Dear Friend and Reader:
I’ve mentioned a few times that I was giving a presentation at Omega Institute last night. That actually happened; I spoke to a full room of Omega staff, presenting on the topic of 2012 astrology. To do this, I started with an introduction to astrology and in particular, to what is different about modern astrology.
The first issue I took up is what it means to be doing astrology in our historical phase of discovery β of new planets constantly being plucked out of the heavens. We’ve gone from knowing about 2,060 minor planets orbiting our Sun at the time of Chiron’s discovery in 1977, to knowing about something like 500,000 of them today. The chart you see above is a little snip from the Minor Planet Catalog (MPC) that’s kept by some devoted scientists at Harvard University. The bit you have there is from when the first dwarf planets were given their places β Pluto, Eris, Haumea and Makemake (Ceres is way at the beginning of the catalog, as minor planet 1).
We then look at the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of 1965-66, and the corresponding Uranus-Pluto square of 2012-2015 (which has its first exact contact in June 2012). And I talk about the Venus transit of the Sun of June 2012. So the discussion leads up to the astronomical events of June 2012.
Below are the two astrology charts I use in the presentation, the Uranus-Pluto conjunction, and the Uranus-Pluto square.
This was a room full of people not trained in astrology. Some had a little knowledge of the basics, which was useful. I prefer to jump into the discussion of astrology at a fairly high level, and then work out the missing details later. You may think this discussion goes over your head; glean what you can from the ideas I’m putting out. Give it a little time and it will start to make sense. I assure you, you know enough to follow pretty soon. Correspond what you’re hearing to what you’re seeing in the charts below and it will be a lot easier.
Much useful background is contained β in very simple, nontechnical language, by the way — in my book Light Bridge: The 25 Year Span. In this book, I tell 2012 as a story going back about 25 years, and work into the technical issues gently.
The recording is about 100 minutes. I’ve divided it into two 50-minute files. If the playback is jumpy, close browser windows — this player likes to have a lot of memory, then it seems to work just fine.
Here is part one:
Here is part two:
The two charts are below. If you want to know what the planets represented by the symbols are, use the Astrological Glyph Legend at the very top of this post (we always leave it there). Enjoy — and your feedback is welcome. I’ll do my best to answer questions as soon as I can.
Enjoy —

What We Mean When We Say 2012 Astrology
In Mayan astrology, we are at the end of the 13th baktun, or a full piktun (13 baktuns). That is a phase of 5,125 years.
In terms of Western astrology, the mix of factors is:
Outer Planet Sign Changes
Pluto crosses the Galactic Core and enters Capricorn (2007-2009)
Saturn enters Libra (2009-2010)
Chiron enters Pisces (2010-2011)
Uranus enters Aries (2010-2011)
Neptune enters Pisces (2011-2012)
Rare Aspects
Chiron conjunct Neptune (2009-2012)
Venus transit of the Sun (2004 and 2012)
Uranus square Pluto (2012-2015, add three years on either side)
Varuna square Eris (2008-2012)
Chariklo square Chiron (2009-2012)
A Period of Planetary Discovery
As of today, there are 250,112 objects in the ‘distant’ catalog TNOs, Centaurs and SDOs and more than 300,000 total (including cataloged asteroids) orbiting our Sun. About another 200,000 are known but not in the catalog; they only have provisional designations. Remember — they all orbit OUR star, not some other.
I’ve actually been winging it without the Mandala, but it should be on its way shortly.
I’ve been using these old xeroxed sheets someone gave me awhile ago…with just the main sentence, but no commentary,
(wrinkled brow)
I was reading them more as little insights into the signs, until more recently when I decided I better learn how to read charts.
thank you.
Hey, would it be possible to put this up in a downloadable form? It would be nice to be able to listen to this in different sittings, which isn’t possible in the present format.
Thank you, looking forward to it!
The Sabians are a non-rounding system — they are a “within the degree” system
27 even is 27
27 01 is 28 all the way up to 28, referred to as “occupying the 28th degree” and sometimes as 27+
28 01 is 29 all the way up to 29
29 01 is 30 all the way up to 29 59
and the next sign begins.
00 01 is 1 all the way up to 01
and so on
Rudhyar explains this in the introduction
don’t be afraid, it’s only change…
might want to check out that II Sabian.
hey, that reminds me,
didn’t someone on here say that you would read 27 08 II as ’28’ II ? (not 28 II again!)
why is that? it’s closer to 27 II. can’t you use your intuition, esp. if it’s close?
that seems weird to me that everything then in 26-whatever would be read as 27..???
I’ve used a round down/up + gut feeling approach..esp. when it’s close..
yes. that’s a real question-
thanks for any knowledgeable contributor’s reply
I appreciate it : ))
This is terrific. Thanks so much for posting!
There’s a lunar eclipse in Sag on June 4, 2012, the day before the June 5th chart above, happening within just over a degree of the spot of the Venus-Sun transit. Then the very next day, as the transit occurs, the moon is sitting right on Pluto in the 1st. So the moon is pretty f-ing important, being a vector between the eclipse and the Sun-Venus transit and their relation to the unfolding Pluto-Uranus square.
In the June 5th chart the moon doesn’t rule a house; it’s a free agent. Having just been eclipsed, it finds itself in the 1st house in its detriment in Capricorn, both without it’s own venue AND intercepted. Not a happy moon. But Pluto is there. Pluto is also intercepted, but it rules the 11th, wherein lies the north node, perched very near the 12th. All of that combined suggests a powerful need for emotional expression throughout the collective. Of what? Shadowy stuff brought up by the eclipse (another chart, another time) and the transit? Of course, as we know, intercepted moon and Pluto are squared by loud and proud Uranus voicing itself from the 3rd. Sounds like a lot of pressure building. Kind of scary, actually.
Also weird that Mercury, ruler of the 6th house where the transit occurs, and of the 7th, is angular in Gemini right on the descendent and opposite the Galactic Core. Is there a finer symbol for humankind than Mercury in Gemini opposite the Core? Yet it’s positioned as the Other in this chart.
Wow. That Venus June 5 chart is intriguing especially since June 5, 1954 is my birthday and the house signs are echoing my natal chart pretty closely.
Ah the memories, thank you Eric!
The first chart was 4 days before my 18th birthday and my first semester in college.
I was and remain awake and alive, formed by all the cultural/political changes and the MUSIC!!!! Committed to all the revoutions/revalations of that time and this.
Such an awesome class/discussion/evening. I learned A LOT in a little amount of time, and had fun. Thank you!