Eleven Fifty-Nine

Dear Friend and Reader:

One thing I haven’t mentioned (or talked about maybe once) on Planet Waves is a factor called ‘sidereal time‘. This is a way of measuring the year, though instead of dividing it into 52 weeks or 365 days, the year is divided into 24 hours. Apparently this is a more complex idea than I was expecting; the sidereal day is used for astronomical observation, but it’s also used to calculate the ascendant of an astrological chart, which is basically where chart calculation begins.

Photo by Sean Hayes.

The year begins as ‘midnight’ at the moment of the vernal equinox. So right now, since the equinox is tomorrow morning ET, we are in the last few minutes of the sidreal day; so it’s a little before midnight. This is another way of saying that the Sun is occupying the last degree of the zodiac; the last degree of Pisces. I mentioned that the Sun is void of course in this degree. This opens a door; unlikely developments are possible. Make sure you pay attention sufficiently to make sure they’re the kind of unlikely developments you want.

Now, the next few days promise to be pretty interesting. Here is why, in my opinion. The Sun ingresses Aries, meaning it contacts the Aries Point. That stirs things up, but the Sun is also square the Pluto/Charon system through the weekend and into Monday. So we now have two major elements affecting the Aries Point at once. Pluto is currently opposite a weird thing called Kronos, which is like super Saturn without a body (it’s a hypothetical); and Achilles is in Aries making an exact square to both Kronos and Pluto. The the Sun slips in and sets that off.

This is a confidence issue; that is the signature of Achilles: false confidence or false lack of confidence. We are having an enormous confidence issue these days, and we’re feeding it with all kinds of negativity. It’s personal and collective, Aries Point style. Looking at the world one way, fear has taken over. It’s quite literally attached to everything: from food to the air to sex to money to anything being potentially controversial; and the negativity is being pumped out around the clock 24 hours on the ‘news’ channels where for the most part people who don’t know they have souls spout off their ideas endlessly.

I think how we feel, and what we choose to do, has a lot to do with the source of the information we receive. There’s also something in our intention for getting that information. Television usually fills in dead space and time; what else could go into that space and time?

It’s time to start visualizing that. The Sun is still in Pisces, in the degree of visualization. We can, if we dare to look with the inner eye.

Eric Francis
reporting in from Koy4Goff

5 thoughts on “Eleven Fifty-Nine”

  1. Victoria – thanks for referencing Dickens, and for a little historical perspective on the zeitgeist (French revolutionary days)!
    Reading awordedgewise, paletiger, carecare7, and y’all, reminds that many of you have already thrown your heart into the next paradigm, and are not caught up in the angst of the masses.

  2. “Funny too, how now that Real Life has gained momentum – the pace of a traditionally hectic day-to-day experience (in LA) has grown calm.”

    You know, aword, I also haven’t been with the crowd during this time; as a person I never have been because of my thinking-out-of-the-box mother and brother.

    Three years ago, I was having a personal crash-and-burn financially when my husband had lost his third of what would be seven jobs. We have four kids, we were not eligible for unemployment, we had rent and car payment and all the family living expenses and I was in panic mode. Then 2 years ago, he lost the seventh job (losing seven jobs in three years was so hard on him) and I finally gave up and decided to believe in a being outside myself. Before all that, I had been a questioning agnostic, afraid of deluding my clear-thinking (Virgo rising) self about a personal deity and afraid to trust in anyone but myself (can you say “control freak”).

    When I let go and decided to believe, things changed. I am still not religious but the maelstrom seems to be happening all around me while we are shuffling along, peacefully doing ok. Not secure by any means, but after years of living with unsecure financial prospects, maybe I am used to the uncertainty and can just live in the Light, help others, raise my children with love, love my husband and live life. I feel a calmness that belies the situation I read about and my TV keeps reporting about. Dumping the unnecessary in life has set us free. When one has almost nothing, there’s a lot less to lose.

    Maybe this is why my horoscope hasn’t matched my actual living experiences day to day…..I seem to be existing in a different plane and feeling happy for the first time in many years because though there is pain and doom and gloom, I know somewhere in me that it is the pain of the healing that is to come and that is happening.

    My astrology teacher Beth Underwood used to call Chiron the beneficent physician, the painful shot that heals the sick. I guess I am not feeling the pain as much because when you calm down and relax, the shot hurts a lot less. Scrunch up the muscles and the needle cannot get in as easily; hence the pain. Relax the muscles and the needle goes in smoothly; less pain. Relax and let this maelstrom flow over you and it will feel less painful. Surrender to the healing and the change.

  3. awordedgewise – ‘No clue what it is in my personal chart that always has me upside-down from the emotions of the masses.

    Personally – my self-confidence and sense of personal power has never been stronger – and growing growing growing from a Real place.’

    H – I don’t think you’re alone! What you wrote struck a chord with me, and I know (from what they tell me) that others feel the same as you. This is an incredibly fertile period for me, not that it’s easy or certain (my great new chum, uncertainty), but I am taking full responsibility for everything that happens to me (even the crap dealt to me from the wayward behemoths of business and banking) and just getting on with it. Whatever that means…

    There is a real danger when people start to say ‘we’ this, and ‘we’ that. This is not to remove from any collective, but I prefer to speak for myself (as only I can) and if I am using a ‘we’, know for certain that who I am speaking on behalf of, is in full agreement.

    One thing I can say ‘we’ about (I think,) is that how things land, or are experienced, or are recognised, or are percieved – or, or, or, is different for everyone. I am glad you are feeling strong about yourself and your life. H.

  4. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way–in short, the period was so far like the present period, . . .

  5. No clue what it is in my personal chart that always has me upside-down from the emotions of the masses.

    Personally – my self-confidence and sense of personal power has never been stronger – and growing growing growing from a Real place.

    Life is truly amazing for the first time – I have been waiting for this ‘moment’ for eons and yet know that there so much more to come.

    Funny too, how now that Real Life has gained momentum – the pace of a traditionally hectic day-to-day experience (in LA) has grown calm.

    Eye of the Storm?

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