Coming Together – Forward From Fear

By Len Wallick

When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won…Think of it – always.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Please recall from recent Daily Astrology blogs that all the personal planets — Mercury, Venus and Mars — have recently changed signs during the period between the Capricorn New Moon earlier this month and the Cancer Full Moon tomorrow.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

Mercury moved direct from Sagittarius across a cardinal point into Capricorn for the second time since its recent retrograde between those two signs. Venus, after a very long time in Libra and Scorpio because of its own rare and lengthy retrograde period has just started a new era for itself in the mutable fire of Sagittarius. Finally, Mars left Capricorn on the winged heels of Mercury’s ingress and entered the fixed air sign of Aquarius. All of this was to be a precursor of sorts.

First, there are the impending and auspicious changes awaiting the trans-personal planets. Jupiter and Saturn, through their longer orbital periods, are bridging a generational span. In deed as in word, by this time next week, Jupiter will have made its own second direct ingress to Aries and Saturn will have stationed retrograde.

Second, the transition of the personal planets evidence that the time between the cardinal sign T-square of 2010 and future cardinal point square aspects between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn in 2012 is not some sort of lull. It is a continuum, illustrating connection between the personal and political. The cumulative effect of individual choices made today will shape what appears to be a new epoch: we are co-creators of the future and not helpless subjects of the cycles of history.

Yesterday, we brought the Sun and Moon into that fold. The extraordinary series of anaretic Full Moons, including tomorrow’s luminary opposition, connects recent monthly lunar cycles to cycles of Earthly seasons. Humans experience these seasons differently but concurrently, from the daily, to the monthly, annual, generational and the epochal. We are in a period when each of us can make a difference. You matter, you make a difference. You have a part of the responsibility for how it all comes out. If you want to know what it all means, if you are looking for a message, you can start with that.

Which brings us right up to today and tomorrow. Early today or late last night, depending on where you are, Mercury emerges from the echo (or “shadow”) phase of its recent retrograde cycle passing the point where it stationed just before moving into retrograde six weeks ago. Less than two minutes later it exacts its second conjunction in Capricorn with Pluto. That’s right, less than two minutes.

Among other things, Mercury has to do with how we think and this amazingly timed conjunction will give us a reason to do just that: pause for thought. A conjunction is, among other things, a merging of energies and interpretations with the sign placement as background. The first meeting between Mercury and Pluto was during the first echo phase, indeed during the storm phase just days before the retrograde station and therefore tied in with that sort of energy. Now this second get-together is after old Fleet Foot is free of all that and moving forward into new territory — for thought.

Pluto combines the imperative and the impulse towards transformation. This dynamic can be a bit frightening, but at the same time it is also irresistible. It is as if the fear of changing and the need to change have become one. This is where we have to be careful. Like most astrological aspects, there is a double edge. If fear is allowed to rule, changes made will become subject and subordinate to that emotion, with fear becoming the cause and the motor, propagating itself while solving nothing.

If however, awareness of the necessity to engage creatively with change is the conscious motivator, there is an opportunity to overcome fear rather than have it rule us. This is where pausing to think comes in. For most of us, if we act reflexively, instinct will take over. For all but the exceptional few that means opening the door to fear. Even a moment’s reflection and thoughtful response, however, will catch that and allow us to catch ourselves.

Today’s conjunction with Pluto is an opportunity for Mercury, as represented in how we think, to set a new pattern just as it is emerging from an old one. If we can simply be aware of that opportunity and avoid being intimidated by what Pluto represents we can make a new start now and not have to wait for the next cycle. An event that happens just before tomorrow’s Full Moon will make us glad we did.

Tomorrow, an hour before the Full Moon, the asteroid Juno stations retrograde in the anaretic degree of Virgo. Juno is an asteroid located in what is called the main belt. This scattered collection of rocks and ice chunks is located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. It was the third asteroid discovered after Ceres and Pallas and before Vesta. It is not large (approximately one percent of the mass of the entire belt) but it is bright for its size. It has a highly eccentric orbit relative to other such objects. The astronomical characteristics would seem to indicate a brilliant but erratic energy.

This object is the namesake of the highest Roman goddess, the spouse of Jupiter. In spite of her position, the constant philandering of her husband seems to have put her in an constant state of agitation, apparently threatened by each and every paramour. The fear of loss led to jealousy which led in turn to grudge. When one considers that she was an immortal of unfathomable power, one wonders how she could allow fear, particularly the kind associated with facing mortality, to shape her character and rule her life. Anyone’s sympathy for her unrequited love must also consider that her response to her own fear was to provoke fear in others. There appeared to be no statute of limitations. Once you were on her bad list, it was forever with no appeal.

The really extraordinary thing is the placement and timing of Juno relative to the luminaries tomorrow. As reviewed in yesterday’s blog, the Sun will be in the last degree of Capricorn when opposing Luna in the last degree of Cancer. Juno will be in the same exact spot in Virgo, to the degree, when it stations retrograde less than one hour before the Full Moon is exact. The asteroid’s angular relationship with the Sun is trine in earth signs. The relationship with the Moon will be a sextile. This gives the position of Juno a double edge much like the Mercury-Pluto conjunction.

With asteroids, at least so far, the best astrological interpretations have been serendipitously straightforward. What you see is what you get. Juno the object going retrograde sounds a lot like Juno the goddess going sideways and indulging her disorders. A sextile is supportive and a trine can be enabling. The saving grace is that both the Sun and Moon are moving on to something new, letting go of placement and that’s the side of this aspect you want to be on instead of going over the same ground and getting yourself worked up. Remember, astrology is not destiny. It is a tool. It allows you to be aware of where you are in relationship to detached and indifferent natural cycles. That awareness illuminates your choices but you must be the one to choose.

Do any of you remember Yoda informing Luke that there was another Skywalker? Well there is another sextile and another trine for the opposed luminaries besides those with retrograde Juno. It is with Jupiter in the anaretic degree of Pisces where it rules and where it is direct, bound for Aries. It is almost as if Juno’s husband is sympathizing with us, providing us with an alternative to emulating her ingrained and reactive behavior. It is saying that there is a reward for releasing attachment to revenge without end. It is possible to finally see the end of a grudge even if we must constantly renew our creative engagement with the fear that provoked it.

This will be important — just as you are — in creating the future. Sure, the violent, exploitative patrilinear paradigm has overstayed its welcome. The sheer absurdity of those who abandon all decency and reason to hold back the tide of change can easily trigger rage. And rage is not a bad thing if it is allowed to pass when it is no longer useful. But this is the future you are creating. Do you really want to incorporate the mistakes of the past? .

Overcoming a grudge is possibly the final and toughest hurdle, even after cultivating awareness, releasing attachment to a given outcome, overcoming conditioning and accepting responsibility. Even after learning how to reach and unlearning how to push, the holding of a grudge and the desire for revenge can remain. As long as it does, it holds only one potential. The potential to undo our work and undo ourselves. Place yourself on the bright side of history. Trust the truth and offer love. We have it on good authority: that will allow us all to win together.

Offered In Service

41 thoughts on “Coming Together – Forward From Fear”

  1. shebear,

    Just read your MTA comment and it linked to another comment and the two of them together just blew my socks off. Thanks for that!

  2. Sorry Mystes, you are right to clarify what I screwed up in my attempt to make some sort of link my new hairdo story. I get that it was in your mind’s eye as you say!

    I’m sorry that *I* made it sound creepy by mangling up what you were actually saying. I do rush my thoughts sometimes and they can come all screwy.

    My bad.

  3. Umm… Shebear, at the risk of sounding creepy, I didn’t say “I would like to. . . ” I said, somewhere I *am* brushing the hair out of your face. And I was. In my mind’s eye that’s what I saw happening.

    (Patty, would you talk to her and tell her I’m not *actually* crazy; I just get around.)

  4. Mystes, I think it’s kinda cute that you’d like to brush away some hair off my face. I have a brand new hairdo these days and just yesterday I hooked up with two dear friends both of whom so loved the new look, they couldn’t help brushing it as well!


  5. One of life’s most difficult lessons for me was also its most liberating. In true Virgoan fashion I railed obsessively at those that had wounded me in childhood and what I simply could *not* accept was, that in order to heal, they were not going to come and fix it, they were not going to apologize for it, and worst of all, they were not even going to acknowledge it. No, I couldn’t believe that to get out of the rage and paralyzing hurt, it was *me* who had to stop the discontent; I had to let it go. Honestly, it seemed so bloody illogical — how did Eric put it in yesterday’s podcast — it was a perfect case of Virgoan “point keeping”; *they* must make the first move toward setting this all right before I got back on track. Finally though I came to understand it better. That it was wholly up to me to accept that by entering those emotions which I shoved away from me, convinced they would choke or drown me, that the conscious exercise of *choosing* to be brave, ended up being about 80-90% of getting things turned around for me.

    I sense that current discussions over the past few days around the energies of some centaurs and asteroids, Juno and Nessus taking centre stage, can serve to strengthen those of us choosing to muster the courage needed to take on painful shadow work. Yesterday, after listening to the podcast, I looked back to the Fall of 2002 and came to understand that Juno worked frenetically back and forth over my M/C, causing enormous challenges and *forcing* my psyche to work it out, once and for all. I was forced to face rigid notions about how to live my life and to replace them with concepts beyond my wildest imaginings. Juno was literally like a *bleeping* thunderous tornado that yanked me aware and she damn well near killed me.

    So, here’s an invite for those who recognize they too are at the mercy of similarly difficult emotions and who would like to start tip toeing into shadowy depths, to listen to this Neko Case song: “This Tornado Loves You”. The invite is to imagine a fractured part of the self — or maybe even Juno herself — serenading by way of countering emotions stirred up, with the hopes of getting us to tap back into an inner confidence that was there all along.

  6. mirgirl — i’m not suggesting that we not feel outrage, not fight for justice for victims of rape and violence, not demand apologies and reparations and the social services victims of brutality deserve.

    what i’m suggesting/wondering is whether we can’t simultaneously work internally with an eye to healing while engaging in the reality of our surrounding world to end the rape and violence. an apology can be a useful and important ingredient to usher in a healing process, for sure. but it’s not always available soon enough or at all. that’s why i suggested not waiting for an apology at the personal level, so as not to keep oneself dependent on what another may not give. at the collective level, yes of course working for justice and the awareness, empathy & sense of responsibility needed for a group to offer a sincere apology is worthy and important.

    it’s a long road, and that effort needs more voices and resources.

    i don’t think many of the ‘regulars’ in this forum advocate simply trying to meditate the world better, but i get the impression many are working to achieve their own inner wholeness in the process of being a positive force in the world.

    so i really, truly *thank you* for bringing your very real and valid rage here. that fire is a great force when it’s channeled where it’s needed. and i hope you don’t think i’m being condescending — i’ve had the experience of being so outraged by news of violence toward women and children that i paced my apartment in tears, and then felt the frustration and guilt of not quite knowing what i could do about it and feeling like i ‘failed’ to do anything worthwhile about it. i’m not looking for sympathy, only trying to convey that i know i’m not doing *all* that i can.

    i don’t *know* what these women and children have experienced, so i can’t determine what they need at this point on their journeys. thank you again for bringing here what you’ve brought, mirgirl.

  7. sheBear13, thank you, love. I’ve embarked on another round of 14-hour days, so forgive my late gratitude.

    Somewhere I am brushing a little hair away from your face, pleased that you see yourself in those words.

  8. Mirgirl, aWord and Yeti have both been on the pointy end of the terrorist stick. Their insights are hard-won, if not styled to your liking. Being aware of this doesn’t mean that I am defending anyone, just that I see another context.

    I get your outrage. I live with it, and I also know the black, blazing uproar can choke me to insensibility if I do not work *consciously* with it.

    Thanks for bringing the question of Truth and Reconciliation back . . . It’s probably indispensable to any real progress. How we are two years into this administration without bringing charges against the Cheney Regime is a beyond comprehension.

  9. mystes, – ‘mir’ is Russian. It means ‘peace’.
    – ‘. . . easy on the Word’ – Does the Word require your defence or protection?

    Apologies to Ms Word – Your tack and content strike me as masculine.

    Amanda, – ‘I think waiting for an apology before embarking on a path of love and healing gives away too much power and responsibility. It’s passive, it keeps us in victim mode.’
    Have you listened to the proceedings of the Truth and Reconciliation Tribunal in South Africa? Would any of your responses differ if we were discussing Afro-Americans, indigenous peoples, victims of the Catholic Church sex scandals?

    Yeti – Shall I prescribe The Circle Walking Practice to the women and children being raped in the Haitian tent cities tonight?

    Billions of human beings live better and longer lives than ever before on this planet and that evolution is the result of right action based in compassionate lovingkindness. I cannot join you in toasting the future with ‘New Age Kool-Aid’.

    None of my earlier comments were directed at Len’s content.

  10. “I think waiting (for an apology) before embarking on a path of love and healing gives away too much power and responsibility. It’s passive, it keeps us in victim mode”

    Amanda – you have out-spoke yourself here. Bravo! Thank you – and excuse the () – I felt that your words were extra powerful were we to leave a (fill in the space) where the “what we are waiting for” …….. aka ‘Waiting before embarking on a path of love and healing gives away power and responsibility.’

    …and as you point out so well:

    We can treat/tend to Juno as we would any wounded part of Self. A thread through this conversation – where are we wounded – how do we discover the wounding – how do we evoke healing? I believe we have round the rosy to the basis of discussion begun by Len’s insightful and clearly provocative article – Jupiter/Juno.

    Thanks, Amanda!

  11. “With everything speeding up we can’t take too much time to nurse the wounds of history alone. We must also share our knowledge with both halves of the human race, with an acceptance that at least 48% of us over time, have been mis-informed and even made fearful of the other 52% in order to maintain control and/or supremacy.”

    Thanks, bk.

    I find this to be the sticky-tricky part, always: that conundrum of working for justice and healing simultaneously, since I don’t quite know that justice alone brings healing, nor necessarily that healing alone brings justice.

    By all means mirgirl, yes: we have millennia of gross crimes against the 52%, some so ingrained we do not even notice, still. It is well-past time for that to change, and that awareness still seems in short supply for much of the world’s 48%, though surely there are many getting it now.

    Yet at the same time, I think waiting for an apology before embarking on a path of love and healing gives away too much power and responsibility. It’s passive, it keeps us in victim mode, waiting to be given something by a collective other who may take a looooong time to wake up. To withhold healing (for ourselves first, others next) while waiting for an apology seems pretty passive-aggressive itself. So I wonder if perhaps evolution doesn’t have to wait entirely, but maybe we can keep building both strands in parallel, like DNA?

    Just thinking out loud here…. Thank you, mirgirl, for bringing up your points. They are well-worth considering, and I can’t say that I actually have any of this figured out yet.

    And as for juno…. She does function in astrology as an archetype, one of many we each have in our charts (granted, western astrology is a bit shy on feminine archetypes, but there are still several). So she’s an aspect of woman, but not all of woman. We don’t need to sweep her under the rug any more than we need to take her on as sole identity for an extended period. Seems to me she serves to shed a little light on a facet of self; and once we see her, we try to figure out how to integrate her: how to use her shadowy side to see our behavior fully, how to use her strength in balance.


  12. — perhaps instead of the word “past” we go with “now with baggage”?

    may be useful considering the conversation here.


  13. mirgirl:

    there is not passive-aggression in my cellular base. I find the bully-ing attitudes and behaviours that PA creates to be less than digestiblel. A re-consideration of my intent based on Mr. Len’s fine writing might be taken under consideration.

  14. “This Real, this other Now that won’t stand to be counted, and that we *style* with the notion of Past, can’t be ordered or pacified or energized or adjuncted to any of the safe havens of me-Now. It is *so* wild that we have to (try to) lock it in its own temporal category: Then.”

    Mystes, you are a beautiful writer. This ‘ere piece is golden.

    My heart and mind is embraces the wildness of us *all* falling in love with ourselves. I look at the babe (!) in the mirror and I *know* I feel fine.


  15. mirgirl,

    Like mystes, I stand with you on the justice point. Also that Len is working hard to open the doors for equality and balance of powers/energies. Like you, my first read of this article’s Juno perception tended to raise the hairs on my neck, but then realized this perception is a learned thing, and not so embedded that reason and empathy cannot provide a new and better perspective.

    Like the other commenters here whose responses offer ways to heal the body and spirit, learned from direct experiences or wisdom gathered over time, the values and gifts of our 52% of the human race will gain respect and understanding through the channels opening up like this space that Len provides. With everything speeding up we can’t take too much time to nurse the wounds of history alone. We must also share our knowledge with both halves of the human race, with an acceptance that at least 48% of us over time, have been mis-informed and even made fearful of the other 52% in order to maintain control and/or supremacy. A certain amount of trust between the two halves must first be established, and then, with more time, but not a long, long time, the acknowlegements, apologies, justice and evolution will come. A quiet revolution will make for a speedier consciousness-raising I’m hoping, on our way to achieving oneness.

  16. Mir & Yeti,

    I find myself bringing my shoulders up to my ears over one point: in truth, I don’t perceive a ‘past’ — neither one that has boots on neck, nor one that has to be ‘unstuck’ or disengummed from the Now.

    Trauma –that shock held over ((or, as I swan, under))from ‘another Now’ is suddenly things that were, winking out. Or that weren’t, winking in. The Now is never without those dyspossibles. We call an experience ‘past’ when we have made a placecard for the dyspossible and seated it –we think properly– at the table of Time.

    But it never stays still and sips the soup. It’s always slipping under the table, weaseling around our feet, upsetting the hostess, messing with the centerpieces.

    This Real, this other Now that won’t stand to be counted, and that we *style* with the notion of Past, can’t be ordered or pacified or energized or adjuncted to any of the safe havens of me-Now. It is *so* wild that we have to (try to) lock it in its own temporal category: Then.

  17. Sure we all die eventually as all forms that are born dissolve in this cosmos from an atom to a galaxy. But as one of my Tai Ji masters told me “people don’t get old, they get lazy”. I took him seriously and at 37 I feel younger, healthier, stronger and more resilient than I did at 25.

    In Bagua we have a practice called “what’s alive, what’s dead?”. You adopt a sitting or standing posture and scan through your whole body from head to toe sensing what can be sensed and becoming aware of blockages and dead spots. As long as we live, especially in such polluted environments as we have all over Earth these days, there will be some blockages, but with the technique of dissolving the sticky stuck attachments to emotional resonances that belong in another time can be minimized.

    The circle walking practice trains the mind to sense the feeling of spirals. It’s like spirals of water wear down places where emotions are stuck like water wearing down a rock. As awareness of internal sensations increases the dead spots begin to feel like coherent shapes. Creating spirals of qi that begin as imagination and eventually inform sensation the blockage dissolves and releases the original emotion that was buried under the tension. It’s important to keep breathing and move through the emotion, not getting attached to it. The freed up energy can then cycle out to the edges of your qi field and be renewed as clean bio energy. With persistence the alive portions of your awareness increase as you awaken to more of your neuro system. Attachments to old emotional patterns are unmade, freeing you to bask in the immanence of present time. It’s not like you can’t remember your story, but the memories no longer have you by the balls so to speak.

    The Daoist energy practices and martial arts are so powerful because the people who created them never had Aristotle or St. Paul to tell them that the flesh isn’t worthy of attention or that spirit is separate from matter. Having never forgotten how to breathe, they never caught the emotional plague 😉

  18. That Purna is starting to boil, no? It’s *late* and I have appointments early tomorrow, but sleep is not rolling this way.


    Aaaanyway, Mirgirl (no mere girl?) . . . easy on the Word, who is a very fine She just reeling through this jaggedyjumpaluphalus New Year, as are we all.

    But this: Until a full and truthful acknowledgement of, and apology for, the crimes committed against over half (52 per cent) of the human race is proferred and accepted, there cannot be evolution.
    Desmond Tutu knew this when he sought reconciliation in South Africa: There is no peace without justice.
    hand over my heart, I will swear along with you.


  19. bk, yeti, and mystes speak of a past that lives on in the present all over the world. Juno has had the foot on her neck of thousands of years but Mr Word would prefer we continue to sweep all that under the rug. Make nicey-nice. All in the name of ‘love’.
    I particularly take umbrage with the passive-aggressive tack of statements such as ‘it’s time for the yin-grudge pattern to dissolve’, as, quite apart from its judgment of Other, it carries an implicit assumption of its own superior wisdom.
    Until a full and truthful acknowledgement of, and apology for, the crimes committed against over half (52 per cent) of the human race is proferred and accepted, there cannot be evolution.
    Desmond Tutu knew this when he sought reconciliation in South Africa: There is no peace without justice.

  20. Myste: I’m re-reading “The Power of Focusing” – helpful stuff for asking body to inform and release (no matter what you name the technique)

    But can’t seem to figure out my left-eye stuff (no, really). Can ya help me out here?

    and more xoxoxoxox

  21. Myste-eye:


    “Where is this ‘past’ you speak of, memsahib? More often than not, it is simply what we have chosen not to acknowledge, to be ‘better than,’ to bury.

    No wonder we grow old and die. The body finally cannot sustain the burden of all those intolerable moments, stored away in the cellular cellar.

    I may forgive, but corpus mystes never forgets.”


  22. Hmm… Aword, honey… the past is the past? Really? My Sagg-rising wants to climb all over that idea, but a more global sensibility shows me something else. I suspect that we call ‘the past’ doesn’t go anywhere. Instead it becomes physiology, the voiceless child of the body — that deep repository for every damn thing that the willful-I-am-ego (or what semiologists called ‘the speaking-being-in-time’) wants to ignore/forget/whistle away. Obliviate.

    (In this respect, I get Yeti’s not-quite-alignment with the bygonesBbygones turn this discussion has taken.)

    I had a whopping eye infection the first month after I met my son’s father. Those of you who read the first chapter of Tantra for Bobos have an eye-dea (hardyharha) of the root of that infection, which was trying to give me very specific information. I got some of it, some of it I did not.

    Guess what came back last week? After 16 years, I spent 8 days weeping involuntarily out of that *one* eye. The body finally shook itself down and said: Achtung, baby. Clear it out…

    Where is this ‘past’ you speak of, memsahib? More often than not, it is simply what we have chosen not to acknowledge, to be ‘better than,’ to bury.

    No wonder we grow old and die. The body finally cannot sustain the burden of all those intolerable moments, stored away in the cellular cellar.

    I may forgive, but corpus mystes never forgets.

  23. PS. Be.. Bitchy tactics seem to still be used in over-drive in this country! …and I agree – methinks that it’s time for the yin-grudge pattern to dissolve; the past is the past, but let’s not cling to it forever – by way of the “grudge” – or we’ll go down with the sinking ship.

  24. Len.


    Thank you so much. You have put into poetry EXACTLY what is going on. You have brought focus and clarity to my self-awareness-in-this-moment fine-points.

    and with Natal Jupiter at 1 Scorpio (one of those near semi-sextile type thingies?) too — I’m thinking that can only be helpful.

  25. just read this again, len, to hopefully let some of the wise insights sink in a little better. it would seem my inner juno has been popping her head up a bit more frequently than i enjoy lately.

    i think my own natal juno and jupiter are a bit too early in pisces to be getting the direct hit right now, but i get the distinct sense she’s playing havoc elsewhere in my chart (hmmm… anaretic degree of virgo would make her more or less square my moon at 25 sag, right? and close to square a 2 cancer asc-saturn?)

    and there’s something about the mercury action…. words flying out of my mouth today on the phone seemed to have a life of their own, unfortunately also with a juno-esque, reactionary edge; kind of like they popped under pressure.

    oh, wait: mercury-pluto is square my own pluto-vesta, opp my asc-saturn-mars grouping, and square my venus.
    gee. no wonder there seemed to be a little tension in the air, gracelessly channeled through my attempt to communicate.

    ok, len — what was it you said about pausing to think and not letting fear take over? *deep breath*

    ongoing struggle, it seems. learning how to get a grip on the mental loops seems to be step one (after recognizing them as something i can grip, rather than the other way ’round). a little pause, then and a breath; followed by a little pluto action, letting change fill the space instead of Juno’s insistent and misguided crusade to control.

    then something about love, right?
    (“keep offering keep offering keep offering, keep opening keep opening keep opening,” she mutters to herself.)

    open the hand…let it go…grieve briefly in recognition…breathe deeply…look ahead…take one step forward…oh look, you’re somewhere new. when did change happen? i was so busy living………………

    so much easier to type it.

  26. So what do you do if Juno is conjunct your Sun? Surely we don’t have to leave the archetype stuck in the early days of authoritarian rule. Your interpretation sure sheds some light on my own tendency to nurse a grudge. But what’s the bright side? Ok, releasing grudges. But there’s got to be more to Juno than grudges. If she and Jupiter had gongfu they could have channelled the adversarial energy in more healthy ways. If Jupiter had gongfu he wouldn’t be so clumsy and willfully ignorant of what pisses her off. If she had gongfu she wouldn’t have to be so obnoxious to get his attention.

    In general it’s been my experience that you go to the western mystery tradition to delineate the disease and you go to Dao for your medicine. A planetary archetype is like a repository of experience. If you only look at the Greek story you only have available the empire meme with its misogyny, sexual repression, slavery, war, famine, pestilence and disease for the masses and paranoid opulence for the few. Or is that just my Juno on the Capricorn degree whose sabian symbol is a ship flying the Union Jack talking?

    How about this: grudges aren’t made of nothing. Unpack the grudge, find its heart. Inside my grudge against empire is my love of living things. Jupiter in Pisces opposed Juno in Virgo could be the drunken party boy addicted to oil facing off the moody atmosphere of the home planet. Her responses aren’t just because she nurses grudges. She speaks to the limitations and resonances of life in a body on a planet orbiting a star in space. You can’t just do any ol’ thing and have it turn out well.

    Ok, in the process of typing I kind of found my own medicine. Thanks for setting the wheels turning Len 😉

  27. On the other hand maybe the opposition between Jupiter and Juno, simultaneous with the full moon might just be giving us an opportunity to balance the yin and yang. Perhaps that is why Juno is at her most potent as she stations, and the moon is at her fullest. They are seeking to balance (the moon’s unconscious energy to the sun’s conscious energy) that which has been so predominantly masculine for so long now. The ancient myth of the forced marriage between Juno and Jupiter resulted in his tricking her into submitting to him. Were it to take place now, at least in this country, she would have had other options, and not be left to bitchy tactics to gain equality. It’s time to grow up Juno and Jupiter, and hopefully all of the rest of us too.
    Peace, be

  28. So much of the letting go of late has absolutely nothing to do with holding on to grudges. To master the art of a state of true unconditional love it is the acknowledgement of forgiveness (and most often times to myself) in order to “let go” and keep moving forward making progress in the good.

  29. Remembering Juno, like Eris the outcast may provide the resolve to reach when needed and push ourselves to do so. We’ve all been there and we can all relate. Time to build the rainbow bridge. What starts as a stutter ends in a speech.

  30. Hi Len and y’all,

    Thank you.

    having watched the starwars clip, this one came up right after it, the same bit but longer and ending with ‘belief’, which brought to mind the next (tho it is titled differently than belief it could be (pls hang in there!))

    And brought to mind Mystes and the young woman a couple of weeks ago who felt so blocked by her step dad vis a vis her music, so the second clip is for you two, wishing you easy passage

    And in case anyone else ‘collects’ these sorts (wrote thoughts by mistake) of things too

    Love is not justice, but justice is not enough


    There is no shame in being happy.
    Men die and they are not happy.
    There may be shame in being happy all alone

    The first from Return to Tipasa (Myth of Sisyphus by Camus) and the second from The Plague

    20 or so years ago I arrived at (received, stumbled on?) the basics of a multidimensional compass –

    North page 150-151 of Cry the beloved Country by Alan Paton, awareness, a compass that will not lie

    South (at worst chaos without limit, unconscious – the WE continuum marking the divide between conscious/unconscious as well as the present moment of our (ok my) journey always into the new day) praps the best you can hope for is to ride the waves find friends in unexpected places and turn and set down safely the danger – I guess shaolin style (Kung fu then with David Carradine),

    west the nostalgia of happiness (Return to Tipasa) but praps going east you are always the furthest west you can be.

    The central pivot point from Memories Dreams Reflections by Jung the end of the chapter where he talks about individuation, forging an ego that will not break down when incomprehensible things happen and being able to say yes and no being true to yourself and so having a sort of sense of ‘destiny’ (i no longer have the book – pg 232ish perhaps.

    And east is always now/anywhere I guess informed by the other points.

    If I remember correctly the Chinese talk about ‘boxing’ the compass from the winds – to plot the 360° one way and then the other, to arrive at and have an informed opinion. And sailors know you have to have at least 2 points of reference (light sources if you are navigating by the stars) to navigate.

    And one or two interesting things in this interview tho it takes a while to get there?



  31. Grudge Girl Here:

    I really really needed to hear this today (and going forward), Len. Also, Mystes, 2004 is when I started the job I have now, one that seems to be kind of de-evolving into some kind of nasty smell, and to stay I’ll have to swim through heaven knows what, which I resent terribly. I’m not the only one, I know, but it doesn’t really help a lot. Like they say, you can’t get out of the mess you’re in until you let go of it. Thanks again for the insights.

  32. Started with one of my favorite quotes, ended with a reminder of the inevitability of love … a perfect post. : )

    Yesterday, I was faced with a moment when it became clear I was to banish a suddenly insistent need to punish … and gosh, I didn’t want to. There are thousands of such self-revealing moments in a day, if we will only attend them. The work seems so immediate, the vision so clear and the path beckons. Thanks for strewing bread crumbs, dear one.

  33. My thanks once again to Fe, Amanda and/or Eric for their skillful editing yesterday and today. Every thime i think i’m finally learning how to write good, you show me a better way. i swear i’m trying to learn from your example. Thank you for your kind support and patience.

  34. Thanks, Len. This has been a very, very complex decajour (10-day-week – a little something I picked up from the French Revolution) for me. I burned through a *lot* of emotion last week; emotion accompanied by falling quite ill, and making a few key discoveries about who was or was not around when I needed help.

    The last time Jupiter slipped into Aries, my kid went off of the rails and I pulled out all the stops to help bring him back into alignment with survival and um, let’s call it ‘legal balance.’ That meant accepting limitations on my creative powers, while working two jobs to keep it all running. This Cancerian Full Moon will segue into the second wave of the Jupiter-into-Aries cycle – and we’ll see what it illuminates. Noting that today’s Oracle *also* speaks to the end/beginning of Cancerian creative cycles (from 2004’s first day of Aries, no less!), it may be that last Spring’s decision has run its course.

    Thank you also, for elucidating the Pluto/Merc conjunction that rides along with all of this. I’ve already tasted some of its fruit, and its pretty dark. The better for writing, maybe not so good for speaking.

    Off to find my ink again.

    All love,


  35. Len,

    Your words are welcoming this morning! How often we {me} react without fore thought, engulfed in emotion without really applying logic to the equation. I find that
    less is more when it comes to emotions……to question where it is coming from rather than reacting, has proved its weight in gold….although my mind is often a sieve, a few words that have attached themselves to my frontal lobes are LOGIC and GROUNDING……truly has worked wonders. Thank you….from all of me.

    Peace and Love always,


  36. Great message Len. grudges don’t come and go easily, but sometimes they smack you head on and you know it is time to let go. This is that time for so many of my generation, born with Saturn at 29 Virgo. Be interesting to see what happens this week, especially in light of the Haiti news yesterday. Maybe amends, maybe horrors. The choices should be easy, but not if we don’t get the message.

  37. Hello Len,
    Since yesterday I have been awaiting your message, although I knew in my heart what it must be.
    Juno stations on Odysseus and farewells are in the offing. I never dreamt I would be the one to part from shore. But my natal chart is a hologram of Columbus’ first voyage, so I know I shall make landfall again when I set my course with love.
    Thank you for giving me courage.

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