Daily Astrology for Monday, September 14, 2009

Germination and Fruitions

“Men must endure Their going hence, even as their coming hither: Ripeness is all.”
— William Shakespeare

This is a big week in astrology, dominated by aspects of opposition and conjunction. It actually started last Friday morning when the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter back on December 1st of last year (watered and nourished by the Moon joining with them) ripened to their opposition on the axis of the February 6, 2008 solar eclipse.

We emerge into Monday as Venus continues her searchlight sweep across the triple conjunction in Aquarius with an opposition to Chiron.

The traditional characterization of an opposition as a “uh-oh, watch out!” hard aspect would seem to isolate the event. In so doing, prioritizing an invitation to fear, potentially creating conflict or indulging avoidance. This in turn can cheat us of enjoying all the moments of our journey.

Seeing oppositions as part of a cycle however, can lend greater appreciation of how the synchronicity of each phase fits together, accumulating into a deepening sense of gratitude and balance.

Fortunately, all schools of astrology seem to agree on a conjunction as being a seminal moment, a germination. It would seem constructive then to begin ascertaining the ripe fruit of an opposition by looking back to the conjunction it came from.

Back on December 22nd of last year, Eric proposed that Venus conjunct Chiron in Aquarius is “..being in your sexuality as an experience acceptance of who you are” instead of being who we are expected or pressured or told we are supposed to be by the social order we identify with (and fear).

Just this last Friday in “The Man: Humanity in Transformation”, Eric referred to “…Chiron in Aquarius stuff: The tribal wound as it manifests as the fear of individuality.”В  Now that the opposition is upon us, our task is to choose how we will look at what has ripened for us. Will we choose to appreciate and cherish what the last eight-plus months have to teach us? Will we offer compassion and support to those who are harvesting the fruits of individuation? Will we look at this as an opportunity for perspective and evaluation?

Powerful support is there from the the sky. Concurrent with the Venus-Chiron opposition we find (of all things) Eris in a trine with Venus and a sextile with Chiron. This is an astonishing opportunity for Venus and Chiron reach out and integrate what Eric called “the fertile point of identity chaos” into a supportive flow towards expanding awareness. The moon, past its conjunction with Mars but still in the warm dignity of Cancer offers further harmony in a semi-sextile with Venus, a trine to Chiron and just enough edge (through a square to Eris) to encourage us to bring the inside out.

And this is just Monday, folks. Tomorrow, it’s the Saturn-Uranus opposition repeats again, Thursday, retro Merc plucks a cardinal point and squares Pluto upon re-entering Virgo where the Sun will initiate yet another germination by conjoining Saturn where the dwarf planet, Makemake, has been waiting for them. Then, on Friday Virgo turns its own triple conjunction into a quad when the New Moon joins in.

As 2009 began, Eric intuited that Makemake represented the mystery of how things came to be the way they are. The aspects this week would seem to indicate that participation with awareness through BOTH going hence AND coming hither will allow us to see into that mystery and follow our cycles consciously from germination to fruition. Can we do it? Yes we can!

Offered In Service,
Len Wallick

13 thoughts on “Daily Astrology for Monday, September 14, 2009”

  1. Ah, these have been some great words on this thread here.

    Fe – I too have burst through a number of my own fears just through sheer action and I will continue to do this because this is the only way I know how. My Aries Stellium can’t stand sitting on my arse and doing nothing.

    I also feel like I haven’t acted as quickly as I have wanted to due to fears and also yet again, the issue of whether my old friends and lovers will still love me if I do go out on a limb and and then jump off it. (This Taurus, Stubborn and Stable)

    “There are phases that seemed like years and lifetimes ago that I struggled out of by sheer force of will–I had to feel completely inundated by the phase before I finally acted. The lesson was to act.”

    Well Said. This lesson to act is a call to my fear of letting go. (of things and people I no longer need and no longer define me.)

    I also feel like there is a much more karmic event (women’s psyche feeling left out?) going on, not just of the intimacy that one can gain from being with another but more the intimacy that I think Gandhi and Mother Theresa had, the ability to be intimate with one’s faith and spirit. To commit to something and never let it go, regardless that it may let you down from time to time. And also to be allowed the freedom to go and do as you please. (Just writing this, I though to myself, Hello Uranus and Saturn, nice to finally meet your acquaintances!)

    We all most likely make love to ourselves, so why can’t we make love to our spirits?

    How the hell do I do this? It sounds like something I would like to try!!! 😉

    This thinking arghhh, I am tired.

    Un beso,


  2. Patty:

    On getting a handle on one’s thoughts – a much needed focus for today it seems. On that note, prayer and meditation is a TBD immediately.

    I feel like we’re taking each other through something deep. Thanks for the company and words of wisdom.

  3. Jere/Fe, Mother Teresa loved unconditionally, but her pain was caused by her doubts. I read that someplace, that she doubted her belief in God at one time. Don’t we all, so she was human.

    Edgar Cayce said that thought was deed in the spirit world. Getting a handle on our thoughts is quite a problem. I don’t know if I could say I trust myself, because I know I can’t control the negative thoughts that arise now and then. but I can pray about it, and ask for help. That usually works wonders for me.

  4. Please forgive if I speak out of turn.. Fe, the first paragraph of your first post sheds light, trust, as far as I’m aware, is an intimate conversation with oneself. I trust no one but, I do trust me: to accept that humans are fallible, to accept that I do not possess the universal key, to accept that the Universe is bigger than my little brain. Within that is a lot of room for adjustment and movement.

    Elle, Gen, I’m gonna limb it here for a few.. unconditional love is a filter. It’s a state of being we embody when we’re tired of being tossed by the waves. (Even pain falls, and rises, to the will of bliss) Contend me here if you will, Gandhi, and Mother Theresa were some pretty unconditionally lovin’ cats,.. they hurt.. perhaps more deeply than most will ever fathom.. .. .. (the Beautiful Sadness always exists upon the wheel) .. .. This is the joy, it’s just been Identified, Realized, Accepted, Recalibrated, Installed, and Vigilantly maintained. These cats knew pain.. it was the Heart (you’re there) they put faith in, over the nasties. And that (although we can choose the shadows anytime) is LOVE.

    (Karma is meaningless at the tip of being, all souls are one) (I don’t really know what that means, but it sounds cool 😉 )

    Explore, expand, all eyes open..

    From one who challenged the Universe and got his ass kicked, but stood back up, said thank you, and continued walking along.

    As always, Peace, Love, and Smiles,


  5. Elle and Genevieve:

    These last few days, I feel as though I have passed through a review of the “dense matter” periods of my life. Wading through what possibly are karmic issues. The one path that helped me keep light around them was understanding what I’ve done to bust through.

    There are phases that seemed like years and lifetimes ago that I struggled out of by sheer force of will–I had to feel completely inundated by the phase before I finally acted. The lesson was to act.

    Now that I know how to act, the rest of the lesson is to incorporate that act of self-acceptance into relating, and not allow suspicion of my own motives for relationship (fear-based) to prevent me from trusting another person with what I have to give. It also means being conscious that who I choose to be with is not a reflection of what I’ve tried to avoid: true intimacy with another person.

  6. Genevieve and Fe,

    I can’t tell you how grateful I am to hear all of this, regardless that I am “hearing” your sentiments online. It’s a scary notion to be going through this because at times, I have felt completely alone and even with friends, at times wondered if my words were falling on deaf ears. Am I going to be the crazy cat lady in the Milk commercial with a bazillion cats?

    I have turned to books and poems that have expressed these same sentiments to make me feel like I am not losing my mind entirely.

    “Desiderata” always helps me. “Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.”

    And for some reason, I always remember Lily Tomlin’s quote, “Remember, we are all in this alone.”

    Genevieve- I also have to believe that once we become 100% ourselves, truthful to our every aspect of our being, that others will be there to love us unconditionally. I am questioning whether others can love us unconditionally regardless that we don’t love ourselves unconditionally or whether it is the other way around and perhaps we learn to love ourselves unconditionally when others do it for us. I have thought before that I loved unconditionally but I have been hurt by those persons. To me, unconditional would not cause hurt.

    I don’t know what it is but I am ready for it. I can remember a time when I felt light and happy, and I am ready for that to return. I have a feeling that light is just around the corner for all of us . 🙂 It is during these dark times, that I am able to establish what I really want in my life. Love, life, happiness, great sex, food, dancing, and laughing so hard I feel like I could die…I can’t wait.

    Len- Ah, appreciation for myself. Bah, that’s a hard one but I am working on it. 🙂

    Much thanks to your divine,

  7. Fe and Elle thank you for sharing what you are going through. I myself have been through similar things this year. Sometimes I look at my friends who are in happy, meaningful relationships and wonder why that can’t be me. Then I come here and am reminded that I am not the only one out there growing, learning and being forced to figure out some of the big life lessons.

    Fe and Elle – I know what you are going through, it’s hard but congratulations on the breakthroughs. It is bringing you one step closer to creating the life you want. I too have been through a serious of relationships, one that was very karmic (our souls are intertwined I can still feel his soul even though we aren’t together), that forced me to see that I needed to be unashamedly, the unedited version of myself without fear of men leaving me for it. Elle I love what you said “I am frankly quite sick and tired of censoring my creativity, sexuality, expression of feelings for fear that others in my old stomping grounds….will oust me for being myself.” I’m standing up and giving you a much deserved round of applause for this. I too have been feeling the same way. It’s especially hard when who you are balks in the face of societal standards for women. But, I believe that the only way we can attain true happiness is by standing in our own truth and loving every single aspect of ourselves. And I have to believe that once we are 100% us that there will be people there – friends, lovers, people who will love us unconditionally for who we are.

    Fe, I love the question you posed. “Is this a life lesson or is it my own natal nature?” It’s really got me looking at all the growth I’ve been doing in a different light. What was me just discovering my own natal nature and what was something the universe wanted me to learn.

    – Genevieve

  8. Elle,
    Thanks to you in turn for showing us the portrait of your courage in the face of profound trial. Please take the time to appreciate yourself for retaining such coherent eloquence through loss and fear. May you find healing and joy.

  9. ~Fe

    Just reading your comment has put into words the perspective that I have been coming to (slowly and painfully) on my own for the last few months.

    I have had to endure a rather sudden breakup of a VERY karmic relationship this past year. Being away from my ex, has shown me that I allowed myself to be oppressed. Being the good girl always, not allowing my rather bawdy and curious nature out to play. Part of this is driven by the fact that he reminded me so much of my father who was also depressed and oppressive. (they also shared the same birthday)

    We are drawn to what we know. I believe my oppression is something given to me through the nurture of my mother. I am thankful to knowledge, able to come to a conclusion that we only live once and I am frankly quite sick and tired of censoring my creativity, sexuality, expression of feelings for fear that others in my old stomping grounds (backwards of Pennsylvania) as well as my mother, will oust me for being myself.

    It’s a survival instinct being on Earth, but the problem lies in the fact that we are not just beings of flesh but instead are spirit too. Can you allow your spirit to show and continue to be loved by those you love?

    These are just my thoughts on this, I feel like this is a serious conflict in my life too. (albeit one I needed to have happen in my life, for I have practically deadened my spirit for the “love” [validation]of other people)

    Much gratitude, Len and Fe,

  10. al: Thank you for your kind assessment. i must confess that it was i who felt dense as i labored to squeeze this piece from the turnip on my shoulders. i’m relieved that you found it be cogent. i really love doing this but there is so much more to learn before i attain true proficiency.

    Fe: As a fellow Aquarian i feel your words deeply, but i’m behind you on the curve. Thank you for the view. Also, thank you once again for posing questions that challenge me (i’m still struggling with your question about Woodstock – i’ll get back to you on that one in a couple years, probably).

  11. Len:

    I had an interesting “breakthrough” conversation with my friend of 25 years. We were talking about relationships, and she made the comment of how the breakup of my last serious relationship over twenty years ago broke open how much I did not trust my own judgement in being in relationship.

    This was something I have known for awhile but full comprehension of it, as well as ways to move forward that were not black-and-white, either/or, was not forthcoming. Now I look at this year and begin to understand what I have been needing to do all along which I neglected in those earlier relationships (serious or not) allow for the fullest development of myself without fear of falling off an identity cliff from what parents/culture framed for me. (Took a few years on the therapist’s couch as well).

    In terms of the nature of the “breakthrough”, in the moment she made the comment yesterday, I saw that twenty years pass as a linear moment of time in a flash of light and realization of the journey I’ve been on — denial of wanting and needing love and relationship and being in conflict with those same feelings. Is this a life lesson or is it my own natal nature? Have I not been accepting myself for most of my life?

  12. Very dense with concepts and information–every fiber of it is deeply nutritious. Thank you so much Len for shedding light on the events with week so that we are best equipped to navigate them successfully.

    What a lovely concept of how to read and manage oppositions. This is fantastic, thank you.

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