
By Len Wallick

New Moon in mid-Libra today. That means the Sun and Moon will be at the same longitude at about 2:45 pm EDT. That’s a conjunction and it’s why you can’t see Luna. It’s walking next to Old Sol.

Tomorrow, about 12 hours after the conjunction of the luminaries, Venus stations retrograde in Scorpio. Of all the planets, Venus goes retro the least often and spends even less time doing it. That’s a big event too, and we will get back to it. But this New Moon has been our focus all week long for good reason. Or should we say, reasons?

The “everything at once” quality of that outer planet alignment we called the cardinal T-square is very much a characteristic of this New Moon. Let us reiterate our previous blogs this week and count the ways. We will start with general elements, consider the sign and then narrow things down to this particular conjunction.

Most of what we call astrology comes down to two things, cycles and patterns. The most familiar cycles involve the Sun and Moon. A year is defined by how long it takes us to make one trip around Sol. Luna does her own thing but her orbital period around the Earth is very close to being a month on a solar calendar. Because the Moon’s rotational period is the same as its orbital, the same face is always turned towards us.

Try this experiment. Put a chair in the middle of the room. Stand a few feet away and face the chair directly. Start moving in a circle around the chair while continuing to face it at all times. That means you will be moving sideways. By the time you have finished shuffling the circle, you will have also spun around once. Think about it. In the process of your “orbit” you have faced every wall and every corner in the room just as if you stood in one spot and spun around.

Because the Moon keeps the same side to the Earth at all times, it is constantly presenting a different side to the Sun. Those are the phases we see. Today at the New Moon, the side that is lit is the one we never see. In about two weeks the side we always see will be lit, which we call a Full Moon. And so on in between. That is what makes the lunar cycles happen.

The New Moon takes place outside the awareness of most people. Out of sight, out of mind. Because of that, and because we are very visually-oriented critters, this moment is more of a concept than a reality. The main concept is that this is the end of one cycle and the beginning of another.

It is assumed that all cycles are synchronized with each other on some level. Because the Moon is such a big part of earthly life, a new lunar cycle is interpreted as the start of other things as well. What those other things are depends on the sign where the monthly conjunction takes place.

Because Libra is a cardinal air sign, it is associated with new beginnings in the realm of thought, which is where a lot of things start. Before you achieve, you must first conceive. Think about it, all the other signs are represented by some sort of living being. The symbol for Libra — the scales — is inanimate and therefore unique. This gives Libra a quality of detachment and objectivity.

The scales also imply a quest for balance as a value, a cause of its own. Fairness, justice, and consideration of other points of view are part of this sign’s expression. Bringing the luminaries together in this sign is like bringing your whole self to not only accept but seek a new beginning incorporating those characteristics.

But it’s where the conjunction is taking place that makes this a day like no other and this is where that other part of astrology, pattern recognition, segues with the cycles. When more than one event happens at the same place on the zodiac, a pattern of relationship is formed. The middle of Libra is a very special place.

Mid-Libra is the location Imum Coeli (or IC) on the ancient astrological artifact known as the Thema Mundi, or chart of the world. The IC is the darkest hour, the middle of the night, when the need for shelter is most vital. To have the Moon at its darkest where the world’s own chart is likewise implies a deep mystery that tests our courage and our faith.

The middle of Libra is also the ascendant of the chart for Flight 11’s collision with the North Tower of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2011. The events of that day were a nadir like no other in recent decades, still shrouded in mystery, still a dark mine of fear. An assault to our security and a reason to assail our privacy, stealing the hope from dawn and replacing it with ignorance.

Just over nine years later, the Sun and Moon assemble at that spot to talk of many things. And they are not alone. Joining them are two asteroids. One named after a luminous god. The other named after the darkest of dark souls. Apollo and Sisyphus.

And so we find another synchronization of cycle and pattern. For nearly a year, nearly every time the luminaries opposed or were conjoined, they have had company. Remember the lunar eclipse back on June 26? Sun and Mercury opposing Moon and Pluto, all four square to Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter. And that’s just one example. The urge to merge in mass quantities continues today.

While asteroids are relatively new tools for astrology, the indication so far is that their interpretation is pretty straight forward. In other words they seem to be serendipitously named so as to represent their interpretation.

Apollo, the Sun god. Driving his chariot across the sky every day, lighting and warming the Earth. Patron of music and other arts. Practitioner of medicine. His rise over the horizon every day brought renewed hope and vitality to the all living things.

Sisyphus, incorrigible, greedy, deceitful. Concerned only with acquiring, consolidating and expanding the dominance of his will. Unrepentant and irredeemable, he flummoxed the gods to no end. It is thus that he brought meaning to the phrase ” a very special place” in the afterlife. Condemned to the eternal futility of rolling a stone up a hill only to lose control of the situation before attaining the crest, having to start all over again from the bottom.

One could hardly imagine two more different beings, but they had something in common. They were both defined by the repeating cycles of their eternal existence. The same thing over and over. Now together at the point of the New Moon in Libra, the indication seems to be a window of opportunity in thought.

Here is a chance to conceive of something besides the same-old, same old. See in your mind how the cultural ideals of relationship have been transmitted to us through imitation and do not constitute a value just because they are repeated over and again, generation after generation. How about looking at it from another point of view? Do these ideals work or do they fail again and again? Have they been leading us to a heritage of futility with which we identify and to which we become attached? Is it not a hellish heritage that we pass on as if it was some precious heirloom?

This is a chance to think about repeated lessons not learned. When your safety and security are threatened what do you do? Do you give away your own freedom so that others can be equally suppressed? Or do you create a renewed balance that leaves nobody without, accepting everyone within? Do you place sandbags at the top of the levee even as the rising waters are cutting away at the bottom? Or do you seek higher ground?

Finally do you see that, for all our differences, we have so much more in common? These cycles and patterns, some of them are natural. We are all born here, we all die here and on this plane the fundamental circle of life is entirely appropriate. But these other things, these cycles of fooling and getting fooled, of attachment and conditioning. Those are not necessary to life on this earth. We can do without them. That’s what today, a day like any other day offers. A glimpse, a chance, for another story. A new beginning of useful effort and lessons learned. We may not achieve it today, but we can conceive of it.

Since ancient times, people have looked at the Full Moon and invested its features with story. A face, our own image in the sky. Or a rabbit, tasking the eons away. But the New Moon has no story, no face. The rabbit is in the hat. In the dark and mysterious recesses of potential, formless and without limit. Waiting for us to reach in and pull it out.

While we are still reaching into that place, Venus is preparing to demonstrate how to turn things around. After spending all year as the glory of the western twilight, it will station retrograde and in three weeks it will be crossing the face of the Sun, on its way to a new dawn. Dare we follow?

Offered In Service

17 thoughts on “Formless”

  1. Len,

    the only Bagua master I personally know is a guy named Jaime who these days only teaches in Laurelhurst Park in PDX on weekends when it’s not raining. He’s one of the teachers of my friend Adam who is my main teacher who also holds part of the lineage of Sifu Gregory Fong who also teaches in Portland.

    The website of Bruce Kumar Frantzis, one of the first Americans to receive a Bagua lineage, has links to teachers certified in his tradition all over the world. There’s a couple of teachers available in Seattle. I highly encourage a joint study of Taiji and Bagua as the two together train a wide range of skills. Circle walking in particular is great for maintaining the immune system as the curved steps, twisting and changing direction really work the inguinal crease where leg meets pelvis. That’s where your body’s main lymph nodes are.

  2. Len,

    Living it.

    Living it consciously.

    It’s not all that dark inside this hat, but the rabbit’s a bit ornery.


  3. rucognizant – be sure to make that a “vita-light” or other brand full-spectrum light bulb. You’ll get light that feels like daylight – and you’ll still be able to fall asleep at night after being under it (unlike flourscent which can play with your brain and make your eyes dance).

  4. Fe — thanks for including what BHC had to say! even if she does ignore a couple points, i appreciate what she had to say.

  5. Interesting synchronicity…………….. or NOT?
    I am going to go purchase a new 4′ flourescent fixture for my studio just at the dark of the moon……….
    I forgot that item on my list Mon., when I went to town!
    Oct 7 ’10, 2:09 pm (edt)

  6. Fe,

    Obviously Barbara Hand Clow does not consider anything other than the major planets. To say that there are “no aspects” is to ignore the conjoining asteroids (AND the Great Attractor, by the way).

  7. Here is Barbara Hand Clow on today’s New Moon:

    This is the third and last “Super Moon” with very strong telluric powers, and the New Moon (which is a pairing of the Sun and Moon) has no aspects for a third time! When the New Moon has no aspects, it hovers in the sky with nothing else influencing it, so its basic nature is very dominant. In this case it’s in Libra, and the need to balance our core identity (Sun) with our feelings (Moon) in relation to outer influences is very strong. Are your feelings aligned with your sense of self, and how does this fit with everyone around you? We are really going to need our various partners this month, since partners can often see what we are, and then they mirror that information back to us if we allow it. Pay special attention when somebody close is trying to get your attention, because they want to offer you advice that you probably really need to hear.

  8. Yeti,

    Thank you. Good point. If you know anyone who could teach a shuffling old man Bagua style it would be training gratefully accepted.

  9. I’d love to know what West Virginians think about the “hicky Blue Collar” stereotype the casting agency wants to perpetuate. Love that they cannot even spell their stereotypes’ costumes correctly.

    So if these campaign commercials are people with fake constituents, does this mean they’re campaigning for a fake candidate who will make fake laws?

    We’ve been living the Truman Show for forever now.

  10. Hi Len,

    About 20 minutes ago I was pondering (or maybe daydreaming. . .Aquarius Moon) about what direction to point myself today, and as the mind wanders (like a little child) away from the assignment, it occurred to me that I’ve only 3 people left in the world that I can discuss the (personal) past with. Comfortably, like old friends or family. I saw myself like a kite in the sky, going higher and going this way and that, but with a small string keeping me attached to the ground and, hopefully, in check. But it seemed important, at that moment, that I not lose those 3 people; the only people who could verify where I’ve been; could confirm the sequence of events that lead me to this point now.

    I got a panicky feeling and went to the computer and turned it on intending to read your words. At that moment my dear downstairs neighbor knocked on the door and gave me a sack of fresh peaches. All was back to normal. Almost.

    Do you suppose there is a brief moment between the end of one cycle and the beginning of another cycle, as in end of full moon and start of new moon? If so, I had it today. Only bigger/longer than lunar. The cycle I’m coming out of seems to have been going on for months. . . .say from around June 26th. I am sensing an opening in a here-to-fore restricted space. A confinement that just ceased and now decisions have to be made. All kinds of decisions. . . like about life in general and not just what to fix for dinner. I’m wondering if that could be due to the synchronous events of the Libra New Moon and Libra’s ruler stationing to go retrograde. Venus is about values as well as relationship, at least until astrology assigns some other God/Goddess to one of the signs she rules. But the scales are very, very important.

    I so appreciate your tight grip on the string Len. It’s good to touch the green green grass of home. Once in a while anyway!

  11. “The rabbit is in the hat. In the dark and mysterious recesses of potential, formless and without limit. Waiting for us to reach in and pull it out.”

    Or the baby is in the womb. In the dark and mysterious recesses of potential, formless and without limit. I don’t know why but something tells me this particular rabbit/baby will change things somehow; if only we are willing to open our eyes and see.

  12. … speaking of the Libra-Saturn connection: at exactly 1:44 a.m. (moment of the New) someone bought a book from me about a forgotten but very fine Texas landscape artist who was painting in the 1960s. Probably the most expensive book in my offerings, might I add. Libra=Art. Saturn=landscape. Pluto (square Luna)=obscure/valuable.

    Awrighty, then.


  13. reported today:

    BEHIND THE CURTAIN: A GOP ad that shows a couple of guys at the counter of a diner, wearing ball caps and plaid shirts as they take shots at West Virginia Gov. Joe Manchin (D), was shot with actors, from a script, in Philly. And it turns out that ‘real people’ in political ads are often fake. “We are going for a ‘Hicky’ Blue Collar look,” read the talent agency’s casting call for the NRSC independent-expenditure ad. “These characters are from West Virginia so think coal miner/trucker looks.”

    –“Clothing Suggestions” included jeans, work boots, flannel shirt, denim shirt, “Dickie’s [sic] type jacket with t-shirt underneath,” down-filled vest, “John Deer [sic] hats (not brand new, preferably beat up),” and “Trucker Hats (not brand new, preferably beat up).” The NRSC began airing the ad this week in the West Virginia Senate race, in which Manchin is facing a sudden scare from Republican businessman John Raese (pronounced “racy”) in the contest to replace the late Sen. Robert Byrd.

    –The casting material was provided to POLITICO by Democrats. A GOP official said the NRSC had nothing to do with the casting directions, which were issued by a subcontractor, unbeknownst to the NRSC. The official said it is standard practice by both parties for political commercials to contract outside of their campaigns for actors. Brian Walsh, the NRSC’s communications director, said: “West Virginians understand that most commercials on television are produced by outside professionals with actors in studios.” See the ad, script and casting call here.

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