Top Five Events — The ‘End’ of the Mayan Calender – part one

Top Five Events of 2012: Mercury Retrograde Election
Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. -- the 2012 Annual Edition of Planet Waves.
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Dear Friend and Reader:

Good evening. I’ve just recorded a new entry in the Top Five Events of 2012 — this one has two more segments coming later. It’s part of Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. — the 2012 annual edition of Planet Waves, which by the way is available for general sale to all readers, by sign. Subscribers may still get the 12-sign discount rate. We will mail another all-12 discount special offer to our subscribers soon.

Photo by Liz Joyce.
Photo by Liz Joyce.

This installment addresses the Mayan calendar systems and what day on Dec. 21, 2012 might “mean.” It’s actually a critique on attempts to pin meaning of the day. And, for the most part, I’m not up to giving my opinion yet — though I do provide some thoughts by other writers.

There will be two more parts to this part — next, an interview with Carlos Cedillo, a daykepper, and then the last in the series — my own viewpoint on the matter of the Mayan calendar and 2012. You do get a bit of that in this recording, but not the heart of my theory.

The article I reference by Bruce Scofield will appear in the rapidly growing resources area for the Reality Check website. This presentation will also appear in the Top Five Events special area as well. If you want to pre-order your Reality Check reading, check the right-hand column of that website.

3 thoughts on “Top Five Events — The ‘End’ of the Mayan Calender – part one”

  1. I never got around to sending you this, but now seems as good a time as any to bring it up. It occurs to me that 2012 may be a wake-up call to the human race about the effects of millennial or eschatalogical thinking. You’d have thought we’d have learned that lesson after all the Y2K silliness. But no. As you say, this mode of thinking (or coping mechanism?) is a part of human nature, and it reflects a kind of desperate desire for things to get better when we’re hitting a proverbial wall.

  2. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to you, Eric, Amanda, Len and all at PW, for an awesome website and community. I look forward the great companionship, creativity, wisdom and insight – not to mention the awesome astrology. What a blessing to have found the site.

  3. Thank you, Eric, for your journalistic striving for balance. I appreciate that so as I come to PW for realignment.

    Your introduction to Scofield’s thoughts about the Mayan calendar and all the excitement that this year is generating is very insightful and resonates strongly with me. Thank you for introducing his thoughts to this blog.

    I am not in any way discounting the significance of this “symbolic understanding of time” as we enter this year, however, as he mentions at the end, what everyone might miss as we “look for Meaning in this prediction” is that we lemmings are soiling our nest and are about to take everything down with us. Utterly obvious.

    He also mentions the “prophetic need of the millennialists to have an outward change” that will “save” everything; that we are waiting for an “outer” Something to change things for us, whereas, thankfully, at this time, it seems me that more and more of us are becoming aware that the change and the only significant change that will benefit anyone and anything must start within each of us individually,

    and that the first change is to see our interconnectedness. To come out of our narcissistic holes and look at what we’ve done to the planet and ourselves and decide to begin to exercise an interdependent consciousness.

    In 1970 I had a wall poster that said”Birth is an explosion as violent as death.” I had delivered in an amazing, positive experience in 1969 a baby without drugs or any intervention from a doctor-he simply caught my child as he entered this world. The poster resonated with me after that and I could not understand why. because birth (a normal, healthy birth. that is) is not violent in the common understanding of the word, but in experience of change– radical, life altering change—-for the baby and myself– in enlightenment, love, interdependence, and growth; birth did explode us both into new dimensions. And it was very good.

    Perhaps we collectively are in a birth canal–very uncomfortable for babies often, and I know I can say I am uncomfortable and feeling pushed, but I know it is in the right direction and do not have any idea, just as a baby doesn’t, of what is coming next. And that is ok.

    And: Why do we have to think the Mayans “knew” all the ramifications and meanings of what they were seeing and were just giving us us hints to tantalize us about the “meaning”?. What about they were brilliant astronomers, mathematicians and philosophers and just saw the facts, were passing them on, and were also waiting to see what they mean? As we are.

    And, as greenstargazer mentioned in a recent post, maybe no one knows nor can know, maybe all the energy in the birth canal push is concluding and now it’s up to us? To dig deep into our own energy source, connect with others and see what we can do together to walk in beauty, care for all living things and have some fun as we truly co-create the future?

    Happy 2012 to all

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