Daily Astrology for Friday, September 4, 2009

Pisces Full Moon – Culmination to Transition

“It is not in his goals but in his transitions (that) man is great”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Today’s Full Moon at approximately 12 degrees Pisces will be exact at 16:03 UT according to the U.S. Naval Observatory (a great on-line tool for astrologers). The USNO provides handy tables for converting from Universal Time (curious term, that) to your time.

Since the Full Moon is an opposition the Sun will be at approximately 12 degrees Virgo with good old planet Earth more or less in between.

Squaring the Pisces-Virgo Axis will be The Great Attractor (14 degrees Sag) conjunct Ixion at 13 degrees (a Trans-Neptunian Object, or TNO). Opposing that conjunction is another in Gemini between TNO object Chaos (12 degrees) and the Asteroid Aphrodite at 14 degrees. So we have a grand cross in the mutable signs. Like squares and oppositions, mutable signs sometimes get a bad rap because they are so good at editing the first draft the cardinal signs have left fallow and at kicking over the sand castles we fixed signs have perfected, just in time for the incoming tide.

Taking a cue from her Greek asteroid namesake, Venus (10 degrees Leo) joins the action in a quincunx to the Moon and a semi-sextile to the Sun, asking all of us to take reciprocal action in making adjustment(s).

Pisces is the 12th solar house of our current zodiac, the 9th house of the Thema Mundi (where it all began). The deepest comprehended by the highest, a scope and majesty beyond containment, a hint of Mother. Virgo is the current 6th solar house, 3rd in the Thema Mundi. A theme that is decidedly more practical and focused but with dualism flowing underground and the cachet of Father.

In response to Eric’s blog on the Leo New Moon (“The Holistic Sense of Self”), as very cogent commentator (identified by the e-mail name Gaurion) made the astute observation that “This New Moon feels a lot like a full moon than a new moon due to the triple conjunction opposing it from (Aquarius).”. An observation that i would request permission to build upon.

As i previously observed in a comment of my own, the Leo New Moon was the the beginning of a series of New Moons that will take place near the end of the solar house in which it appears. Thus in a matter of days/hours the energy of the New Moon is shifted and carried forward in a different solar energy. This can be a bit disorienting because we have be come used to the New Moon carrying its native solar energy forward for a few weeks, culminating in the Full Moon. Indeed those are the traditional roles assumed by mainstream astrology (sort of like traditional roles for mommy and daddy assumed by society). That was then, this is now. Just as the astrological script of the New Moon has shifted for a while, so the Full Moon will be reading different lines.

For this, i’m going to stick my neck out and draw from the disciplines of Eastern Astrology (which i know practically nothing about). The example that comes to mind are the three transitions that took place in the earthly existence of the Buddha. Born, attained enlightenment and passed from this plane, all on the Full Moon. Of these three transitions, two of them all living beings have in common, forming the most obvious basis of our kinship. The third is, well, rare. All of them herald the beginning of something new, with a different energy, occupying a different space. That, i would submit, is the kind of Full Moon we are having now and the kind we will continue to have for months to come.

We have been through a lot of transitions lately. The shift of lunar nodes, the longer than normal eclipse cycle. Mercury, Venus and Mars shifting signs within a day of each other(with the passing of Senator Edward Kennedy at about the same time). There are more to come. The Mercury stationing retro on the 7th (yup, we’re in the storm now, doncha’ notice) and Pluto beginning a long, long pause at zero degrees, 40 minutes Capricorn on the 11th (game of craps, anyone?) before moving forward again. Then there is that delightful T-square down the road after Saturn and Uranus have formed their third of five oppositions.

Yup, ramping up like a stress test in the doctor’s office this is our chance to show what we are made of, to show that we have been strengthened, not destroyed by practices that have allowed us to not only survive but thrive through each successive transition. The key would seem to be that we can do this together, that none of us can do this alone, that in and through these transitions (which are about all of us, after all) we can indeed be great.

Offered in Grateful Service,
Len Wallick

6 thoughts on “Daily Astrology for Friday, September 4, 2009”

  1. Thank you, Len. Great article. I wanted to add that at this moment, we all need to focus our attention on where we individually and collectively see ourselves headed. There is an enormous amount of energy coming into the planet and into our bodies, minds and souls if we allow it in. It can jet propel us if we are willing to let go of our egos and flow. The fact that Mercury is retrograde and going back, in a sense, towards the new moon on August 20th gives us access to that energy again. Very exciting. Remember, how things appear is not necessarily how things are. Keep moving forward.


  2. “Like squares and oppositions, mutable signs sometimes get a bad rap because they are so good at editing the first draft the cardinal signs have left fallow and at kicking over the sand castles we fixed signs have perfected, just in time for the incoming tide.”

    Len, perhaps this is the best thing that I have heard all day, maybe all week. It is resonating and explaining much to me. If nothing else it is the clearest thing I have heard all day, and that means much for a curious girl with fuzzy chemo brain. : ))


  3. The moon last night in Seattle was big, bright and veiled behind some misty clouds. Seemed very fitting for entering into the Pisces Full Moon. As a Pisces Sun, Pisces Mercury and Pisces Juno, when the moon enters Pisces I always seem to tune in more. It’s like my energetic connection is on the exact same wave length as the energy of the moon. My level of awareness seems to open up even wider and with also being in the storm phase of the Mercury Retrograde I can feel the energy turning up to a whole new level. It’s like it’s screaming at me in a foreign tongue that I can almost make out what’s being said at times. It’s definitely going to be an interesting month.

  4. I myself am in a major transition phase again, as I lost my job yesterday. All the horoscopes that I read all tell me similar things: taking inventory, begin creative projects, following your bliss & finding timing. It does feel like I have been in transition since my last layoff over three years ago & since I followed somewhat of a ‘safe’ route in accepting a job that I was less than enthusiastic about, now I need to reset myself to where I was meant to & find work that I love & that is creative & give that back to this universe.

    Thanks Len, for your great articles this week! They have been extremely enlightening!


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