by Len Wallick
On Monday, it was Mercury doin’ the quickie with the constituents of the Pluto-Saturn square (which has been around long enough to be the 51st State), making good its getaway from both, come retrograde or high water. Today, the Moon in Libra, comes off its overnight stand with the Dynamic Duo with enough steam to square Mercury before lunch in most of North America. No wonder Luna is looking a little bent as it rounds toward another New Moon late in a sign (this time Sagittarius) in less than a week.
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Then less than a week after that the whole solar system gets into the spirit of bustin’ loose when the rarest (and longest) of inner planet retrogrades (Mars in Leo) is closely followed by an auspicious solstice. The solstice finally brings the Sun itself into and through that long cardinal square (Saturn-Pluto) that will define our epoch. Eventually it will involve two more colorful gas giants that dominate and dictate the curvature of space-time (Jupiter and Uranus). Oh sister Artemis, you lead us down a doughty path, your silver cresset stirring us to follow.
But first, let us not forget the Sun’s trine to Mars which will exact this afternoon, evening or very early tomorrow, depending on where in the world you are. Mutable fire flowing to fixed fire, preparing the transition to Cardinal earth at flip time. It’s the image of fire before or even on the cold, austere mountain when the eternal wrestling match once again gradually turns its favor from the southern contestant to the challenger from the north. It’s a long process but it has to begin somewhere and with Eris now inside of 21 degrees on its own retrograde, the grand firer trine, initiating transition, is completed with a nod towards a new age that cannot be suppressed by convention or held back by definition.
The edge of consciousness has moved out and awareness is flowing to fill in the expanded area. A new radius is sweeping its longer arm out towards the galaxy. A longer diameter is tracing a longer circumference which in turn is starting a new and longer cycle which will include that previously excluded, just as Jimi Hendrix (a Sagittarian) included distortion and feedback in his repertoire, expanding his ability to express his (and OUR) expanded consciousness. The imperative of geometry, the inertia of the curve, cannot be denied.
As Venus enters twixt the long opposition of Pholus and Chaos (not incidentally, applying to trine Mars in turn) the concept of a catalyst (that which precipitates a chemical reaction without being intimately involved in the exchange of bonds) will take shape in our personal lives. Go easy, a small gesture can have big repercussions. Be thoughtful, once set in motion the momentum of our words can seldom be turned. The cosmos is asking us to take greater responsibility and those who can do so gracefully will find the greatest balance and the firmest foothold.
As Jupiter today winks at Uranus (as if their semi-sextile is a knowing expression of what is to come) let us gift each other with openness tempered by acceptance so that we each can learn to do the same for ourselves. Knowing that it is indeed possible to embrace without grapple.
Offered In Service
LW: this piece is beautifully written!! I loved the imagery you conjured from your bag of creative tricks to offer so gracefully in service to those who confess gratefully to having been served! 🙂
bless u
sm aka oe
That’s good news! I thought of something else you might find of interest. Barbara Hand Clow has a book about Chiron and in it I read that Chiron means “hand”. That is what you fell on right? Also, Ms. Hand Clow believes (as do others) that Chiron rules Virgo.
Good healing to you
Thanks bkoehler.
You have given me a lot to think about. Your interpretation of Jupiter conjunct Chiron aspect is accurate. In fact the whole thing started in May when Jupiter Conjunct Chiron happened first time this year. This is all happening in my 8th house of death and transformation (Aquarius) where my natal Saturn is at 9 deg and retrogade.
I feel free, protected and very grateful.
Thanks again.
Poor ashawf, I’m so sorry for your painful accident. In your story, the most enlightening words were “. .I also felt that the negative energy that was inside me got released. .” and bet you anything that was Chiron-speak! Of course, there was Mercury conjunct Pluto to set you up for a fall with thoughts of anger and bitterness over the ending you mentioned. But it is so like Chiron to wound you to get your attention. He was conjunct Jupiter on the 7th. Do you have any planets at around 21-22 degrees that this aspect could have challenged?
What was released was the Plutonian, snake-brain stuff that absolutely had to come out. That fall got your mind off the no-good son-of-gun that had hurt you, didn’t it? Mercury later squared Saturn (a rough day for a lot of us!) which contributed to the confinement of your body AND your words. Walking is a Mercury thing as well as a thinking thing you know, and now something constructive can come of that energy.
For good measure, the Moon (the ruler of your Sun sign) was in Virgo and probably conjunct your natal Mars, the ruler of your chart. This was actually a “healthy” way to release the negative thoughts and vibes I think. So like Virgo to break a bone or two to make a point. As well, Mercury was sesquiquadrate (releases and purges) Mars that night contributing to the thoughts of fury.
In this case, I would say there was more “fate” (a good thing this time) than free-will, although the unconscious was leading the way down that path. Get well soon and enjoy your new freedom!
CareCare I agree with Pam, please do look into dietary issues. I have resolved long and complex anxiety issues (stemming from real life crap, but the anxiety resonse belonged to me). Understanding body/brains needs was fundamental to displacing anxiety (fear of what might be) with reality. It also helped 1) to learn to recognize anxiety symptoms in the moment 2) stop and ask myself what the anxious feeling is about 3) stop and ask myself what the anxious feeling is REALLY about 4) find some reality about it and move on.
5-HTP was a great help (found in the health food store) as it allowed me to remember what it felt like to not feel anxious – so I could replicate that feeling the next time without the supplement – and so on. There are many serotonin boosters on the market. Different strokes for different folks. 5-HTP worked for me.
You might also try regaularly massaging your adrenals. Forgive me if I’ve repeated suggestions others have made. I think many of us have experienced similiar situation.
ashawf: Oh how exciting! Not the break (sorry for that!) but the release of anger you felt! I’ve no such experience (thankfully really) but your story is a wonderful tribute to how we find ways to let go. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks to Fe and jl for putting such perfect words into complements of Len.
Len you yourself are a fine example of “those who can do so gracefully”. Thank you.
Here’s to life without the push-me-pull-you,
I make much use of your metaphors on a personal and polictical and collective field. It is helpful in everything for me from writing to cooking to perceiving what it is I am really seeing versus what I’ve told myself to see or what I been told to see.
Thanks for the delicate dance. Keep it up!
Thank you for a lucid and creative explanation of current planetary events. I had been reading without understanding the astrology for several months…while feeling them more intensely than ever before. (Rising at gc, capricorn moon square saturn now opposing my saturn eris sun- complicated, meaningful, beautiful, challenging.)
Your art, science and geometry metaphors helped me picture it all, and suddenly, once I understood the moving parts, the shape, the relations, the intensity of the times ceased being so hard, and purpose easier to access.
since last few days we have been talking about fate vs free will, I thought i will share my newest experience with my unseen PW friends and ask for their comments on which planetary aspects can bring about this experience.
On Monday, Dec 7, I was driving home from work with a very negative state of mind, was very angry, resentful because of a situation that started in May, finally coming to an end but with a kind of ending that leaves you bitter, resentful and hurt. I was so upset that I did the very thing that I learned from my mother to never do under any circumstances that was to wish anyone bad things. One part of me knew that that will backfire soon. Any way, I reached home and then went to the Gym. On my way noticed the roads were icy and slippery. On my way back from the Gym, I was walking towards my car, I slipped, fell and landed with a great force on my left hand. As soon as I fell, I knew I broke something and at the very moment I also felt that the negative energy that was held inside my got released and second thought was like my mom saying “Did I not tell you to never think bad about someone no matter what!!. I broke a bone in my left arm , was taken to emergency, got treatment after 3 hours, home now, recovering from it, still in a lot of pain.
Usually the accidents are considered fated, but in my I can see how I contributed to my fate to come about with me negative thoughts and feelings. Now physically I am in terrible pain , but mentally cannot desctibe the relief I am feeling. The planetary aspect that keeps coming to mind is “Mars semi-square Saturn on Saturday.” My sun sign is cancer but my rising sign is Aries and Mars is the ruler of my chart. It’s natal position in Virgo makes me emotionally volatile.
Any comments ?
A bit late, but some other ideas about anxiety for carecare7
There is also the possiblity of diet and remineralisation that can play a part too with anxiety attacks – I attached the relevant pages (to Eric) from our earth our cure by Raymond Dextreit. A kinesiologist could find out what her vitamin and mineral deficiencies are, orthomolecular therapy (look on the web, wiki is negative if I remember but amazon stock books and there are various interesting histories on the web) would probably help – that’s high doses of vitamins – I should think anxiety is aggravated by a b vitamin deficiency. A good stockist is Nutrichoice, W1683 Starks Road, Unity WI 54488 USA 001 717 223 3941. They don’t have a website and I don’t have their catalogue – another of those things that always find a new home.
Grind up linseeds in a coffe grinder and eat that ‘flour’ a tbsp at least a day, preferably 2 or 3 mixed in with your food over the day or in a drink – it goes all viscous in liquid – yuk! but you need to drink at least 3 times what you eat and make sure you are proerly hydrated because it takes up this volume of water. Rehydrates the mucous membranes too. It is also immediate brainfood.
Urine therapy might be another idea (Coen van der Kroon’s book is good)
‘The continuum concept’ by Jean Liedloff might give something too
Wishing well