Eclipse of the Sun Monday, Asian Year of Ox Begins

We are in an eclipse moment. The first of two, an annular solar eclipse, occurs overnight Sunday to Monday at 6+ Aquarius. [Here is NASA’s official page on the eclipse.] This is Tet, the Asian New Year. Tet is held on the first New Moon after the first Full Moon after the winter solstice. This year it happens to be a solar eclipse that brings in the Year of the Ox. The qualities of Ox are diligence, tolerance and persistence. It is a stoic sign, whose natives are known for speaking little but showing quiet strength.

Up Close & Personal. Photo by Eric Francis.
Up Close & Personal. Photo by Eric Francis.

The approximately equivalent Western sign is Capricorn, a cardinal earth sign. This is interesting because Capricorn is now such an important focus of Western astrology, as Pluto has taken up residence here.

Wikipedia’s page on the Ox year relates the traditional wisdom that it’s “the sign of prosperity through fortitude and hard work. This powerful sign is a born leader, being quite dependable and possessing an innate ability to achieve great things. As one might guess, such people are dependable, calm and modest. Like their animal namesake, the Ox is unswervingly patient, tireless in their work, and capable of enduring any amount of hardship without complaint.” Like Capricorn, there can be a quality of mischief and devilishness at the center of Ox stoicism, though it does not emerge easily or often; natives of this sign like to maintain the appearance of propriety and are easily embarrassed if seen to be childish. But most of what they experience as different or unconventional occurs within the interior of their lives.

A Chinese year repeats every 12 years. Each Chinese year is associated with a color or element, which move in a 60-year cycle. We are now entering the year of the earth Ox, and the last time that happened was 60 years ago, in 1949.

Agence France-Presse interviewed a number of feng shui masters on the energetic quality of the year, who were strikingly pessimistic. They seemed to agree that the Ox year, dominated by the element Earth, was missing the element Fire that was key to financial growth — and that this element would have to be provided by those working for success themselves.

In Western astrology, that fire looks like the innovation and inventive quality of Aquarius, and the imaginative power of Pisces, two locations of the zodiac where so much energy is focused right now. But the presence of Saturn in Virgo through next November has the feeling of over-abundance of earth.

To me the alignment of the Ox year, the eclipse and Pluto in Capricorn suggest that now for a change many more people will need to work for their living rather than cash in. The Pluto in Sagittarius time — expansion, expansion, expansion, mostly fueled by credit — was a time when resources and labor became disconnected. In effect, we were paid in credit points that we then had to pay back double or triple. So it really was not an expansion at all; it was a kind of gap opening up. Ox represents doing the work necessary to shore up the structure.

In Western astrology, the degree of the solar eclipse has a fun Sabian symbol — a child being born out of an egg. Humanist/composer/astrologer Dane Rudhyar describes this as “the emergence of new mutations according to the great rhythm of the cosmos.”

Apparently, evolution occurs faster than the kind of endless, gradual incremental slide that we think of it as. New forms of life, inluding physical forms, are born into existence at surprising moments.

The eclipse is conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius, which offers projection and suggests that our moment is about a radical change in public attitude, values and mental patterns. With Mercury conjunct Mars in Capricorn, this may be occurring more quickly than we’re expecting.

As I have mentioned a few times, this eclipse is reminiscent of an event in February 1962, nearly 47 years ago, which seems to have had an influence in sparking off the 1960s. Both charts have something else in common, which is being close in the approach to a major Uranus-Pluto alignment. This long cycle, which repeats about every 121 years and has four major turning points, is now at one of its hot spots. It also was in 1962, and by some coincidence when The New York Times was founded in 1851 (please see story below for details).

We are now in that moment right before the revolution, though there are many sensitive types, and those open to the energy, for whom it is happening at what feels like full strength right now. But behold, the pace accelerates as these days, seasons and years unfold.

Eclipses are pattern setting times; which means they are the times we can let go of old modes of existence and establish the new ones that we want to live by. With so much emphasis on Aquarius, this includes our modes of relating to groups, the conditioning patterns of our friends, our sense of community and expanding our need — it is a need — to participate in the world in a meaningful way.

An old fog is lifting: you could call it the fog of group self-delusion. Consensus reality is changing, but that can only be the result of a the consensus itself changing. There is a place for you as this happens; there are people for you; there is a time for every purpose, including awakening.

9 thoughts on “Eclipse of the Sun Monday, Asian Year of Ox Begins”

  1. I posted a note on my website ( about Obama being given a khata (scarf) from the Dalai Lama before being sworn in. Evidently he had it in his pocket during the ceremony. Any thoughts on this being an auspicious sign for the future of Tibet? or not. . .

  2. Wow. Just today I was speaking with a feng shui practioner about chinese astrology vs. western astrology. Am told that western astrology won’t translate neatly into chinese astrology (esp. for feng shui purposes) but reading this post gives me hope that it’s not impossible to make workable connections… thank you Eric.

    Like kristenb, have heard more comparisons of Capricorns to Rats than Oxen… but I see the connection if you are talking about values, patience, work through consistency (as opposed to cunning – a Rat-like attribute).

    Re: the year of a sign is not lucky for those of that sign- I suppose it depends what you mean by “lucky”… speaking as a Rat who went through her rat year in 2008, I must say it was most interesting with lots of ups and downs, but came away with so much.

  3. And of course Obama is an Ox. Though I gather this is not a very auspicious year to come for the Oxen – all the more reason to remember that he will need all the help we can give.

    Thanks as always for all the wonderful work you and your crew are doing, Eric!

  4. Hi World,

    I’m a “49-er”
    Earth Ox goddess

    with 5th house Taurus Sun/Venus conjunct

    …so I have lots of pretty sweet bull energy

    with (fire) Sagittarius rising

    and (taking charge) Capricorn in the first house, too.

    Happy eclipse everyone, to bring in this aquarian
    energy and leave…whatever…behind to wilt,
    like a tattered flag in the wind (the eclipse of ending something
    and beginning something else).

    Can we hear Earth Ox breathing?

    Let’s see…maybe we’ll understand interdependence with all
    beings and our planet, and color
    healing, and put ourselves on the line for peace, and end the barbaric obsolescence of war and cruelty.

    Thanks for your visionary use of the internet tool, Eric, and
    for taking on revealing corporate chemical assault (up there at SUNY)
    …work that’s dear to the heart of mother earth.


    La Mer

  5. How would you allocate the other 11 chinese signs to western constellation signs? [] Interesting.

    Just came out of deep meditation lasting 5+ hours of pure vibratory sun in every cell where everything was “sun and moon intermingled – timeless.”

  6. I should’ve known an eclipse conjuncting my chiron would be felt? It was so an exact moment, a moment so exact, I looked at the clock, 10:30 pm CST last night. I know that is not eclipse time, but it was the point when the door opened and I felt the king.

    I should’ve known something was up. The weekend is back. The economy is supposed to suck but the restaurants and bars are loaded on the weekends. And there are more and more hosting bands. Sources speculate that because the economy is not so good, less money is being spent during weeknights on food and fun, and is focussed more on the weekend. Concentrated fun. Whoo hooo. I love walking into big balls of energy. zzt. zzt.

    I should have known the freedom I was feeling whilst playing with something as simple as bugs meant something. And then it snapped and the inner boy kid squealed. And then there was silence. Can this be real? I liked it. Wanted to hang onto it.

    Took a drive and started feeling all 50s “male” like. That was weird. I didn’t want a big car or to assume the costume and hair. And I will never be a big tupperware fan. But I could feel that energy.

    So when you wrote of 1949, I freaked. And found this sight, Morgan Wright’s hoy hoy. The following is the intro:

    Rock and Roll Before Elvis

    Rock and Roll / Rhythm and Blues from 1948 to 1953 was the greatest
    music of all time, though few people know much about it today. The swing
    era was dead and the jump blues of WWII was in the decline when, in 1948,
    the new beat was born. It was a rocking beat, a hard-driving rhythm like
    nothing before it. The year 1948 saw the birth of real rock and roll music.

    I did wonder if things were going to speed up some now. And your take is that it will. So that was good info, too.

    This was really fun.


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