Daily Astrology for Monday September 7, 2009

First some astrology, then a lot of gratitude.

Today, of course, Mercury stations retrograde. Eric has just published the single most awesome treatment of Merc retro you will ever see. You can purchase it on this site for less than you would spend on a cheap date. So for that reason (and the fact that anything i could add would be gilding the lily), i will only say this: what Eric said, buy it and read it.

Today also marks the mid-point of the Sun’s transit through Virgo, two weeks and two days until the Autumnal Equinox. Early this morning the Moon crosses the mid-point of Aries, energizing awareness of what transpired during the Full Moon at the beginning of the holiday weekend and bringing us fully into the energy of Virgo.

In 1825 in Great Britain (1832 in the United States) an astronomical treatise titled Urania’s Mirror was published. The author describes herself a “A Lady” but otherwise chose to remain anonymous. Here’s a selection of what she offered in association with the constellation Virgo: “This constellation, among the mythologists, was Astraea the goddess of Justice, who dwelt upon earth during the golden age, but was translated to heaven when men gave themselves up to wickedness.”.

Breaking up is hard to do. What degree of pain would it have taken for her to abandon the service that defined her, leaving the lush greens and blues of Earth behind for the cold sky. What amount of agony among the humans aware enough to feel so forsaken. Left behind to ascertain, define, determine and serve justice for ourselves, from scratch. Indeed, much of our written history can, in many ways be interpreted as a slow and clumsy attempt towards reunion with a lost but not forgotten ideal. That of finding the balance and ultimately the synthesis between our animal instincts and our heavenly aspirations.

Another synchronous fact is that nearly every Virgo human walking around was conceived during the during the holiday season of the western world. Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years (and later, Kwanzaa) were the background for the primal scene of their conception. Holidays dedicated to celebration of the renewed light, reconciliation and peace. Holidays that have, during the electronic age, worked their way into human consciousness in nearly every culture.

Given this inheritance of influences, is it any wonder then, that the energy of this time should be culturally expressed as a return to work, a resumption of education, the writing and revision of law, a preparation for harvest, an aspiration for equilibrium? What seems at first an oxymoron of a sign (mutable Earth), has upon further examination very precise presentation – making our way forward towards consolidating our gains while at the same time recovering our losses. Our time, this time may finally be the time when we can show the very heavens that we have made progress. That can overcome the blow of loss while keeping our heads and our feet. That we can overcome our selfish impulses and trade with each other in justice and love rather than deal death and suffering. That we have grown up to individuate ourselves from myth and finally fit into the shoes of our highest ideals, ready to walk the talk.

This missive represents the end of my designated tenure here on Daily Astrology and it is time for me to give thanks. First, of course to Eric.

Eric, i still have no idea what possessed you to offer this opportunity, but i am grateful beyond words. It has been my basic goal to be like your house sitter. To water the plants, feed the pets and make sure the place does not burn down. i may have spilled d a few things, even tracked in a bit of soil, but i have endeavored to clean up after myself. i return the premises with a renewed sense of respect for you. You said it would be fun and easy. The fun was immediate, i never found the easy. You are indeed Il Miglior Fabbro.

Anatoly and Chelsea, without you none of this could happen and there would have not been a place for me to take my dream for a walk. You are both kind and gentle people who make the world a better place. Wish we had a billion like you.

Fe, it is my delight to report to all that your kung fu is way better than mine.

To the readers (especially those who appended comments, adding to and improving my meager offerings). The love inside me cannot be expressed. So many times your words brought tears to my eyes, every time you lifted me heart.

To the practitioners, teachers and students of my local Reiki community your support has been my backbone.

This has been quite the time for me. i’m still fortunate enough to have a full time job. i have also the sacred responsibilities of a Reiki teacher. But my service here has not been a burden, it has been a joy. Now i return to the duties of my job, the service to my students, and my studies of astrology and the I Ching (plus catch up with my laundry).

There’s also this interesting project of recovering the ancient Gaelic legends of the constellations. Right now i’m working on the constellation O’Ryan, based on the mythological Irish hunter who would first lull his prey to sleep with his poetry then dispatch them with his whiskey (or is it the other way around?). Anyway, my battery is running low, so i’ve got to let you go… Wait a minute. There”s this fellow in a breech cloth standing on the corner with a book in one hand and, and…gotta go, catch you later. “HEY MISTER! HEY, HELLO? Dude, hi – say, is that a bottle of whiskey?”

– Len Walllick

12 thoughts on “Daily Astrology for Monday September 7, 2009”

  1. Len, your love, your love of sharing your wisdom, your humility, humour, compassion, inclusiveness and truly open heart have touched me deeply in reading your columns; truly you have been another bright and rare luminary in this wide, wide sky…..thank you so much.

  2. Thank you Len for shining your light on my path this past week so I can walk the talk. Eric choose well indeed.

    Interesting that Virgos are conceived around the holiday season as each year I come to engage more in the energy of the winter solstice and the return of the sun. I am also really starting to understand and appreciate the energy of harvest time where the fruits of the land are picked for our nourishment and sustenance along with the renewal of our work/educational schedules.

    In two days time I mark my birthday (this year I turn 50) which was also the very same day that my father became owner of a general merchant business. That business sustained and nurtured our family and especially around harvest time, as he took in all the barley from the neighbourhood farmers every September, dried it and shipped it up to the mills, and made most of his money doing it. I loved looking at those tiny heads of barley and picking up a few of the more tender kernels and nibbling on them – wee nuggets of sunshine!

    Thank you again Len for your nuggets of sunshine! (I hope the whiskey worked its magic.)

  3. Len, between Reiki and the cashflow… this is an open forum… (that’s for everyone)… talk out some realizations/understandings/wisdoms/thoughts…

    Thanks for steppin’ up when called. I’m glad you found this place.

    And dude, don’t ever wonder why you were offered… just understand how cool of a dude you are.

    Catch ya ’round, love!


  4. Brother Sun/Moon, I shall forever more seek out the aspects by sound, thanks to your most unique insights. Bless all that you are and hope we see/hear the likes of you (better yet, YOU) in this blog again.

    Namaste, Brother Sun/Moon.


  5. Thank you Len for lending your astrological insight this past weekend, for sharing with us your unique viewpoint and twist on the world. You did an excellent job keeping the space warm, friendly and informative while Eric was gone!

  6. Shall miss your wonderful blogs dear Len. Eric is a hard act to follow, and you followed it brilliantly. Thank you.
    Liz xx

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