Hand to Mouth – Astrology and the Price of Bread

By Len Wallick

You are the story here and now. Astrology only exists to help you write that story, or make sense of whatever part you did not have a direct hand in composing. Like most stories, yours is organized into parts. Interpreted through astrology, there are many parts going on at the same time. There are long parts that correspond to planets that take a long time to go around the Sun. There are short parts that correspond to the cycles of the Moon, the Sun or the planets closest to the center of the solar system.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

None of it matters, however, if you do not find the stories of astrology to have meaning or use for you here and now. To find some meaning for you, let us start with a question long used to put things into perspective. What does astrology have to do with the price of food (or gasoline, or any other essential staple or commodity)?

We can start with the Moon. There are good reasons for that. Nearly everyone has seen it. Most people are familiar with how its appearance changes from one day to the next. If there is anything in astrology that corresponds with your life, day-to-day, here and now, it’s Luna.

Your life changes daily to present new challenges and opportunity. The appearance our silver satellite changes with it. Every day you need to eat, sleep and otherwise maintain your body. Every night the Moon is up there somewhere, as constant as those needs. Today, the Moon is in the sign of Taurus.

Taurus is the second of the twelve signs in the annual solar wheel known as the zodiac. It takes the Sun one year to go through all twelve signs. To simplify, those signs can also be considered to be houses for the purposes of this discussion. Right now, the Sun is in the twelfth sign (or house) called Pisces.

So far we have the Moon in Taurus and the Sun in Pisces.

Okay, hear you saying. What does this have to do with the price of bread? So happens that Taurus and the second house, whether they happen to be the same thing or not, is one of those places where food and what we do with it finds some meaning. It is an earth sign, corresponding to where food comes from. Its time period (from the third week of April to the third week of May) is when a great deal of food is either planted (in the northern hemisphere) or harvested (south of the equator). It has to do with your body and things that you possess and value which combines to mean, well, what you eat.

The Moon, which remember, corresponds to the personal, familiar and every-day things in your life; is comfortable in Taurus. In other words, it’s timely, appropriate and easy to think about things where Luna and Taurus come together – like food.

As aforementioned, the Sun, relating to the public, familiar and every-day, is in Pisces. Pisces and Taurus get along with each other, they support each other. Like water (Pisces is a water sign) supports the earth’s ability to produce food. Like the earth supports water, giving it a place to accumulate and flow and do its work. So the Sun is in a place to support the Moon right now. In other words, it is timely, appropriate and easy to talk (as well as think) about the price of bread right now.

Which, by the way, is how the subject of today’s blog was selected. There’s more that astrology has to say. It’s where your story and the price of food come together. We will make do with just one planet even though we could take it even further.

The planet most often associated with Taurus (where the Moon is) is Venus. Right now, Venus is in Aquarius. Among other things, that sign has to do with how the individual (you, the story here and now) interfaces with the collective. And the price of bread? Fact is, most of us don’t get most of our food direct from the earth. Think about it, how much of what you put in your mouth is something you just pulled out of the ground, off a tree or out of the water? In reality, most of us buy food with money. How we get that cash and how we exchange it for our daily bread involves an interface with a vast collective.

So Venus (connected with where the Moon is, remember) is telling us that the price of food for you (the story here and now) has something to do with your interface with the collective. Your job or other source of money (if you have one), how much money you have, how much you are spending on food, where you spend it, how much money they have, and what they do with it after you hand it over in exchange for your sustenance.

This is interesting because the media is telling us that the increased price of food is due to a shortage. That’s all, just a shortage. There’s not enough to go around so you have to pay more and either give up buying other things in order to eat or not have enough. How do you feel about that? Do you believe that, or accept that? Is it okay?

You are the story here and now. Astrology is here to help with that story. An important part of that story is food. You need to eat in order to go on living. It takes more of what you have in order to eat lately. Using only the Moon, Sun and one planet gives you a story about that. A different story than you get from the media. What’s up with that? That, my friends is what astrology has to do with the price of bread. This is where you get to think. Let us know what that is.

Offered In Service

3 thoughts on “Hand to Mouth – Astrology and the Price of Bread”

  1. You remind me of an important item on my too long list today…………..
    Bake bread! Another item, plant seeds, basil, sage, parsley.in the window planter since Luna is in a fertile sign and waxing.
    #3 & hopefully will work; spraying the pot of baby carrot plants in the window with soapy water to eliminate the fungus gnats. That is a real problem with indoor growing!
    I wish I had read this this morning before I tried to get my Daughter out of the newspaper sun sign horoscope mentality. You craft words so well!

  2. Jeez Len, so lovely to see your post here. I was worried you were still sick. Great to have you back. My eyes popped out at your opening line, which kind of echos the last sentence in my comment above in Fe’s post titled “Ripe.”

    To your line: “You are the story here and now” I raised a “Let it begin with YOU.” Each of us just has to believe in ourselves and our story and that we have a voice to counter injustice and replace it with the action of truth. There ain’t no other way. We can’t despair but we can shift gears and choose hope over despair. Me, I’ve started to cut down my food intake by about one third with the end goal of eventually making it about half and still choosing to eat as healthily as I possibly can.

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