Bringing Your Life: Sun Enters Taurus

By Len Wallick

The Sun represents light, consciousness and day.”
Robert Hand (from “Horoscope Symbols”)

The Sun enters Taurus on Wednesday morning (6:18 a.m. EDT) for most of you reading this. The cookbook says that this particular change of sign is supposed to synchronize with a relaxed sense of well being. Those remembering the same ingress last year will understand that it ain’t necessarily so.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

Astrology does not happen to us, nor is it a soft drink advertisement. It is we, the actors on the stage of life, who make things happen, or not. Astrology is a way of being aware of opportunity and challenge as well as a guide towards what responses are more appropriate than others. At the risk of disturbing a painful memory, it would do well to recall this time last year for a sense of perspective.

Sol moved into Taurus on the same day that Chiron returned to Pisces for the first time in over four decades. Hopes were high. Then an ill-advised drilling operation in the Gulf of Mexico went worst-case on us. In the days and weeks that followed, a lot of us went through something very close to the Kubler-Ross model of grieving a loss that has yet to be sufficiently quantified. To make things worse, we often forgot each other. We engaged in more conflict than comforting. Many of us were alone with our fears, sorrow and uncertainty. In our isolation, we were exploited. In our anger we forgot how to simply take responsibility for that which we are, simply, aware. It seems that we had either forgotten or did not know how to do some or all of these things. That, or we had lost touch with the power we have to participate in creation.

Now, the Sun is coming back to Taurus and we have another chance to show what we can do. We have the opportunity to remember and use our power. We can take a simple evolutionary step and change the course of events by simply remembering that neither the astrology nor the established order can do for us what we have the power to do for ourselves, and for each other. We can be the Sun. We can bring the light. Hardly a day goes by when we do not have the chance to help another person breathe a little easier. Simply being open to others, conscious of their feelings or sensitive to their predicament is a huge step in ending isolation. An offer to help, no matter how small the gesture, is delicious icing on the cake.

We can bring our consciousness. There might be wisdom in what we fear to speak. Others might feel the same way. Sharing our thoughts with others is far more nourishing than the empty spiritual calories we are fed by the media. At the worst, we could find that our feelings and ideas need to be tempered and grounded before we harm ourselves. At best, we could find a common agreement that had remained hidden below the surface, like a vein of precious metal connecting us unawares. We could mutually discover and recognize the resources upon which a new future can be constructed.

Finally, we can bring the day. That is not to say that night is a bad thing. Only that it needs its compliment in order to be of value. The human race has endured a lot of darkness lately. The ambient technology is such that we have been through it together. Why then can we not experience the light of day as one? It needs to begin somewhere.

Now the Sun is about to leave the sign symbolizing the initiation of spirit and soul as represented by fire. Now the source of light and life’s energy moves on to bring those qualities to a new sign representing the fixed state of matter awaiting animation. Let us be as the Sun to each other. Let us value our own lives and show it by bringing our life force to animate the state of matters with each other. This very day will reveal an opportunity. Take responsibility for your awareness of that and do what you came here to do. Give yourself and the rest of us another chance.

Offered In Service

15 thoughts on “Bringing Your Life: Sun Enters Taurus”

  1. Lovely article, Len and so nice to read everyone’s comments. It is so easy to get spun out and forgetful. I appreciate the reminders found here to bring myself back to the present, to my truth – the truth of the observing self, the Sun. Now, blessed by the poetry in the posts and the poetic posts themselves – time for a little bed wallowing.

  2. Found this while I was tryin’ to vibe the air waves to get my bodymind flowin’ smooth. It’s the lyrics for “Echoes”- Pink Floyd (resonates..)- Jere

    Overhead the albatross
    Hangs motionless upon the air
    And deep beneath the rolling waves
    In labyrinths of coral caves
    An echo of a distant time
    Comes willowing across the sand
    And everything is green and submarine.

    And no one called us to the land
    And no one knows the where’s or why’s.
    Something stirs and something tries
    Starts to climb toward the light.

    Strangers passing in the street
    By chance two separate glances meet
    And I am you and what I see is me.
    And do I take you by the hand
    And lead you through the land
    And help me understand
    The best I can.

    And no one called us to the land
    And no one crosses there alive.
    No one speaks and no one tries
    No one flies around the sun….

    Almost everyday you fall
    Upon my waking eyes,
    Inviting and inciting me
    To rise.
    And through the window in the wall
    Come streaming in on sunlight wings
    A million bright ambassadors of morning.

    And no one sings me lullabyes
    And no one makes me close my eyes
    So I throw the windows wide
    And call to you across the sky….

  3. Len, thank you for dressing a thoughtful, poetic, grounding and well-lit stage. Be, thank you for adding the lines of some additional players.

    I for one – but not a lone actor – am living the “show”.


  4. So nice to read everyone’s comments. Thank you all. Here are tidbits from Marianne Williamson’s words you’re probably familiar with:

    …It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us.

    …And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fears, our presence automatically liberates others.

    Thanks again for everyone sharing themselves.

  5. When one is a bright light, and attracts others like moths to a flame, those who get too close get burned, and retaliate. Ouch! And yet, when I hide my light under a bushel, they still seek me out. Especially those who won’t hear the message about refueling their own lamps, letting their OWN light shine.

    So, what to do? How to be around only those who stoke their own lamps? Who have a sense of personal responsibility? And who, instead of being jealous and vindictive, are actually supportive of those who dare to let their light shine?

    To Rob44: I appreciate the reminder that Thomas Merton’s writings can be a huge comfort and inspiration.

  6. Beautiful reading. Reminding me of my light. Thank you.
    And also of a stunning enlightening realization long ago. Something so simple and yet profound in perspective. Something good to be reminded of. A place where “I” originated in a good way.

    Also, the sun is “in the center” in a good way. When we are in the center of ourselves,
    we radiate life and hold the balance around us. We are all suns.

  7. “As if the sorrows and stupidities of the human condition could overwhelm me, now that I realize what we all are. And if only everybody could realize this! But it cannot be explained. There is no way of telling people that they are all walking around shining like the sun.”

    ~Thomas Merton

  8. michele —

    what a hoot! i mean, i suppose the idea of grounding yourself and becoming aware of ‘wobbly’ thinking is a great idea during Merc Rx. but i was expecting to see something like a bottle of “Raid” — you know, spray it toward mercury just before it’s about to station retro, & it filps on its back with its feet in the air… but just for three weeks.

  9. Hi Len, my birthday is in May (13th), and I always find it to be an odd time of year – things (ie relationships) that aren’t genuine always fall away (and ruin my birthday!), and I always end up having to “find” myself. It’s certainly a time of transition, which I suppose is not necessarily a bad thing when it comes to birthdays – you know, the whole taking stock of things and so forth. I’ve had a MAJOR cleansing going on over the last 12 months, and have managed to narrow things down to relationships of integrity this year – the deadwood has mostly gone – there may be the odd little hiccup but I’m “preparing” for it – really working out what I want and coming up with a “line” to memorise and use for when I’m faced with it – I’m expecting a few things to “come out in the wash” as Eric puts it, after this Mercury retrograde period – I’m not sure how they’ll go, but I know what my response will be (assuming its from persons I don’t want in my life, which is what I’m assuming). (If you’re curious, the line is, “Is it possible to leave me alone? I’m sort of in a happy space, and I’d like to keep it that way. Thanks.”)

    So that’s how it flows with me. Hope you’re enjoying this full moon! 🙂

  10. Good morning Len,

    What a difference a year makes, huh? At least with time we get perspective as you say, and hopefully, wisdom. Today’s words, well, how can we thank you? They are sensitive and thoughtful and positive. . . . that much I know right now. I imagine they will be influential before the day is over, and inspirational too as shebear points out. Some of us need that just to get out of bed!

    Something I think of regarding Taurus is building. A building that is a bricks-and-mortar building . . solid and safe, but also building as an activity; creativity. Taking Aries’ new beginning and making something. Grunt work. Purposeful work. Tactile, beautiful and comfy. In just a couple of days we’ll have a month to get building some thing, or re-build something or remember something we wanted to build. A couple of days after that, Mercury will go direct as he almost-but-not-quite opposes Saturn who will probably provide constructive advice, and from his perspective in Libra, it will be lovely and something to share.

  11. Dearest Len, I read your post first thing this morning as I was prying open my eyes and having my morning coffee. I felt like I was stuck in the mud. I heard what you were saying, but needed a little time and a few hours later, I am reading it again.

    As so often with your words, you give me nudge, a gentle but poignant reminder that gets me back on track. I knew I wasn’t grasping it right away, but I came back to it, knowing I was supposed to. Now, I have got a sweet potato roasting, the birds are singing, and the mud is clearing. Thank you.

  12. Yes we can be the sun. Heck, we *are* the sun. It’s simply waiting for to shine by the shedding of our conditionings and “the cleansing of our perceptions.” (William Blake)

    A timely lunaday inspiration mr. len and bursting to the brim with sunny optimism. You have the gift. Thank you.

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