Good Rock Star Morning

Dear Friend and Reader:

The thing you need to remember about today’s astrology is that the Moon is conjunct the Galactic Core for the next few hours, after which it will ingress Capricorn at 5:18 pm ET. At that point the Sun is about 36 hours from its ingress to Aries, which takes place Friday at 7:37 am ET. That is the vernal equinox; the mighty equinox — the tipping point of darkness to light.

Photo by Sean Hayes.

For those of you who have not crawled out of your house in four months, it is nigh unto that special time of the year. And hey Beltane is just six weeks away, but by the power vested in me as your investigative stargazer, I hereby declare an extended and early Beltane season.

This puts the Sun currently in the very final degrees of the zodiac; I consider the Sun to be void-of-course at this stage in its path through the heavens, and the void Sun means that unlikely, strange and beautiful things can happen. One key theme of this end phase of Pisces is visualization.

During the next 36 hours I’ll be working on the April monthly horoscope (the long edition) followed by the Friday article on the vernal equinox, so you may not be hearing much from me.

On a housekeeping note, I am seeking an editorial assistant. This is a high-focus, paid position, 10-20 hours per week to start. You need to be a Nethead, which is to say, the kind of person who lives on the Internet. Experience with Word Press is essential; experience with networking sites is helpful; and you will need to be available through December 2009 and early January 2010 to work on our annual edition. The ideal candidate is in full affinity with the values we present on Planet Waves; he or she knows how to write efficiently in journalistic style; is skilled at fact-checking and the simplest elements of AP style; and has an at least basic understanding of astrology and astrological terms. I would prefer someone in the upstate New York area, however I will consider any region; though some days (i.e., publication days) you will need to keep New York hours. Please respond to info – at – Thank you.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

1 thought on “Good Rock Star Morning”

  1. I think galactic core good. Big, expansive, sometimes confusing in its magnitude, like love. More love than mama’s arms could hold.

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