Excuse Me, but Your Spine is Ringing: A Look at the New Moon.

Dear Friend and Reader,

Do you feel the shift? The sense of renewal? The sense of arrival?

Do you feel your spine ringing?

New Horizons at Pluto Artist's concept of the New Horizons spacecraft during a planned encounter with Pluto and its moon, Charon. NASA Images.
New Horizons at Pluto. Artist's concept of the New Horizons spacecraft during a planned encounter with Pluto and its moon, Charon. NASA Images.

If you do, you’re not imagining it. It’s the universe calling you. On November 27th, 11:54 am EST, a New Moon rises in the sign of Saggitarius, asking you to respond. In future editions of Planet Waves, we’ll have a closer look at where this moment places us in history, but for now, I’d like you to remember just three things:

1. Pluto is sitting on an Aries Point.
2. Uranus is finally ready for forward motion.
3. A cluster of planets and asteroids in Saggitarius lets us look back one last time at the past 15 years and take notes.

The simplest message here is “Welcome to your new life.” What will this new life look like? Good question. I’d say this chart is saying your new life will appear like whatever you’d want it to be, as long as you are willing to explore that thing that runs from your brain to your butt — you know, your spine. (Highlight that part, will ya?).

This is because the biggie moment of this New Moon is Pluto’s ingress to Capricorn. We’ll get to the significance of your spine and Capricorn soon, but first let’s put Pluto into context, astrologically.

In astrology, planetary transits can define or at least illustrate our notions of an era. Note the degree of Pluto in this New Moon chart: it’s at zero degrees Capricorn, indicating it’s sitting on the first degree of a new sign. This is important to us because this past century at least, the traditional planet that most accurately defines an era seems to be Pluto. Its long progress through a single sign leaves a unforgettable signature upon the years in between.

Pluto entered Capricorn for a few months earlier this year before moving back into Saggitarius. Now our era-defining planet has returned to Capricorn where it will stay for the next fifteen years. Yep, we have finally entered a new astrological era.

Not only has Pluto switched signs and thereby moved its transforming force to a whole new set of themes, but right now our Pluto has his finger on the astrological equivalent of the White House red phone — you remember, that little Cold War symbol of nuclear devastation? Just lift the receiver of that baby, say the word, and the nukes are go.

That’s the kind of power in what astrologers call the Aries Point. Eric has written about the Aries Point extensively in the past few years, and a quick search through the Planet Waves archives will yield you a bucket full of background on this significant degree. (If you want a recent review of Aries Point capability, go back and read Eric’s analysis of the The Aries Point effect on the $700 billion bailout package.)

Spine by Ryan Cooper
Spine by Ryan Cooper.

Here’s a brief explanation of this degree. The official Aries Point sits at zero degrees Aries and functions as a trigger, like the White House red phone. It doesn’t call NORAD, but the astrological equivalent, the central axis (the spine) of the astrological mandela, giving it a direct line to its fellow cardinal signs — Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

Cardinal signs are initiating signs, signs that get situations and emotions in action. And when a major planet like Pluto crosses a zero degree cardinal point — any of them — big stuff happens. The axis spine lights up and all systems are definitely “go.” Of the four points, the Aries/Capricorn points may be the most sensitive, acutely revealing the key phrase: “The personal is the political.”

In Aries, we see the personal, the primal “I” where we first know ourselves and begin the long process of self-understanding. In Capricorn, we have finally arrived at the place where the emerging personal “I” has developed into the fully-formed public “I”.

Some astrologers have speculated that the Capricorn point may be the most potent of these points, because, as an earth sign and the last of the cardinal points, it must provide structure, both ideologically and practically, for the personal impulse to find a public stage. For instance, I may be completely convinced my new widget will save humanity (this the Aries penchant for self-confidently initiating new ideas), but unless I eventually patent my idea, file my incorporation papers and build a factory to make my widgets (this is Capricorn’s practical structuring impulse), humanity will never know its savior. Zero degrees Capricorn transforms the events and ideas of the personal Aries Point into public (political) realities. We are at zero degrees Capricorn now. Take note. The little red phone is ringing, and so is the spine of the mandela.

Zero degrees Capricorn is also the trigger point for a later transition — the year 2012. Uranus has something to with that transition, too. In another article we’ll talk more about how Uranus and Pluto are parenting the Big Birth of 2012, but for this New Moon chart, what you need to know about Uranus is that it’s on the move again. “Expect the unexpected” may be Uranus’ motto, so I’d expect that.

Compared to Uranus’ talent for quick moves, Pluto works in geologic time. But Pluto’s arrival on the Aries Point followed immediately by Uranus getting its move on, means two weeks from now (by the Full Moon) we should see some big action in the public sphere. On a personal level, think about what seems to have been on indefinite hold since mid-summer, particularly some area of your life that you’ve been tinkering with but (for whatever reason) couldn’t or wouldn’t change because (perhaps) the idea is frighteningly revolutionary. With Uranus turning direct, that idea will soon demand your attention again, and if you don’t yet know what to do with it, find someone who might help. It’s not going away, this thing. (See the Big Birth of 2012.)

And so we have truly arrived at the threshold of our new reality, armed with a triple whammy of the Aries Point, Plutonic power and an Uranian jolt that translates into a new mandate for public realities. But this is now Capricorn’s story. Unlike the fiery, ideological enthusiasm of Saggitarius, Capricorn’s attitude is practical and very, very cool. In other Planet Waves articles, we’ll really dig into this new Capricorn order, but for now I want to return to that image I gave you a few paragraphs back.

I want to talk about your spine.

Traditionally, Capricorn rules all things having to do with fundamental structural order, and this includes things like the foundations of houses, and bones. Think of how we value an older home for its “good bone structure.” A home with good “bone structure” is considered to have integrity; as long as the foundation and support structure is solid, it can survive for centuries and withstand even the most aggressive rehabilitation. This idea translates to people, too. We say that a person with integrity “has a spine” and can stand up for herself because she possesses a personal internal support structure that, emotionally, logically and ethically, functions as a whole.

Melbourne, Austrailas General Postal Office, built in 1859 and later gutted by fire in September 2001. Image from theage.com.au
Melbourne, Austraila's General Postal Office, built in 1859 and later gutted by fire in September 2001. Image from theage.com.au

I know a few people of integrity. Not many, which is sad, but the few I know have been powerful models for how this concept works. They have withstood bankruptcy and careers derailed; they have endured the loss of friendships and the deaths of spouses and children. There are other ways a life can be gutted down to the studs, but these are the most common. After the gutting comes, of course the clean up — which means working with honest awareness and a willingness to embrace the essence of your core self during the rehabilitation.

Most days, though, integrity is revealed in little decisions: returning a grocery item you didn’t pay for, calling when you say you’ll call, not blaming the dog when you fart. Really. It’s that kind of stuff that gives you “a spine.”

Our New Moon and Pluto’s return to the Aries/Capricorn Point means it’s time to examine your own spine, ahead of the next Plutonic rehab. For 15 years Pluto moved through Saggitarius, reworking some part of your ideological, spiritual, philosophical and economic horizons; today’s cluster of personal planets — the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars — all in Saggitarius can inspire you to spend the next couple of weeks consciously cleaning up the clutter left over from what you’ve learned since 1995.

I think most of us have a lot to consider. For a few months earlier this year Pluto made a guest appearance in Capricorn, and we were forced to face the practical consequences of our daily decisions these past 15 years. For some, this was a shocking experience and an existential wake-up call. For others, it demanded we get educated about things we once took for granted. A look at where Saturn is in your chart will give you a clue about the point of this education.

If you doubt the importance of these decisions this New Moon, the universe has sent you another nudge: along the relationship axis of the Aries Point (at precisely zero degrees Libra) is our friend, the astroid Karma. Are we sowing or reaping? A little of both? That point is lit up, so I’d give this idea some thought.

But this isn’t all dark drama. Oh, no, no, no. Saggitarius is always hopeful, and this New Moon in Saggitarius, parked happily next to the Sun in Saggitarius, must be doubly so. The zeitgeist of the moment is about change, right? No doubt about that — even if the big “outers” are passing out sobriety tests like cops at a busted high school kegger.

Inside the sorting hall former Melbourne General Post Office after restoration and conversion into shopping mall. Biatch/Wikipedia, 2006.
Inside the sorting hall of the former Melbourne General Post Office after restoration and conversion into shopping mall. Biatch/Wikipedia, 2006.

But a look at the personal planets introducing us to this new era in Capricorn gives a clue about how to personally respond right now. Today’s Sun/Moon conjunction is at five degrees Saggitarius and, according to the Sabian system of symbols, this degree is an “An old owl up in a tree” which represents self restraint — that most appreciated of all diplomatic gifts, the wisdom to know when to keep your mouth shut. Perhaps after 15 years of Saggitarian gushing, we need a clue about which words need to be left out of a discussion.

Mercury is snuggled up here, too, in the six degree Saggitarius Sabian symbol that encourages us to think about the rules we apply to the goals we pursue. In Saggitarius, Mercury gets the potential for foresight, and an aptitude for broad thinking, something that’s handy when you’re playing the game of diplomacy. The shadow side of diplomatic work is always ripe for Machiavellian manipulations, but Marc Edmond Jones reminds us the advantage of this degree lies in “being consistent and doing things with integrity…Do it the right way, even if it’s the hard way.”

Again, with the message of integrity.

The last planet in Saggitarius is Mars. It heads the group, much like a lead dog heads a sledding team. And when that much heat meets, look for a bonfire of enthusiasm. Consider the other messages in this New Moon grouping and take care that your figurative sled doesn’t tip, because if you can heed the call to diplomacy and broad-thinking, this New Moon energy will be a real boost in a positive direction.

However, hidden within this grouping of fiery personal planets, is the very personal centaur, Pholus. Wherever Pholus shows up, we know we’re looking at multi-generational family patterns, particularly those that go back to our grandparents. Pholus functions like Pandora’s box and signifies fast moving changes; Pholus conjunct Mars in the New Moon chart means the energy of this centaur is will be edgy. Old arguments may appear from nowhere about family or family habits. Hylonome, another centaur and the only female, nearby suggests this Moon will offer us a portal for experiencing a primal grief. The centaurs together may represent a strong woman who, because of generational patterns, could not adequately express her anger and sorrow. (Hint: If you’re visiting family for the Thanksgiving holiday, you might try pulling your best owl impersonation. Or make an appointment with your therapist for the day after.)

Here’s a better idea: try balancing all this Saggitarian fire with a Geminian love for hard facts. In other words, practice balancing that enthusiasm for change with an honest evaluation of the facts on the ground. Check them not once, but twice. A little restraint before you speak, and much thought about what you believe and why you believe it would not go amiss, either. We are really and truly now out of the old era. With malice toward none, and charity for all, we move forward.

P.S. Don’t forget: you have a spine. And it is ringing.

Yours & truly,

Shanna Philipson

5 thoughts on “Excuse Me, but Your Spine is Ringing: A Look at the New Moon.”

  1. cassavia.c: Hex. 52 is very dignified, without being starchy, isn’t it? Thank you for adding that insight. I’m pulling out my W/B right now…

  2. Love the title. And I’m sittin here with a stuck issue. Usually screws up my spinal alignment. Perhaps, it’s time for a nudge. Hello Dr Chiropractor, when the phone rings, my ears hurt. The goofy thing is, he gets it.

  3. These words “had me at ‘Hello'” and kept me until, “don’t leave!”
    I’ve re-read twice and will return again to let more soak in over the next few days…or weeks. It’s been a while since I felt such resonance with the concerns that have plastered their faces to the store front window of my life. Surely much of what I feel is, indeed, because I’m a “Capricorn Girl”; but a spine couldn’t ring if it wasn’t vibrating to the energy of a higher source tuning it. Thanks for the channeling the stuff that awareness and awakening are made of.

  4. I’d like to augment this post by pointing you all to hexagram 52 of the i ching. alternately known as the mountain, or keeping still (depending on the translation), the image it presents is one of a mountain range. the changing lines, a movement primer of sorts. it is a beautiful image, the spine as mountain range, and a powerful hexagram to contemplate during these times. Can’t go wrong with a little book of changes action on a week like this one.

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