Cool Cap Moon; hot Psyche square Eris

Good Morning World:

Capricorn is an alert but calming energy, and the newborn Moon in this sign should be cooling off some of the hot energy we’ve been experiencing the past few days. Cap is an earth sign, practical in nature and known among other things for its ability to compartmentalize emotions, thoughts and ideas. This is partly why it gets so much done; it can get what does not matter in any moment out of the way. Note that the Moon is waning toward the Pisces New Moon on Feb. 24.

Photo by Sean Hayes.
Photo by Sean Hayes.

The Pisces Sun (arrived there yesterday) has added some emotional depth to the wildly dominant Aquarius sky. It’s not that Aquarius lacks depth, it’s just that it tends to keep it deep in the bottom of a jar. Aquarius, to be itself, must do what we find it very hard to do these days: give, sincerely, from ourselves. We don’t see the value; we are constantly asking the price we’re going to get paid; what’s in it for us; Aquarius is here to give out the water that it has collected. We are an incredibly self-centered lot. I will be talking more about the cultural and individual narcissism that has consumed us alive when I get into Venus retrograde in Aries in the next weeks.

With the Sun now in Pisces, we are fully immersed in that water. It is a relief to some, to experience emotional contact and to others it’s terrifying. But the mental plane (represented currently by Aquarius) is jammed with energy right now, and most of us are experiencing some form of overload.

With the Sun in Pisces, the season is transitioning. The mutable signs such as Pisces are the Sun’s last cycle at the end of a season. It is the time of transition, and those of us up here in the Northern Hemisphere may be noticing winter releasing its grip and slipping into spring. Up here in New York we had a very spring-like, half-hearted but no less beautiful snowstorm that has all but melted away by 10 am.

For a little astrology background, there are three kinds of signs, cardinal, fixed and mutable. Cardinal signs start the seasons; fixed signs are their peak energy; mutable signs are where they dissolve into. In modern terms, mutable means changeable, but in ancient terms it is about the ability to mutate between cardinal (high initiative) and fixed (preserver energy). Pisces is the ultimate mutable sign; it is the cosmic ocean that contains not just all three kinds of energies, but trace elements of all the signs and planets, like the ocean it symbolizes.

Note that the “stimulous” “package” (the sexual language is purely unintentinal) was signed into law with the Sun it the last degree of a fixed sign, Aquarius. As mentioned below, this last degree is a potent symbol of transformation; it represents the relationship of the individual to the collective, but it also represents holding onto the last vestiges of something — the fixed nature of the sign Aquarius being responsible for that. There is an attempt at stability; but what we really have is a moment of transition, and that is always chaotic.

You cannot change a society overnight; even individuals take a long time to do what they term get ready to make progress. That would be all of us. That is about resolve and focus, something we don’t exactly have in the days of Twitter. The mental struggle we face is portrayed nicely today in the aspect Psyche square Eris. On the long list of aspects today, this one stands out as touching the moment: Psyche representing the feeling of an injured mind, or the presence of the soul (depending on how you manifest it) and Eris being about the perosnality chaos that we are experiencing in our era of history.

I am often asked why I take Psyche as the sense of the psychic wound that does not heal (echo of Chiron, but Chiron can be far more proactive toward progress) and my reasoning is that our race struggles to sense the presence of its soul. The soul is the personal manifestation of God for each person; it is the sense, when you look into a person’s eyes, that someone is actually home — and we tend to doubt, over and over, that someone is indeed home (within ourselves).

Eris represents, on one level, identity chaos. In the 1970s, you would figure out who you are; there was something called the Human Potential Movement, of which Planet Waves is a modern expression. In the 2000s, you decide who you think you are, and working with your inner publicist, you construct pages on Facebook or Myspace and paint a picture of who you want the world to perceive you as.

There is a difference.

Yours & truly,
Eric Francis

6 thoughts on “Cool Cap Moon; hot Psyche square Eris”

  1. I am grateful Mystes, for the compa-ssion-ny along the way. It really has been about the purging/releasing/recreating, and numerologically – the balancing necessary for “Me 3.0”, while hitting the highs and lows as the paradoxical mirror reflects all the past/present/future truths of what really Is. In some ways though, it’s also been about losing huge parts of myself in order to get over them, or through them. I know we tend to lose parts of our selves everyday whether “accidental” or intentionally given, yet it’s definitely not always a fair exchange and we don’t exactly give conscience to taking count of what’s left and what really matters in the first place. For now, I still feel like swiss cheese, but there is room for growth and creativity in that, right? � (a fondue larue? HA!)

    B, I am thankful for your presence also along this winding path. It is as you say, one day at a time, sometimes moment to moment and lots of deep breaths to avoid hyperventilating. Breaking it all down, it’s still about learning to love who I am without comparing/contrasting/judging my self in the process, which I do all too well (I hear it’s a virgo thing).

    With much love ~ S

  2. stormilarue,

    I’ll walk with you too. God knows I know the pain of losing all I’ve ever loved, but not all I’ve ever known. I can’t imagine how you endure that. I do know this though, with the (once again!) baby steps, day by day, sometimes a setback, most days, unnoticably, you can and do heal from this pain. You will never be the same (you wouldn’t want to be) but you will love again and recreate your world. Peace and love be with you my dear.

  3. Stormilarue writes… “i’m not exactly swimming with joy now as i am with the sorrow of letting all that i’ve ever known and loved so far go, ”

    Just don’t let go of yourself! even when it (the self) seems to be all grief and grieving. We’ll walk with you a little on that road. I will, anyway. Isn’t it weird all of the spaces you find inside of yourself when you’re in this process. Spaces we build to create a system, a path for love and creativity, but they sort of shrink when we’re not looking, growing too tight for the thing they were built to nurture.

    That’s *all* this is… Just think, someday when we’ve finally grown into our emotional bodies, we’ll have architecture you can simply hose down (weep over) and it’ll grow larger and more capacious.

    Right (t)here.

  4. freaking water world, indeed. tho, i’m not exactly swimming with joy now as i am with the sorrow of letting all that i’ve ever known and loved so far go, with some underlying conscious knowing that it really is soul growth, no matter how much it sucks in the process of many psyche!-ing moments. when riding the waves of transitional chaos bareback and on a seahorse, “they” say anything is possible …

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