‘Creating change’

Editor’s Note: We’ve been asking our clients for feedback about the professional services we publish, and your responses have created the opportunity for an exciting dialog.

Dear Planet Waves,

I originally was attracted to Eric Francis after I read his unique writing style in a Jonathan Cainer horoscope. It resonated with me so strongly that I had to find Eric’s site. It was a combination of intuitive knowledge of astrology and a strong message of personal responsibility all wrapped in an open/spiritual context. I continue to be amazed at what comes out of Eric some weeks and how tapped in he can be at times. I really believe that this is his strong point.

I would love to see Eric’s writing in every newspaper/magazine across the country. And wouldn’t that be a service for others!! Talk about creating change.

Hope this helps,
David from Austin

2 thoughts on “‘Creating change’”

  1. Michele, I profoundly hope so!

    it is excruciating sometimes to do what you describe but at certain junctures it does seem the only possible doorway forward or out of a quagmire.

    (I also love your creative re-spelling, “mommet” — that’s a keeper. 😉 )

  2. i am experiencing a fascinating experience at the mommet. sounds redundant. however… as much as we wish all to be positive… difficulties also teach us fabulous ways to move forward. i speak on a local level….

    the lesson i have learned is that i can speak my truth, and the other gets to speak his truth and my job is to listen…

    this process is beautiful and absolutely uncomfortable.

    but it IS working.

    can what happens on small scale happen on a large scale????

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