simple as breaking the cycle.

    My anger issues came from past energies on the battlefield. This series of pictures started after a sudden death that rocked my world. I could not sleep for days. I was in an amplified state of shock. And I saw him on the battlefield. His sister and I upon horse on the rock ledge above the battlefield. And thus opened my warrior energy in my time of need. (Bad. Good. Bad. Good. Badgood, badgood, badgood.) I worked with this energy for a very long time. And I felt all the wounds of war in my body, many wars, many deaths. And then as I drove to sup with this sister of time, I heard all these voices streaming into my world, we forgive you, we forgive you. And they just kept coming. I was like forgive me? You killed me. And there it was. I allowed myself to be hurt. I assumed the position. And I fed their anger, their fear of death. And it brought me to my own death time after time. (At supper, I raised my table knife and she raised hers and we crossed swords in perfect balance, and therein lied the peace.)

    One only has to look at the holiday party on this site to see the powerful effects and responses this situation touches in all of us. Maybe the only hope is that if we each look at our victim we can change the energy in the world. I feel no more pain in my heart for Israel than I do when palin raises her head. This thing is being aired out on all levels. It is a fear of death. The death of the ego.

    I have seen alot of death in my lifetime, I am aware of the physical “cycle of death.” I was born into a death knoll. I was beaten badly in this lifetime, time after time, with no rescue but for myself. I was given the power of life which renewed me time after time. And sometimes I was just buzzing along and I felt like I was gonna die. It would scare me. But then I came to know the feeling. I was in for a change. My big old ego shrouding my fear was ready for another release into freedom.

    This country packs power. Check out the goddess/god (hard to tell) in the harbor. She is a beacon. She is liberation. She was not bombed, our financial center was. As she was being rennovated and strengthened, the towers fell.

    Let us not fall into the victim mode and turn to one man to save us all. This is gonna take all of us to shape some kind of world. A sister told me yesterday that the us govs expenditures are gonna be posted on line. If that is my bag, it is my responsibility to audit that. When I go to the medical practitioner, they are not god either, it is my responsibility to confront that practitioner and ask questions and give input. She is only as good as all of her patients input. She needs us. She is a reflection of our needs, not the pharmaceutical companies who make up new diseases and market us into believing we have it so we go in and ask for drugs. They are marketing diseases to us, playing on our victimhood. And more and more that is what is providing the financial thieves with gold.

    We have laws to protect and laws to punish, but the dead bodies keep piling up. It is time to take action in our own selves before we two start clubbing each other to death. Isn’t there some kind of 100 monkey rule or something?

  17. victoria & kristenb,

    The triangles you both speak of, the positive and the negative, the inner and the outer, refer to ease(in use of energy) in astrology. As you said victoria, the triangle is “strength in construction” and, since my feeling is that both of you have not-so-nascent psychic talents, I read Eric’s new post “Full Moon Summons the Goddesses & Gods” with fresh eyes.

    Eric says that Eris & Varuna in square at the Full Moon “is apropos of the sense of invisible confusion that we CANNOT TELL IF IT’S WITHIN US OR AROUND US – OR BOTH”. His description of Eris includes the “qualities” of womanity (love that word – rhymes with humanity??) that have been kept unconscious or at least discouraged until recently. I wonder if they include psychic ability? Not always thought of as a positive – at least not in this country. I’m thinking/feeling that Varuna might be challenging Eris to bring clarity to the “sense of invisible confusion” we feel, leading to stability (triangle)out of chaos. victoria regained her balance after talking to her “sources; kristenb suggests that we will get to the next world by finding our own boundaries and identifies practical solutions to help the Palestinians (in this case) regain balance.

    There are triangles in astrology at this time too. Varuna with Neptune and Chiron (who’s triangle is: wounder, wounded & healer), and the Sun at full moon with Saturn and Sedna – a grand trine. Many possibilites here for you to meditate on.

    And victoria – I like be..let it be, let it be. Also want to hear more about the blue star when you have time. Think I saw a piece on History Channel recently. . not sure.

  18. kristenb, better legs and butts might be a good idea, never know when we might be moving too fast for conditions and our butt gets strung upside down for the world to see. If we get 15 minutes of fame, let’s be looking good!

  19. I don’t know if this will help as I am aware how often I get caught ‘spinning’ and duly am humbled by recent times in my own life. Or, another way to say it is ‘getting caught in the narrative.’

    This is in no way meant to diminish narrative, but rather to acknowledge that the narrative is ever changing depending upon who you read, how far back you go, what you hope for the future, etc. Each of us ‘reads’ and ‘hears’ different things in history as well as in the moment.

    The triangle of perpetrator, victim, rescuer, the ‘out there,’ if you will, can be looked at inwardly as the I, me, mine, the ‘in here.’ Where the I is the perpetrator, the me is the victim and the mine is what needs to be rescued or secured. The I is the doing self, holding self-concepts in time, the me is fearful and the mine is possessive or captured in own dualistic attitudes. So, any feelings of helplessness of what is going on ‘out there’ can be addressed ‘in here.’

    Reaching for the dissolution of the triangle I, me, mine can bear the fruits of freedom from compulsiveness, from shoulds and oughts, strengthen fearlessness to see the world as it really is, you know, without self-referent attachment, thus allowing all the diversity and coherence and a sense of unity to prevail.

    Tricky business, especially for fired up leaders, nascent leaders in training and everyone following trying to find their place. And having a sense of place, being grounded, is usually high on the list for most people whether they are salty real or new age flyers, thus we end up fighting over “ground” or “definition.” We exclude, rather than include, or worse we pass judgment on the very thing that is being pointed out as having occurred in the first place flying under the radar for whatever reason.

    And when we all feel alienated, who’s gonna take the first step beyond using abusive language or jumping to conclusions?

    Where’s the way out?

    Simple acknowledgement. “Yes, we bombed the shit out of you.” “I am sorry you lost 2 children, a grandparent and your lover.” “I know you feel hurt/are scared/unsure. May I give you a hug?”

    And, cultivation of resilience. Because crap happens, even when everyone is honestly, from the heart, trying to do their best. Resilience is tough to access though for sure when there has been no sense of acknowledge, breeds resentment instead, when folks are just told ‘to buck up.’

    So, looking at the chart, a way to help the Palestinians feel acknowledged and access their ability to move on, aka drop the narrative, might be to help them see the beautiful resources they possess/be granted them back so that they will not starve, and compliment them on their ability to expand their ideas and thoughts with respect to foreign ideas, cultures because their destiny is directed towards a Piscean daily existence.

    Well, I don’t really know. I was too scared to fly there myself several years back. It’s tough when there are two triangles of equal veracity in play.

    How do we get to forgiveness, inclusiveness? I feel if we can answer this within first by finding our own boundaries, noticing our own compulsions and assumptions, we will learn to hear what is really being said and be able to answer direct questions, thus provide information others need to hear so they can choose respectfully too. Then, our next world will emerge before our very eyes and everything we feel we lack will vanish in the overwhelming abundance that does exist, if only we refocus our energies from war to peace AND fire all those economists who perpetuate the scarcity theory in this day and age!

    And, maybe learn to ride our bikes more, changing the oil equation, which would give us all better legs and butts, possibly garnering us more raunchy, rocking sex. Just a theory 🙂

  20. be, (I love typing that word, I hope it is okay with you, it gives me strength). When the concept of Hebe hit me on this site last nite, I changed. I remember hitting upon that when I worked some incomprehensible martian feelings. And it came in the shape of a triangle. The triangle is strength in construction (even as a hack n tack carpenter, I know this). The triangle was easy to break once I became aware of my role in it (good thing my siblings did not have heavy munitions, and I really must thank them for never rescuing me, personal accountability goes a long way). I changed my reactions and it lost its power. But to change a culture or a group, I was lost. I lost hope. The triangle spun in my head until I looked at it point blank. And for the second time in this opening of heart energy I cried from my heart. A fire erupted in my chest and burned up all the oxygen in my lungs. And death disguised as an angel visited my dreams.

    As I made contact with my sources through the wires this morning, we compared notes and together we rekindled our tribal fire and I began to balance. And then came the call. The agitator was back in victim form looking for rescue and the rescuer was searching for my read. The agitator knows how to move the rescuer. I gave her an alternate positive spin so the victim would save herself (before she gets moved into the abuser role: break the chain the inner child cried out). At least this time I am not involved in the chain. And it is better to be watching this drama than to be in it. It has an energy of its own. It is good to be aware of my lack of control.

    After that call I saw the triangle, and I saw an upside down triangle intersecting it. I have seen this star before. However this could or will unfold is beyond me.

    So be, I understand complete transformation or death. And there is another star, a powerful star that is etched on our consciousness and transcribed by the Hopi tribe, the blue star of hope.

  21. The whole tribal thing was ringing a bell and I remembered eric saying (re:Wall St. discussion) about Nessus in Aquarius “it’s an alarm to beware the shadow of tribal involvements…as well as the need for some level of collective responsibility.” Well, transiting Nessus is in the 6th house of Palestine (’88) chart and is still running with all the big guns in Aquarius(also in the 6th). If this isn’t the time for healing (6th) the shadow of tribal involvement, the maimed ,bereaved, starving, etc., of these poor people, then when will it ever be?

    In their own chart Nessus is in tandem with Nemisis (seeking to place blame, scapegoating, finger pointing, “the Achilles Heel”, remember?). Mr. Reality, Saturn hard upon these two (warning of tribal involvement, scapegoating), is forcing, through pain and suffering, the awareness of unconscious behavious patterns. How long has this been going on again? If Uranus (transiting) can’t bring it to the surface (consciousness) by opposing them, who the hell can? Pluto? Well, he’s working on the Mars, Uranus and Saturn in the chart . . from the 4th house . . .conjunct Saturn (ouch) and Uranus and square Mars in the 7th (open enemies). Give them a break.

    I’d say complete transformation or death will be the outcome, however long it takes.

  22. I am calmer now. This drama triangle is kinduv like the biblical thing where god sends his son who is rejected by the jews (crucify him, crucify him) so god punishes them (abuser) and sentences them to roam the earth and get beat up for a certain amount of years (victim) and then gifts them with Israel (rescuer). The holy trinity of you must agree with me or else but in the end hey I’m really a nice guy after all and I really only did it for your own good. Very alcoholic behavior and sometimes you need to agitate your victim so you can punish her/him. Maybe that’s the rules of war. You don’t agree with me, (or you won’t give me what I want), I punish you by blasting the shit otta you, and then I send you aid to rebuild. From what I understand there is a question for the rescuer in why they send the aid, to save face or out of compassion.

  23. hebe jeebees, yikes. somebody pass them a mirror please, they are feeding off each other. are we playing a part in this pattern?

  24. Yes, at least part of the Israel question is indeed about oil. I discovered this several years ago while scanning some of the online information presented by the Harry S. Truman presidential library.

    Here’s a taste of what is available at the referenced website:


    I was brought up in a conservative Christian household where criticizing Israel was considered pretty much the same thing as atheism or devil worship. Astrological insights notwithstanding, I’m to a point now where I am really starting to question the accepted “Western” view on the subject of Israel.

  25. Gardener… I just read the INN piece on adopting Shari’ia law. Every time I hear the scream of *Allahu-akbar,* I quietly go in and erase the last two syllables and replace them with ALLAH-TU, the name of the desert goddess who actually IS the kaa-ba. The veiled black slit of the goddess around which Islam spins.

    “Unwind the blue-black hair,
    Unbind your longing for the Divine. ”

    And bkoehler, GOOD to hear about the upcoming Ceres trine. Yeah, we can work with that too. We’re on it…


  26. Eric-

    It DOES explain a big part of the “insanity” of this never-ending barbarianism. Which defies explanation. At least on the surface of it. So glad you came back with your discovery of Hebe and the additional history. No telling how much more understanding of this situation can come from the astrology associated with it.

    In response to one of your earlier posts on the subject, I wondered about the two planets in this chart that were being transited by Saturn right now. If I’m right, they are Nemisis and Nessus and these two are being opposed by transiting Uranus too. From what I was able to find out about Nemisis, it would seem that trans. Saturn could represent the people and press that focus on which country is to blame for “starting” the war. The blame game is his trademark isn’t it? This past new moon in Capricorn also opposed the chart’s Chiron and shares a big part of the “in your face” exposure no doubt.

    If so, the upcoming full moon in Cancer will trine Ceres in this chart and the focus, which seems to be changing, could swing to transiting Uranus’ conjunction to her. I’m hearing (mostly blogs, internet) more about the mothers (and fathers) who have lost their children, the starvation and suffering. Not to mention the trapped situation (a Pisces thing?) the Palestinians are in. There is just sooo much in this chart.

    I hope for their sake that this exposure will begin the dismantling of the war machine and bring the compassion we all feel DIRECTLY to the suffering people. I know I can’t bear to watch it anymore. Mystes will appreciate the Cancer Moon (at least temporarily) into this “friendless” 11th house chart!

  27. As Mona Charen so aptly puts it regarding Hamas, “They’ve adopted the sharia criminal code, which legalizes a number of medieval punishments including cutting off of hands, stoning, lashing, and crucifixion. Possession of wine will now get you 40 lashes in Gaza City. Thus does Hamas express its solidarity with its patron and inspiration, the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

    Gee whiz, these people are hard to love.

    This just happened before Christmas. Perhaps you could look at the chart? http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/129029

  28. okay, yes, I see my mistake… and that moon in Cap is too hard, though I didn’t notice it Void.

    The whole tribal energy rattles with impotence, a rage coiling down like its trying to thread an invisible needle. I think you might have tapped the spot with the Woman question. No Cancer, no woman, no Ma, no Moon.

    Right after 9/11 I went to my neighborhood mosque and meditated, shoeless and scarved, in the ‘mens’ section. It caused quite the stir. But I knew there were bigger things waiting in the wings beyond a few pissed-off Muslims. So I chose to sit and *appeared* to be taunting sexism. But in fact I –or more accurately, the thing that I am– was protecting them. Exactly one guy in the prayer room got it. That was enough.

    Cancer. There’s a reason for a 10-armed beastie in that spot. Love comes from all directions.

  29. PS, I miss my teacher Arthur in these matters. I would call him up and scan his thoughts regularly on these issues when they came up. He was a rabbi but he had no use for either side in this mess. But I will tell you one thing he said often. They say this is about land. It cannot be about land. There is nothing but land out there.

    He would also talk about what he called The Pump. That no society within 1500 miles of Israeli Jerusalem could be built up to any real might or power, or it would get bombed back down. The Pump is the oil pump. To his thinking – his literary executors may know more – Israel was simply a pawn of the Western powers in the desert out there put in place simply to protect the flow of oil to the West. I think he said the volume of oil leaving The Pump was about the cubic equivalent the WTC towers every day. It is probably a heck of a lot more than that.

  30. Mysti, that is the 11th. Cancer is in the 11th.

    It’s more like no friends.

    The condition of the Moon, void in Capricorn, elaborates that fact. The Mommy Dearest Moon, as Debbi Kempton-Smith puts it. These people are the orphan tribe of the Arab world. They should be absorbed back into that vast society of countries that we unfortunately bomb one after the next, in turn. That would remove a pawn for the Arab world and an antagonist for the Israelis. The drama might actually stop, but I really doubt it.

    I am old enough to have seen this going on since I was a child. I remember the Israeli village of the 1972 Olympics being bombed – in Munich. Auschwitz had been liberated one Saturn cycle earlier and still it was stunning to an 8-year-old that it happened in Germany. The statement was undeniable even to a child. Ok I was following politics at 8. Still.

    Even for our lifetimes this is a very old and tired story. I wonder why we pay so much attention to it. The whole thing may be fueled by racism and television. My mother always hated those fuckin’ Arabs, as she called them. She always called Arafat an animal. We believe what we see. The only problem I had in the Arab quarters of Paris and Brussels was noticing that they are basically all sexist. It is utterly strange to see women overtly treated like they are another, lower species, wrapped in cloth and refusing to make eye contact. Of course I said nothing and talked to just men; then I was habibi, welcome.

    You know enough about Wilhelm Reich to know that the lighter people always project their sexual rage, desire and vision of promiscuity onto darker ones. This is one reason why Jews were reviled; they were called, described in detail as, and in fact treated worse than animals.

    Now we have a civilization of 1.5 million Arabs being treated – by the world – like animals in a hunting range. If we in 2009 wonder how the Holocaust could have possibly happened, here we have our answer. I read a report today about white phosphorous weapons being used, which are considered chemical weapons and banned by the Geneva Convention. Take a look at Bush’s smug face in that briefing today, wrapping up an eight-year hate orgy on Muslims, and tell me what he’s really thinking.

  31. # mysteson 05 Jan 2009 at 10:49 pm

    Glancing at the Palestinian Independence Day chart… Do I see this? Ninth House Cancer, and it’s got nuthin’? The sign for nurturing, nutrition, compassion and otherwisdom, IN the Ninth, International House of Mancakes, and there’s NUTHIN’?

  32. Here is an excerpt from a reader’s email that just came in…there is more, this gives you a taste. Of oil. I can NOT believe that this did not occur to me once. Well, I often say that my intelligence derives from my stupidity: I’m ignorant, so I try to find out.

    Fast forward to World War 1: The Turkish (Ottoman Empire) who controlled all the lands of the mideast, sided with Germany. The British convinced Al-Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca and King of the Arabs, (the current king of Jordan’s great grandfather) to unite the Arabic people to fight against the Turks, (Lawrence of Arabia). When the western powers and the Arabs won, the land would be returned to the Arabs, and they would no longer be under Turkish control. The actual plan, which was implemented, was for the French and British (Churchill was one of the main architects) to carve up the land. It basically had to do with oil. (Can you believe it: a government would lie to a people to realize their own interests?!? Shocking!) The sons of the Sharif became the “rulers” of these new countries, Iraq, Jordan, etc. Overnight these people were to become westerners. Never mind that their civilizations was over 5000 years old. It was a mess. The League of Nations issued mandates.

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