From Eros to Amor – Virgo Gets Personal

By Len Walick

Those of us who are not solar Virgos might have had occasion to admire how the members of that tribe can be at once practical and adaptable. If you’re conceived in the days before a solstice, or born in the days before an equinox, you’re preparing for and adjusting to changes of pattern from before the beginning of earthly life.

As we adjust to the new patterns of relationship wrought by an eclipse cycle, we integrate those new patterns into the continuum of change that is the cardinal t-square.

Orientation and synchrony would have it that the luminaries and several planets have Virgo in common today as new templates of our time emerge. Venus pursues Mars there. Saturn is in the last half of the last degree, concluding its long tenure. Mercury approaches the sign where it will station retrograde next month at the precise degree to sextile last weekend’s total solar eclipse. The Sun still reaches out in support. Last but certainly not least, the waxing Moon is in Virgo all day and all night.

Luna gets us started with a conjunction to the asteroid, Eros.

As astrology gradually integrates the minor planets, certain patterns seem to be taking shape. One of those patterns is that the interpretation of an asteroid in aspect is intuitively straightforward. In the Greek mythology Eros was as old as creation and as new as today. It was the bridge between the primordial and the personal, giving mortal humans direct access to the divine through relationship.

What a great way for the Moon, fresh from a relation-themed and emotional eclipse cycle, to begin the day — reminding us that we have access to the divine through our bodies. It’s making the eternal eternally present. A few degrees on from there, Luna conjoins with the asteroid Child.

In our natal charts, the Moon has several levels of interpretation. One of the most important is the connection to the child inside. Even as we adapt like a Virgo to the practical realities of individuation and adult responsibilities, it is important to sustain a relationship to the child we all once were. It is through the maintenance of that inner relationship that we are able to bridge our own experience with that of a younger, newer generation just as Eros bridges the human and the divine.

A handful of degrees as the day goes on and Child is left behind as the Moon finds itself conjunct with the asteroid Vesta. When the practical seems insurmountable, adjustment seems impossible and with the divine so far away and childhood at its end, what is there to keep us going?


Vesta. Named after the women who were accorded an autonomous space and a sacred task: to attend and serve the sustenance of an eternal flame. A bright place in the midst of a dark and brutal empire. It was a source of purification in the midst of a cynical and rapacious patriarchy. A source of hope, a reason to persevere — from devotion, to devotion, in devotion. A relationship that is its own reason for being.

From the eternally divine to the immediately personal, from the inner personal to the outer political, from the flame of devotion to the divine again, the Moon’s path today sets us an example of the journey before us, even as its last conjunctions connect back to the chapter just past. For as the day is progressing, Luna conjoins Mars in the last third of Virgo, the same fiery planet that maintained a tight sextile to the Sun for nearly a week. In the days just before, during and immediately after the darkening of the Sun, the red warrior lent its own fire in supportive devotion to old Sol. Now the Sun-Mars sextile is separating and a new chapter of relationship is beginning as the Moon makes its tribute and moves on.

On towards the end of the day, this journey of discovery and revelation must certainly be taking its toll on the Moon. Such fundamental changes. So many connections. A second wind awaits, however, with a sextile from the Sun, now in the 24th degree of Cancer. So it is that the Moon finds its burden lightened and its spirits lifted by its dance partner in the sky.

For its own part the Sun is accomplishing a bit of consolidation today. Besides separating from its long sextile to Mars, it is also pulling out of aspects to Sedna (also a sextile), Eris (a square), Varuna (conjunction) and the centaur, Charliko (a trine). Leaving it all behind with the eclipse, and gently helping the Moon find closure. For just as weary Luna is lifted with the sextile, old Sol reaches back with a cardinal square to the asteroid, Amor, at 23+ degrees Aries.

Amor is the Roman equivalent of Eros. So the loop is closed as the day is. A step of advance is taken, starting with a bridge from the primeval divine to our physical and emotional selves. It ends as the symbol of our higher, expressive self and extends that connection to the ongoing reconstruction of our shared reality. It sets the pattern for our co-creation of the future, turning the wheel over again.

Offered In Service

21 thoughts on “From Eros to Amor – Virgo Gets Personal”

  1. Integrity – in all its forms – obviously being a key Element missing in the BP Circus.

  2. Hi Be,

    Thanks for your reply on my little “inspiration”.

    I loved your second paragraph which put into good order my jumbled thoughts.

    One more on Perspective and Atlantis (I typed Atlantic):


    So when Desire for Anything Other Than Spirit is not balanced with Desire for “Spirit” then we cannot spin on a balanced axis. Of course, defining what those two things are is part of the equation.

    While Technology is not inherently a subset of Trade, certainly it could be said that Trade augments a Desire for Technology if only because Technology can enhance Trade (at many levels).

    When those Trade-Based Desires outnumber the ones that relate to Spirit, such as Integrity, then eventually Trade/Technology/Desire becomes a Self-defeating spin of the wheel or in a sense like a planet, the wheel can’t spin evenly, staying appropriately in orbit, such that we don’t -one way or another – just fall off.

    OR in the case of Atlantis, just blow up.

    Here at PW I believe it’s obvious that –

    Growing Desire without Growing Purpose* equal Diminishing Balance


    I think a lot of us are pretty dizzy (like a ballerina who has not learned to spot) – but we nonetheless have been stepping off the wheel or merry-go-round and begun to get our bearings.

    I believe one of our “Solutions” will involve coming to terms with the ideas/ideals involved with “assimilation vs. integration” a subject that is all to politically-emotional and needs to be “spirit” based (whatever that is).

    An example I find coming from the art world;, a preponderance of African and Asian art flooding Paris during Modernist era but with total lack of regard for the actual “spirit” or background and meaning of the original art (assimilation vs. integration).

    Here’s Gratitude for our stepping down from the off-kilter wheel (and for the “new” asteroids and their much needed “spotting”.)

  3. First of all I want express my happiness to my American neighbours that the oil has stopped gushing for now at least. I felt a rush of joy when I read the news. Here’s hoping this latest capping proves to be a long lasting success.

    Just thought I’d throw this other news item in to the mix (the discovery of an 18th century ship in the foundations of the World Trade Centre site) as it seems to me to have several of the components of this discussion — ship/water/earth/trade……..Not sure what it might mean but I’ll send it on anyway and see if it creates further discussion. According to this report it was unearthed sometime on Tuesday.

    Thanks also Be for that “mind-numbing” yod you discovered and shared. Very thrilling.

  4. aword,

    Most intriguing that “trade” came to you as the overt reason for Atlantis’ destruction. I’m trying to think of why that would be in that almost every country does it and always has. Perhaps some criminal element involved, or a foresaking of the needs of the citizens there in favor of the “demand” of customers. A demand for technology maybe? Well, I hope more insight from you or others will enlighten us on this interesting thought.

    Bottom line though, as you said, has always been about the loss of spirit, no matter the vehicle by which it was lost. Atlantis has become more and more a symbol of what can happen when values become lop-sided in favor of ego/mental desires over the soul needs of a society. Thank you so much for adding fresh input to a subject that has become so Saturnianly established. It certainly fits with the whole BP/international raison d’etre.

  5. -Find I’m starting to follow some of this – so cool! (not the temerature here, that’s for sure HOT!)

    be – my meager input re: Atlantis and only because you mention her, not because you discussed her specificlly….

    …..when I experienced lengthy and long term um “visions” a few years ago of Atlantis before and during her destruction the word that was clear to me was not “technology” but rather it was “trade”.

    That is, I was given to know that it was “trade” and “trading” that blew Atlantis apart. It was also clear that even more importantly it was the turning away from what really mattered – spirit.

    The difference between “trade” and “technology” may not matter as we search for our future, and no doubt they both have played a role in getting us to where we are today – both for better and worse; trade perhaps representing economy and technology perhaps representing creativity. And of course, one is dependent on the other – at least in contemporary times.


  6. Good YOD, Barbara! That is mind numbing. Nice catch!

    Beth – i don’t know how to post a chart. Some ways i’m useless. Besides, my quickie calcs might be way off. Still think it will be a Chiron chart no matter what.

  7. I’ve only checked the location of the planets at 2:35 PM CDT today, not the chart for the actual sunken oil rig, however, I found a mind-numbing aspect regarding the location of the Sun (consciousness) to the U.S. Sibly chart.

    In the U.S. chart Atlantis is at 23 Taurus 10, and the Galactic Core (in 1776) is at 23 Sagittarius 10. Adding in today’s Sun at 23 Cancer 12 (at above time) to the U.S. chart forms an almost perfect yod. Something you just don’t see often.

    This location for the U.S. GC is very close to where Ceres is right now, about 22-something Sagittarius, and that’s the focal point of the yod. . . the point where the energy produced by the sextile of natal Atlantis and transiting Sun is driven. Opposite this point in the U.S. chart is Mars at 21 Gemini 23.

    Ceres, being retrograde now will go direct in August and will reach the U.S. Galactic Core point around the time of the New Moon in September, at 15 Virgo 41. The degree of this New Moon is about midway between where Mars was at the Lunar Eclipse on June 26 and the July 11 Solar Eclipse, tying them together symbolically.

    The message I’m reading is that Ceres as “Earth Mother” is receiving transformative and spiritually directed energies from the GC, along with the combined understanding of mis-guided values (Taurus), represented by Atlantis and emotionally (Cancer)conscious awareness represented by the Sun. When she returns to the U.S. GC at the time of the New Moon in September there is hope that she will bring a balance between the driving forces represented by the U.S. Gemini (twin) Mars. In the two eclipses, Mars is accompanied by Vesta whose dedication to maintaining the spirituality and centeredness of man can fortify our resolve to heal the earth and thereby heal ourselves.

  8. Thank you Len! This Virgo is getting personal…. Think you can post todays “capping” chart?

  9. Doubting my eyes and my data, please double check me someone. Here’s what i see:

    Ascendant in first degree of Gemini conjunct retrograde asteroid Hephaistos (Greek god of fire, metal working, etc) sextile Uranus, square Chiron. Moon trine the north node.

    With Hephaistos, Uranus (11th house), and Chiron (10th house), retrograde on a cusp…. Moon 4th house, north node 8th house….

    Oh man, not enough sleep last night.

    Orcus direct in first degree of Virgo, also 4th house.

  10. First impression: Chiron.

    Second impression: Don’t count your chickens.

    Back with more. Want to check a few things.

    Thank you Fe and Beth for the data!

  11. The stoppage came 85 days, 16 hours and 25 minutes after the first report April 20 of an explosion….. Its a small world, but we all start out small.

  12. Great stuff Len and this weary old Luna really appreciates knowing that she sextiles the Sun later. As for the moment, I’m trying to beat the Vesta/Mars heat as today is supposed to be the hottest this city has had so far this year. So off to market, post office and all that jazz before the oppression sets in. Wish me luck!

  13. Thanks Len,
    as always lYour article means lot of food for thought.

    Relationships! more you understand them, more complex they get.
    From Moon to Neptune … a gazillion veils of delusions to be lifted.

    When you help someone who cannot themselves, we call that Compassion, kindness, humanity.

    Helping someone who can help themselves regardless of the fact that their choices are based on fear, manipulation, or lack of self awareness is called Meddling, interferring, controlling.

    This is where the choice of acting like a Mother in a relationship or like a father in relationship become a dilemma.


  14. This solar Virgo has been trying to get back to morning meditations lately. I have to say that the discipline will no longer seem a struggle if I experience the Divine like I did this morning. My earthy Virgo soul confidently and joyfully grounded me as I made a connection with light and wonderment. It was glorious. A definite evolution from spring of last year.

    Then to follow my meditation up with Len — well all does seem to be coming right with my world! Indeed “such fundamental changes, so many connections” sums it up perfectly, as only Mr. Wallick can do. A great start to my day.

    Len, I thank you from deep in the heart of me.

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