Edge of the Hedge

If there’s a bustle in your hedgerow…”
— Page/Plant

Hesitated to quote that song because, for Pete’s sake, who’s not sick of it by now? Ironically, that’s precisely how the shoe fits. No matter where we are on this Earth, we have begun a new season. One would dare say, not a moment too soon for most of us. Hence the recent transits and aspects of the Sun and Moon.

With few (if any) exceptions, our individual lives are entering new seasons. Behold the recent transits and aspects of the “personal planets” — Mercury, Venus and Mars.

Finally (though many still deny or resist this) our cultures, our civilizations, our age, our very epoch are beginning a new season. Reference the grand dance of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto around towards the first degrees of Aries, Libra and Capricorn.

Can you see how everything seems to be happening at once? Can you see how what is happening in your personal life is so closely related to your awareness of and participation in the public and the political? It is because the cycles of the earthly seasons, the course of human life and the the long elliptical paths of the spheres are synchronizing, coming together, intersecting. This is not to be dismissed as symbolic. We are up to our noses in it. The only questions are whether we swim with the current or against it and (perhaps most important) do we pull each other down or keep one another afloat?

Today’s astrology blog is a meditation on three items found in the hedgerow that is today’s chart. They may seem random. It’s up to you, dear reader, to decide how they fit into the symphony of synchrony as we all participate in writing the score.

Chiron is in a void-of-course period before its temporary transit from Aquarius to Pisces in less than three weeks. The modern definition of void-of-course (which is controversial) means a planet or point is in the last degree(s) of a sign and not applying in aspect to any other body before entering the next sign. Aspects that count are usually considered to be conjunct, sextile (60 degrees of separation), square (90 degrees), trine (120 degrees) and opposition (180 degrees).

A term usually applied to the Moon, void-of-course implies that the planet in question is driving with the clutch down. But there are exceptions. Note that Chiron is in a quincunx (150 degrees) to Saturn in Virgo. This is a supremely imporant aspect. Note also that Chiron is in the last degree of Aquarius — a degree which can be granted an honorary exemption to the void-of-course idea because its Sabian symbol — spiritual initiation — is so potent. And while Chiron is separating from Neptune, Neptune has a very, very wide orb of influence — wider than any other planet — and the two are definitely still working together.

Just over five years ago now, Chiron entered Aquarius in a manner much like it is preparing to enter Pisces. It put a toe into the water carrier in February of 2005, pulled it out and finally made the plunge in December of 2005. So, it’s not been void-of-course for a long time. Imagine somebody you live with and see every day and take for granted after a while. Suddenly they are out of your life for a few weeks. You either begin to appreciate them more or realize that you are better off without. Perhaps the realization happens gradually or suddenly that someday the parting will be for a good while longer. That this respite is preparation for the inevitable. That’s what we are going through right now. Pay attention, see what comes up as you contemplate the empty chair across the table from you.

Items number two and three, the Sun and Moon. Some very interesting aspects with minor planets today. The sum of these that would seem to be greater than the parts.

The Aries Sun is applying to conjoin Osiris, a main belt asteroid (between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter). Named after the complex Egyptian deity that, among other things was a merciful judge of the dead. At the same time Sol opposes Rhadamanthus, an object out there past Neptune, named after the fair and just judge of the dead in Greek mythology. Same job, different culture, in polarized relationship, hmmm… Throw in a trine to two asteroids conjunct in Sagittarius. Eurydike (or Eurydice, the great and tragic love of the great mythological musician Orpheus) and Cupido (you know, the kid with the good-thang arrows) and we get this image of love and death and compassion in the balance somehow.

The Aquarius Moon starts the day with a trine to “fertile” Chaos (an asteroid in Gemini) and ends conjoined with Nessus, a centaur planet, which has been sitting in the hedgerow for weeks now in a slowly applying in sextile to our postmodern heroine, Eris in Aries. Yup, one heck of an aspect, sneaking up on us for a long time.

Remember, centaur planets are associated with the psychological concept of “shadow material”. The bad penny that is the wages of past trauma and affront. Carry it and the memory will never leave you. Spend it and it will come back. Only if we own and transform it can the attraction or attachment be released. Among centaurs, Nessus is quite literally the most touchy, having to do with the personal experience of abuse. In the sign of the collective, an awareness that we share that experience in common.

Eris in Aries. That has a ring to it. Sort of like repeating the name of the great boxer, Muhammad Ali. Like that iconic man, a catalyst for an entire generation to shed the ill-fitting identities given to us and say “Hell no, i won’t go (there)!” Taking a new name and taking what goes with it.

Yup, been there for weeks in the hedge, that sextile, growing and flowing so close to home, just out of view. Luna comes along like a sensitive hand, reaches into the brier and… wouldn’t you know it, Chiron’s on vacation. Guess we will have to grow up and take care of ourselves.

Edits re. Chiron by Eric. Offered In Service.

18 thoughts on “Edge of the Hedge”

  1. Don Evans said: I’m fairly sure the song, and the references, are to the art of meditation; and the related art of Alchemy, which was simply an arcane metaphor for the practice.

    Cool observations, Don. :-}

    On one hand, we’ve all heard the song so many times we’re sick of it; OTOH, why were we so attracted to it in the first place?

    STH was written by Jimmy Page and Robert Plant. Page, I know, had an interest in Aleister Crowley (whom Phyllis Curott calls our “enfant terrible”), among other things.

    It is said that when Christianity came to Europe, our (relative to my own ancestry) pagan traditions went underground, hidden in the imagery of ballads like “Tam Lin” and “Thomas the Rhymer,” and Mother Goose (who herself was a witch), and the Grimm’s tales.

    STH belongs in this class, I think. For me, today, the whole song fairly drips with witchery. I interpret its lyrics today from a shamanic standpoint, as a metaphor for the Underworld Journey.

    The hedgerow and the May Queen are the dead giveaway. The hedgerow is liminal space between Here and There (though it’s all the same place, really… more than I can get into right now). The May Queen is one of the names we use for The Old Veiled One, Lady Fate.

    I think so many of us loved that song in the first place because something in us… something below the surface… was/is reaching for The Old Ways….

  2. geminicheryl,
    Thank you so very much in turn. It makes my day to know that you feel well served.

  3. “Remember, centaur planets are associated with the psychological concept of “shadow material”. The bad penny that is the wages of past trauma and affront. Carry it and the memory will never leave you. Spend it and it will come back. Only if we own and transform it can the attraction or attachment be released.”

    Wow, Len, I felt like this particular paragraph was written especially for me. I’ve been meditating on the “grace” aspects you mentioned to me earlier. I think I’m making progress. Many thanks for your shared wisdom.

  4. vicvega –

    Thanks for bringing that up. I have Uranus @29 deg. Leo in my 12th house and my Asc. @ 29 deg. Leo. In addition to Chiron, Saturn is also sitting on top of these for me.

    (Not a good day for me.)

  5. 1000 years ago King John sent hundreds of donkeys to their deaths as they crossed The Wash in East Anglia. His Alchemists had been working overtime, and they were indeed carrying a “whole lotta gold!” This horde has never been recovered!

    A real Alchemist could turn Lead into Mercury into Gold, or just as easily, if a mite foolishly, Gold into Mercury into Lead! If you are a child of Mercury, just remember that it can go either way!!

    Glad we managed to sort the Saturn-Chiron 150, there is also the matter of Orcus sitting at 0.13 Virgo just awaiting the Chiron 180 rendevous! This just might account for Chinese and US mining disasters! Awful mudslide in Brazil! And Uranus adds in a strange X shape across the Virgo-Pisces axis, which is feeling like Dharma of a kind;
    2 inconjuncts and 2 semi-sextiles!

    Finally I have been sitting on the grand cross in fixed signs!! Pallas and Vesta are reversing into an exact with Nessus and Sedna!! There are verses in “Stairway” that are just so perfectly Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus and Leo!

    All the way to heaven…is heaven!!

    Here is one of the sweetest voices you will ever here!!

    Colin Blunstone …The Zombies… “Time of the Season”!! 1968



  6. Len deadpans: “Mystes, You are not wrong. Can’t recall you have ever been wrong.”

    GUFFAH~! Hey Len, just talk to my a) son, b) girlfriend, or c) any of those long-suffering individuals who called themselves ‘husband’!

    No, but really (wiping the tears of laughter from her eyes), thank you, sweetie. Best laugh of a day of laughter.


    I am now officially signing off until Sunday evening. Gotta take a dive for 48 hours or so before I teach this workshop.

    If you keep seeing me as wrongless, I’ll probably Laurel&Hardy through this event, so uh, you know: Look again.

    As my Chinese incarnation would say…

    “So wrong,”



  7. Eric-Question for you re: anaretic degrees….I read the thread and Wiki-ed “anaretic” and can’t seem to understand why sometimes the influence is considered to be legit and sometimes not. I am curious if a planet is considered to be in the anaretic degree if it’s the last degree of a house, v. a sign.

    for example: I have Eris sitting in the last degree of my 12th house @ 13 Aries 31′ 1″ (with Asc. at 14 Aries 23′ 38″) and I suspect this is a heavy influence, considered to be in the anaretic degree. I also have Venus conjunct at 11 Aries–and obviously these are big aspects, so does that count? There’s a pretty big Goddess party going on with me, but definitely unclear on question above….

    thanks for clarification-victoria

  8. Mystes,
    You are not wrong. Can’t recall you have ever been wrong. Can’t say the same for myself, unfortunately. Thank you for your astute and pertinent observations. As for your request to “chart” these aspects and transits. Don’t know how to post graphics here. Heck, i’m still learing how to write. Please accept my apologies and forgive my failings. Live and learn, eh?

  9. Eric,

    I’m fairly sure the song, and the references, are to the art of meditation; and the related art of Alchemy, which was simply an arcane metaphor for the practice.

    This was the “philosopher’s stone” which was thought to be able to change the “lead” soul into one of “gold”; to allow the follower to transcend the physical, and bring them closer to God…it’s the “rock” that does not “roll”.

  10. So — vis a vis Chiron in the last degree: I don’t really see that as void, in the case of Chiron. I say this because Chiron is so edgy in the first place. In our current situation there are other planets in the neighborhood, and a lot of Aries Point that’s feeding into any sign change; but Chiron’s role is to challenge, define, explore and work the edge.

    I have seen distinct effects with other points in the last degree; what is properly called the anaretic degree. Kirsti Melto might have more to add here, as this is one of her topics. But with Chiron, I would say that since we’ve all been through relatively few sign changes of Chiron in recent years, we take a more observational approach.

    There has been extraordinary Pisces activity the past year, and this is part of it.

  11. Morgana! so glad to see from you! Nance, how is that ride going 8D? And B, thanks for the additive imagery – I love how you keep applying the maths to the political view.

    Len, am I wrong in seeing Chiron at 29º Aquarius? If it is in those anaretic degrees, how can this be counted as ‘missing’? My taste buds tell me that Aq Luna energy is swirled up nice and tight with Chiron.

    But maybe that’s just my natality weighing in (I was born with Luna & Chiron in 2nd House Aq) At least (thank you goddess) they are in my 3rd House now, where speaking=healing.

    One request/suggestion. Can we see today’s chart with these ruminations and insights? I look around the web, but find very little that shows the asteroids except in ephemeris (listed) form.

  12. As for Led Zeppelin — these are unverified lyrics. We’ve all heard this a million times but who has really studied the text? Who is this lady who’s so sure about something? There are three movements to the song. She seems to go through three incarnations. What are the authors getting at?

    There’s a lady who’s sure
    All that glitters is gold
    And she’s buying a stairway to heaven

    When she gets there she knows
    If the stores are all closed
    With a word she can get what she came for

    Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
    And she’s buying a stairway to heaven

    There’s a sign on the wall
    But she wants to be sure
    ‘Cause you know sometimes words have
    Two meanings

    In a tree by the brook
    There’s a songbird who sings
    Sometimes all of our thoughts are

    Ooh, it makes me wonder

    Ooh, it makes me wonder

    There’s a feeling I get
    When I look to the west
    And my spirit is crying
    For leaving

    In my thoughts I have seen
    Rings of smoke through the trees
    And the voices of those
    Who stand looking

    Ooh, it makes me wonder

    Ooh, it really makes me wonder

    And it’s whispered that soon
    If we all call the tune
    Then the piper will lead us to reason

    And a new day will dawn
    For those who stand long
    And the forests will
    Echo with laughter

    Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, ooh, whoa, oh

    If there’s a bustle in your hedgerow
    Don’t be alarmed now
    It’s just a spring clean
    For the May queen

    Yes, there are two paths you can go by
    But in the long run
    There’s still time to change
    The road you’re on

    And it makes me wonder

    Aw, uh, oh

    Your head is humming and it won’t go
    In case you don’t know
    The piper’s calling you to join him

    Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow?
    And did you know
    Your stairway lies on the whispering wind?


    And as we wind on down the road
    Our shadows taller than our soul
    There walks a lady we all know
    Who shines white light and wants to show
    How everything still turns to gold
    And if you listen very hard
    The truth will come to you at last
    When all are one and one is all
    To be a rock and not to roll

    And she’s buying a stairway
    To heaven…

  13. Just another plethora of juicy innuendo to ponder. This is so fun Len! You made me think, with the Sun conjunct Osiris opposite Rhadamanthus and “having the same job, different culture in polarized relationship”…and then “love and death and compassion in the balance somehow” because of the trine to two asteroids. . . .well, you made me think of two presidents from two big countries trying to hammer out a nuclear treaty. That’s what you made me think of.

    Made me think about Louisville born Cassius Clay too, and how my daddy used to take pictures of him when he was just a kid.. . .

    I would hate it if you left us at this table all alone.

  14. Eric,
    Thank you for “Edits re: Chiron”. The Saturn aspect, well just dropped the ball on that, thank you for the save. The Neptue element is, characteristically, difficult to express and you did an inspirational job. You took a K-Mart blog and turned it into a tailor made suit. It is because of your edits that this piece hangs together and all the readers should know that.

  15. I’ve got Chiron in Pisces, 12th house. Curious about how Chiron moving to Pisces will affect me.

    Morgana says this:
    ‘Witches ride the hedge, and cross it, and come back with wisdom previously unthought-of. Sometimes it’s a harrowing journey.’

    Is she talking to me?

  16. Well said, Len.

    From this Aquarian’s point of view (& with no less than 4 planets in AQ in my chart), Chiron’s departure cannot come A MOMENT TOO SOON.

    I don’t see anything happening in my life that’s different from the past few weeks/months. But something feels different. Really. I can feel “something” in my life shifting, dislodging. It’s a feeling that’s more on the periphery of my senses than anything else. Oh well…

  17. If there’s a bustle in your hedgerow, the Otherworld might be trying to get your attention. Or perhaps it’s simply the world outside the relative safety of the village confines that craves one’s attention. I suppose that is another way of saying the personal is political.

    Witches ride the hedge, and cross it, and come back with wisdom previously unthought-of. Sometimes it’s a harrowing journey.

  18. Another beautiful piece Len.

    ‘Guess we will have to grow up and take care of ourselves.’ Indeed. Here’s to that.


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