Doula at Work

Doula at Work. Annalee Orsulich, a birth doula, keeps her eyes and soul on a laboring woman in the final moments before she delivers a child Saturday night. Photo by Eric Francis.
Doula at Work. Annalee Orsulich, a birth doula, keeps her eyes and soul on a laboring woman in the final moments before she delivers a child Saturday night. Photo by Eric Francis.

1 thought on “Doula at Work”

  1. Ya know, i was just thinking about birthing today. i guess it’s all the power surging up from our deep sea divers.

    Birthing is like the ultimate creation. A major surge of orange. And when we look at creative works, and the creator, it looks so simple that we think it is magical talent, a gift. The natural child birthers talk about the beauty of giving birth. And that may be their experience, but it isn’t what I witnessed with the two births I was present for.

    i am sorry the birther did not look beautiful. She looked contorted and unrecognizable. The creation was coming, there was no stopping it, and she and he and I was there in space in the place with nothing but the raw raucous of a force bigger than all of us. It was a raging storm we were riding out.

    And then, there came a child laid on the Mother rug. And we all exhaled and looked at the fragility of the child as it moved to Mother’s arms. And we were transformed in the moment. And life, it was just never the same after that. The child, well, she just never stopped.

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