‘Because you are my teacher’

Editor’s Note: We’ve been asking our clients for feedback about the professional services we publish, and your responses have created the opportunity for an exciting dialog.

Dear Eric,

Wow! I have only just become a ‘member’ of Planet Waves. This request was the 1st thing I found once I logged in. It’s a pleasure to tell you that my reasons for signing up today were due to your weekly audio. And also your open/honest approach of telling it like it is, yet in a compassionate manner.

I appreciate how you incorporate other celestial bodies that other astrologers deem insignificant, (which, by the way in MY life and others, seem to have had strong influence; e.g., Chiron, Vesta, Juno); but mostly because you EXPLAIN the planets, their influence & how they interact with each other. And I’ve only heard the last four posts!

I have only recently become computer literate and purchased my first PC November 2008, which sat in its box unopened till October 2009. Discovered online horoscopes in December. I was amazed at their insight! We are indeed blessed with this gift to unravel the human psyche, to guide & inspire, and to glimpse pieces of the greatest puzzle of all, ‘Why are we here?’ I’m in total agreement with your attitude & approach to unlocking these secrets, how you address ‘the big picture’ — which is how I found Planet Waves. I wanted to understand WHY horoscopes work. I needed more than just, “Today you will be happy; a great day for shopping.” So I Googled ‘world’s best astrologers’.

Of the many, many astrologers out there I have now my select three; all as accurate as each other, though the forecasts are so different! I have a psychologist and a dark, twisted comedian, but Eric you top the list because you are my teacher. To find someone who not only believes and views the world as I do, but can show me HOW. You have already (explained/answered?) — perhaps not in so many words as more in essence a deep belief — an understanding that I have always carried inside. That we are here for a purpose. That things DO happen for a reason. And (sincerest apologies!) that ‘GOD’ was not a sufficient explanation. And although I’m grateful that religion has been ingrained in our culture, (yet also devastated at how violently factions clash) I felt there was ‘something’ more. Greater.

I look forward to all you may share,
Cheryl from Geraldton

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