Echo or Reflection? Strange days in Astrology

By Len Wallick

Today begins with the Moon (in its second day of Libra), conjunct the dwarf planet Haumea at 17+ degrees Libra. Haumea is currently classified by the International Astronomical Union as a “plutoid,” part of a very exclusive club of dwarf planets that orbit our Sun beyond Neptune (the two others being Eris and Makemake). It was discovered by Cal Tech’s BMOC, Mike Brown, and his team two days after the 2004 Asian Tsunami, between Christmas and New Years. It was named after the Hawaiian goddess of fertility, who could literally birth a child out of any part of her body. She was second to none when it came to being fecund.

Combined with the Moon (the Goddess become luminary), we have a potent continuation of the yin energy that began the week. Fittingly enough, the planetary ruler of Libra is Venus and look see what’s 90 degrees away from the Moon-Haumea conjunction.

Why, it’s the applying (and very nearly exact) conjunction of the Sun and Venus in Capricorn. Yup, Venus has gone modest on us during her transit of Capricorn. So limited by the vibe she has gone behind the Sun to change her identity from the morning star she was last Summer, back to the Arwen-channeling evening star. From the consort of Jupiter last Spring to the discreet and mysterious elf of the twilight `ere the vernal balance is attained again. Nothing like a sip of Saturn to make a girl settle down.

Speaking of Saturn, today’s aspect of conjunctions briefly mirrors its own long square with Pluto in the same signs (though varying degrees) less than a week before the ringed one stations retrograde to close and tighten with that Cardinal tension once again. And so the cycle continues. Consistent with Haumea, like begets like. Consistent with the Moon, the smaller wheel turns the larger cycle. Consistent with Venus, the energy is received from the creative Sun and transformed. Water soaks into the ground until it can be saturated no more.

But there could be a sign, with the lengthening days that there is a spark of yang, dim like a distant star in the spinning firmament. Its progress not ordained, its potential not yet determined. For retreating Mars finds itself also at 17+ degrees, but in Leo. As such it finds itself in that responsive, reciprocal, supportive flow of directed communication with the conjunction in Libra. At the same time it is in that strange averse and mal-adjusted estrangement known as a quincunx as regards to the Sun and Venus, 150 degrees away in Capricorn.

Recent times have demonstrated that politics do indeed make strange bedfellows. Thus the sky echoes this theme when placement and sign seem to overrule the natural affinity of things Mars and Leo for things Sun. Conversely, what an odd triad the Moon, Mars and Haumea make, joined by the affinity of the fire and air they occupy, overcoming that which dwells within.

And so today echoes that which it has not yet heard. Strange pairings and directions portending greater shifts of direction and habitation to come. So a lesser light, hidden by a greater luminary precedes a change of place. Hence the paradoxical transcends the practical to blow on the spark, floating in the humid air, above the puddles, towards a certain but undiscovered dawn. And if you find yourself chilling among strangers, remember that the day may yet come when they are strangers no more. That morning will come even when the warmth of the Sun was held and shared by a ground that was damp and cold not so long ago. See through these days, no matter your place or companions, they are but echoes of the in-between. Turn with and balance upon the smaller wheels of the present so to better embrace the larger, longer cycles of the future. Be the blessing someone else is looking for and you will be likewise blessed upon the turn.

Offered In Service

14 thoughts on “Echo or Reflection? Strange days in Astrology”

  1. Dear Len
    All the years I’ve followed PW I’ve never given feedback. I love Eric, but your words truly move me and I feel it a duty to take the time to let you know how much I appreciate your columns. It’s not only the astrology that you impart (as I’m definitely feeling in between) but the way you do it. You are a gem! Thank you.

  2. Len, this is hauntingly reflective of what’s going on w/ me personally. I feel the air is about to burst w/ all its pregnant possibility, but just not yet. . . Your writing speaks directly to my 12th house (cap. cusp) and a zillion planets there in Aquarius. Thank you!

  3. yeah, I completely feel that spark. I was just thinking about it actually. There is a slideshow in my head featuring transparent blue veins in the water table, the molecules drawn to a stop but still they crack wise.

    Tough month around here, January. We lumber around like bears. After New Years nobody really looks that great. Nothing out the window argues for anything but checking out til June. The surge and the thaw are just an idea we had when we were oversleeping, maybe it was this morning but it could have been last year or maybe we’re about to have it, hard to tell. But it seems doable, that idea, and it’s been done before. We’re in the contemplative stage.

  4. Masterful as always Len!

    “Turn with and balance upon the smaller wheels of the present so to better embrace the larger, longer cycles of the future. ”

    Beautiful reminder to live in the present while remaining conscious and aware of the bigger picture, especially when in those in-between phases. Always respect the process that is at work. One can’t read the end goal unless going through each step along the way.

  5. Thank you, Patty – your comment is among the greatest blessings.

    Gladys – There with you. Remember we are in that period after the lunar eclipse but before the solar (hence the poetic license of the “in between”). Things will look different before the end of the month what with (1) Mercury stationing direct concurrent with the New Moon/solar eclipse. (2) Jupiter moving into Pisces three days later (3) the Sun moving into Aquarius two days after that. Those five days should be a stimulant of sorts.

  6. Very nice, Len, particularly that last line. I need to write that up somewhere and save it as a reminder. I’ve been contemplating a strange pairing for a few weeks now, but like others here, have been feeling stuck/ in between for much longer. It helps to hear that others are experiencing the same thing.

  7. I am so tired and so weary of being stuck ‘in between’. I am ready for the new echoes and to wake up and feel the warmth of the new dawn on my face — but — the alarm clock on that day better be pretty loud or else I’m going to sleep right through it!

    Thanks, Len!

  8. post script…
    wonderful definition. Nail on the head.
    “strange averse and mal-adjusted estrangement known as a quincunx ”


  9. Dear Len-
    Thank you for a morning smile and snicker. Having Venus @ 14 Libra ,5th house, it helped make clearer my more than recently repressed creative energy trying to manifest in my dining area for the past 72 hours.
    Making the mighty dollar has taken a front seat for quite a while. I dont think it will be exiting anytime soon either. Especially with all this Cappy activity. Its time to implement a balance.

    You never fail to educate and entertain. I cant get enough-

    Thank you


  10. Mandy – Know what you mean. Remember a few weeks back, around the solstice, that Eric recalled the Roman holiday of Saturnalia. It was a cultural solution to the “sick of” feeling you expressed. By contrast our culture does not even have the “January White” sales anymore. We are left on our own to re-create a remedy. This has the potential to be a joyful task and a new start, a dawn of our own making. We can do it.

    Kelly – Please accept my compassionate support as you endure your losses. It brings joy to know my words have resonate with you.

    aword – thank you for making an exception to express your feedback and support.

  11. For you Len, I break my vow of silence here — (self enforced focus on putting energy elsewhere at this time) — I must thank you very much for your poetry today; even more than usual your words sing, your descriptions paint.

    I can see the starplanets and feel them move about me with purpose and integrity; whether a reflection or echo of your writing, either or other is Lovely.

    Thank you,

  12. A month ago I suffered an unquestionable and questionable loss in the same event. “Strange pairings” and “echoes” which haven’t yet been heard sing out with clarity to me.

    Thank you, Len

    With blessings.

  13. Sigh, feel as though I’ve been stuck here , in this between place, for aeons now. I’m sick of hearing the echoes and seeing the false dawns.

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