Blowing Hot and Cool

By Len Wallick

Today the Sun conjoins with Pluto, which will be the main subject of today’s blog. We will also take a look at what retrograde Mercury and the Moon are up to.

The Sun-Pluto conjunction has been taking place in Capricorn since December of 2008. That pattern will continue until January of 2024. Every year the surrounding context will be a bit different. Let’s break it down from the general and proceed to examine the specifics of today’s aspect.

Capricorn is not only a cardinal sign but the last in a solar cycle of four. This is a serious sort of energy: make something happen, get things done, bring ideas to form, all of it with a public and collective syntax. The ruler of Capricorn is Saturn, an inter-personal planet closely associated with social order as defined by practical principles of limitation determining structure and role.

The Sun represents the aware, conscious self and its vital, willful expression. As the center of our solar system and the dominant presence in our sky, it is associated with life energy and identifying principles. In Capricorn, Sol is not exalted, nor is it in detriment or fall. The greater luminary can, however, be said to find itself in sympathy with the sign because ingress there represents a defining limit in its annual cycle of apparent movement. It is this sympathy which in turn places the Capricorn Sun in a notable disposition to the influence of Saturn. That’s how the serious nature of the energy comes about.

With Pluto in the mix the synchronization can go either way. The imperative to get things done can lose sight of goals and become compulsive. The desire to make things happen can denigrate to the insidious need to control everything that happens. The public expression of a collective purpose can shift to an intense self-involvement focused on controlling others. Such is the problematic polarizing potential of Pluto’s merger with the Sun in Capricorn. Thankfully, there is also the possibility of more creative and productive outcomes.

The intense focus of Pluto can be harnessed towards reorienting how solar Capricorn’s serious objectives are attained. If we can steer away from magnified self-involvement and towards self-awareness, this may become a time to discover how less can indeed be more. New efficiencies are available for discovery. Cooperation can be successfully secured if others are encouraged by the potential for common gain. There can be a transformation of public relationships gone stale, and a recovery of common, organized and/or institutional purpose. This serves to make everyone feel refreshed and newly motivated regardless of role or position. This is where each of can make a difference.

Astrology can help by making us aware of the synchronicity we may expect to encounter any given day. Only we as individuals, however, can place that awareness into our own lives and be present to it. As we encounter the particulars we perceive we have a choice to either react reflexively or respond thoughtfully. Admittedly, dealing with a highly charged aspect right after a busy holiday weekend can be a challenge. There will be a temptation to yield to the flow rather than find the energy to influence it. We may find assistance in our perspective, and perhaps even in finding the necessary energy if we look back at two related astrological events.

Six months ago on June 26 we had a lunar eclipse that transformed the cardinal T-square into a cardinal grand cross. Remember? Jupiter and Uranus were, of course, in a powerful and close opposition to Saturn along the Aries-Libra axis, but it was the other cardinal alignment that we refer to today. At the time the Sun was opposed to the Moon, Luna was also very tightly conjoined with Pluto. In addition to being a Full Moon, the complex event also included what amounts to a Full Pluto.

Just as the monthly opposition of luminaries gradually wanes to become a New Moon, so today can be considered our New Pluto. We can therefore approach today’s Capricorn conjunction as the beginning a new cycle. We can avail ourselves of the opportunity to conclude what may have transpired in the previous six months since that cardinal grand cross and concurrent lunar eclipse. That would include the much more recent conjunction of Mars to Pluto. That should be easier to recall, having taken place just two weeks ago. Retrograde Mercury joined the conjunction by backing through as if to collide with both, and combined with the Moon in cardinal square aspect from Aries, gave us a taste of today’s more adverse potential.

It is therefore poetically auspicious that both Mercury and the Moon should have a role to play today as well. To understand that we need to look at some matters of timing. In most cases, a conjunction between Sol and any planet can be considered functional for at least a full day, perhaps two on either side of its precision. The apparent motion of the Moon, however, is much faster than the greater luminary or any of its satellites. That’s how it becomes important to mention that, for most of you reading this, the Sun-Pluto opposition was in fact exact sometime yesterday evening remaining to the same degree all day today.

At the time of that exactitude, the Virgo Moon was in a short-lived T-square of its own that left behind an artifact that will likewise be to the same degree as well. That T-square involved Luna’s opposition to its hypothetical counterpart, Black Moon Lilith — otherwise commonly known as the mean lunar apogee — in Pisces. The third object in the “T”, lending its square aspect to the other two, was retrograde Mercury, rapidly slowing down in Sagittarius as it prepares to station direct on Thursday.

As the day progresses and the Sun-Pluto conjunction continues in full force so does the separation between the mean lunar apogee and Mercury remain 90 to the degree. Meantime, the Moon gallivants on to other relationships, most of them awkward. All of this would seem to ramp up the challenge of the day just a bit by pulling the focus away from cooperation and innovation and back towards the perception that our egos are at stake in struggles for power.

While their opposition is functional, the emotionally charged nature of both the Moon and its darker, hypothetical counterpart can function as a distraction of a longer term trend. Your faithful correspondent has offered the observation that a long-term, big picture of our current astrology is the emerging eminence of the creative feminine. This creativity derives from and depends upon mutual reciprocation and respect between the two sides of the feminine principal. On one side there is the receptive nature so long associated with yin — an expression mistakenly taken as tamed from the male supremacist point of view. On the other side there is the less familiar and more often suppressed expression just as mistakenly taken as wild — perhaps because the increasingly obsolescent patriarchal tradition of human society finds itself in conflict with matrilinear societies — such as that of wolves.

In temporary tension with both sides of the feminine principal, the mind as represented by Mercury is seeking internal resolution. More than its mental qualities however, it is that planet’s direction and placement that can give us the best and most effective clue of how to approach today’s astrology. As much as a square aspect calls for action, retrograde implores reflection. When we consider that Old Fleet Foot is still retrograde in spiritual Sagittarius, neatly positioned between the humbling mysteries of our Galactic Core and the Great Attractor, a more reflective, less active approach may be more likely to carry the day.

This does not mean that we should be passive and surrender our power to the recklessly reactive and aggressively insecure who will no doubt confront us today. What it does mean is that we would not be favored by yielding to reflex and responding in kind. It would be more appropriate to divest ourselves of attachment to short-term outcome. Instead, we can recognizing that we can avail ourselves of the ambient energy to do the necessary work that does the most good and where we have the only real control — within ourselves. It is possible to tell ourselves that this too will pass without being passive. It is is indeed a viable alternative to let it be and still do good and powerful work.

It is humbly proposed we approach the day by standing firmly in our highest selves. Not seeking to correct or direct others, often against their will, we are liberated to step back for a wider view and step forward on our best foot, encountering one or many. When it comes right down to it, we can’t ethically do anything about the other fellow. What we can and must do is take responsibility for ourselves. Not as a burden, but as a source of affirmation and even joy.

For it is self affirmation that makes it possible to receive the same from others and it is in being the best we can be that delivers the only real source of lasting happiness. This will not be easy. All or most of us may err in one way or another. But do not allow any such error to provoke regret or deter you. The universe is created with every moment and you are a part of that continuity.

Think of it as a jazz solo. Even the most skilled musician in the most inspired improvisation may happen to play a note or phrase that is not a perfect fit in the group composition. Whether that happens or not is not an indication of that performer’s proficiency. The true measure of a musician’s greatness is the ability to accept and even utilize what just happened and go on in the rhythm uninterrupted and undeterred, allowing the incident to enhance the remaining measures for unexpected and surprising creative achievement. Sisters and brothers, let it go and just blow. You will be the cooler for it.

Offered In Service

18 thoughts on “Blowing Hot and Cool”

  1. Susyc, I hold you close in my thoughts and will repeat alongside you the Julian of Norwich prayer “All’s well, all is well and all manner of things shall be well” for you and your beloved. Peace to you.

  2. A day late and a dollar short I weigh in today. Thanks Len for your beautiful writing, as apt for today as it might have been yesterday. I wish I had taken the time to read it yesterday; it would have been comforting. Yesterday I had the news that my husband’s PSA continues its upward climb and he will probably need a biopsy after all. He is a 10 year colon cancer survivor so this is difficult news to hear. This morning I wrote a letter to Creator, whom I call Love, turning this situation and my husband over trusting that ‘All will be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.’ I wasn’t able to do this when he had his colon cancer–I was too afraid–so I am glad I am able to do it now. My impulse in times like these is to abandon my self-care to obsession and control which exacts it’s intrinsic consequences in stress and frustration. I hope instead to feel my feelings and seek support as needed. I know my husband is a beloved child of our Creator and that his spirit lies safe in Creator’s hand as it always has and always will. Bless you Len all your readers, Love, susy

  3. LindaGM my today not so vital, but returning a small unused item post-Christmas to store with proper receipt, properly unopened, proper timing etc….the store clerk set about denying me my full refund, called manager over and between the two of them they were totally off kilter with calculators and proof and this and that while I just stood there calmly waiting for them to complete their tirade. When they were done, they proceeded to hand me not what I had paid, but what they had originally offered and I had denied.

    So still unaffected by their gyrations, I simply collected my item and prepared to leave. The pair were dumb-founded still in a hub-bub and not accepting that I was simply going to leave with my merchandise (no need to return it without recouping what I had paid!) My reply was a simple shrug and statement that, “I disagree with you.”

    It was one of the strangest (albeit simple) interactions I’ve had. I guess the two got caught up in the today energy – and most likely expected a storm from me the customer, not a calm. Me? I can take care of business another day (probably post-MercRetro)!

  4. Lisa,
    You are the one to be thanked. By the way, since you have decided to play that selection, may one suggest that you listen for what Coltrane does NOT say as much as for what he does. Smart dude, that `Trane.

  5. I spent yesterday and today reading my journals and reviewing the year. I made it through July and when i got to the eclipse I saw some striking parallels to this post-eclipse. It has been a very good exercise in loving myself, forgiving myself and seeing life with a new perspective.

    Len, your take on the sun pluto conjunction is, I echo the other comments here, the kind of thing that sets you, as an astrologer, apart from the rest, and makes your writing unforgettable, [she says as she places “so what” on the dusty turntable]

    thank you for your continued service…

  6. Kyla: Thank you for your kind words.

    Linda: Thank you for sharing the synchronicity. Sympathies for actually having to go through it. Seems you handled it well. Most of us could afford more sobriety no only to enhance our self-regulation but also our enjoyment of well chosen times to enjoy convivial indulgences.

    PandorasWood: Oh yeah, play “So What” for me anytime.

  7. I love your final paragraph and the jazz analogy. Yeah man, life is a jazz solo! What you say is similar to something I heard on an NPR show about Miles & the recording of “Kind of Blue.” Repetition and perfection are not the goal. Cool– let it blow man.

  8. I arrived home from work yesterday afternoon to chaos and broken items strewn about.

    Seems my 19 year old son had one woman in the house when the other GF showed up and sparks flew. His rising sign is 14 degrees Sag – Galactic Core territory.

    After bundling up the girls and sending them home, I sat the inebriated male down for a heart to heart.

    What emerged was a conversation/reflection about two extremes: one woman wanting to play home and hearth and the other as wild and untameable.

    I told him they all needed to sober up – that staying drunk every night was making the situation hotter and removing the capacity to reason and cloaking the deep inner knowing of how to handle the situation.

    He went for a walk, a bit sobered up and vacuumed up the mess.

    Then he went to the pub again but vowed to come home alone this time.

    So much for the “temporary tension of both sides of the feminine principle”!

    Thanks Len!

  9. Deb and stormilarue: Thank you for your kind comments.

    be, mystes and yeti: What brilliant minds you three are. What an honor that you would add your words and assistance to this blog. Much love to all three and each of you.

    Hazel1: All questions are good questions. Remember that DML is usually considered to be the same as the mean apogee, the farthest point from Earth, averaged out to account for the Moon’s wobbly orbit. Also remember from last Thursday’s blog that the Moon was at perigee (closest point) for Christmas. Therefore it makes sense that Luna at or near perigee would be in opposition to apogee. Remember also that the wobble makes things less than exact when using the mean as a standard.

  10. Hazel- The mean lunar apogee Lilith can indeed be anywhere relative to the moon along her orbital path. It’s simply the point in her orbit where she is furthest from Earth. Apo-far, Gee-Gaia.

  11. Thanks, Len! Most other astrologers around the web are just calling a “falling rock” warning – especially for the morning hours.

    The reflective/active stance you recommend may actually be the best *interpretation* of the skies today, eh? But that’s your gift: look there, feel here.

    For the last few days I’ve been taking the mornings to do some rather powerful dreaming, folding daylight into the mix. It produces a clairsentience that doesn’t quite translate into precognition – it’s something a little more like M-Ray vision.

    Somehow I’m less interested in the ‘future,’ and more interested in wholetime. Holotime? Oh, that’d be ‘space,’ I suppose, but where events crystallize from chaos rather than take ‘logical’ routes into existence.

    Me, I am a big fan of surprise. I hope Pluto is too.



  12. Hi Len,

    I see a need for a cooling blow with this Pluto-Sun thing and because sensitive types, like yourself, are capable of utilizing sensitive aspects, I will point out that transiting Mars is quintile (72 degrees) to Uranus today and since the Moon opposed Uranus a little earlier, perhaps she will reflect on Uranus’ more sensitive side. Anyway, let me read you what Frances Sakoian and Louis Acker say about quintiles in “The Minor Aspects””

    This set of aspects (vigintile, decile, quintile, tri-vigintile) is related to the occult and the use of the will. . . . . This family of aspects relates to the higher synthesis of the 4 basic elements into the 5th element of Ether, therefore, this family of aspects relates to the use of the spiritual will and transcends physical limitations.” They go on to say” One of the abilities unique to this family of aspects is the capacity to understand the inner relation between seemingly isolated sets of circumstances.”

    Isn’t that cool? I’m thinking that this softer side of Uranus is coming through in your words today and bouncing over to the Moon as she gets ready to amble into Libra. That should lead to a balancing of that hot to cold blowing air; at least for the sensitive ones among us, right? The Moon in loving Libra should encourage that “creative feminine” nature of her’s and help curb some of that reckless and aggressive vibe. Well, I hope so anyway.

    Oh and thanks for the insight on jazz too. I’m beginning to understand and appreciate it more with age.

  13. So Lilith can be opposite the moon? I thought it was a shadow that was more nearby. In my chart it’s at 23 Scorpio and my moon is at 8 Saggitarius, so I thought it was a nearby shadow.

  14. Len,
    Thank you for such profound insight, eloquence and advice on how to approach this day. I am working on not getting involved in power struggles and this really spoke to me. In peace, Deb

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