A moment of esoterica: the Sabian symbol for today

Dear Friend and Reader:

In my astrology writing, I tend to stay away from things that are plainly esoteric, that is, presented in veiled language or that are too mystical or cryptic for most mortals with kids and a job to grasp without three weeks’ contemplation. That being said, today the Sun is passing through the last degree of Aquarius. This is one of my favorite degrees, in part due to its Sabian symbol. The Sabians are a set of written images, offering a scene or event associated with each of the 360 degrees of the sky. Here is the degree for today; to me it sums up the essence of Aquarius. I would love to hear your thoughts. This is from the Dane Rudhyar version of the symbols; there is also one by the Rev. Dr. Marc Edmund Jones, who with Elsie Wheeler channeled the set in the early 20th century.

Phase 330 (Aquarius 30 degrees): Deeply rooted in the past of a very ancient culture, a spiritual botherhood in which many individual minds are merged into the glowing light of a unanimous consciousness is revealed to one who has emerged successfully from his metamorphosis.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

31 thoughts on “A moment of esoterica: the Sabian symbol for today”

  1. I keep seeing chiron pluto, pluto chiron. I am reading starhawk at present and I keep re-reading her beer can theory when I see pluto chiron. I keep thinking pluto and garbage. That probably has to do with recycling. The energy of the powerful wound in our lives. And transforming that. I’m just giving what I’ve been getting and that’s the problem with the esoterics?

    Starhawk and her friend went to the countryside to hike and walk. And her friend always carried a trash bag to pick up the beer cans. But everytime they returned there were always more beer cans. She asked her friend why she even bothered. Her friend said she would never be able to clean it all up, but she believed in picking up the garbage in her path. This theory she has adopted and it gives her sanity in a world of mess, (she is quite the global activist).

    So I don’t know Chiron real well, well I probably do in a big way, but just don’t know it yet. And Eric has said if I remember correctly, that it is the thing that saves us over and over again. I’ve got that bookmarked.

    But I think as we travel our personal path, we may have some trash to pick up and recycle? Pluto has a way of bringing up some trash?

    My mother is near 91, and even she is working her trash. Never thought I’d see the day. She was tough for us for so long, in the only way she knew how. And she is more and more remembering that she is no longer responsible for us as adults. And this precious time, becomes about her and the issues she is working with. In her vulnerability, she does what she does, the way she does it. And she is beautiful and funny and makes us cry in joy, and laugh until we cry. And that she ride out of her human experience in joy, well, I couldn’t hope for any more. But she is still not easy to live with. Old patterns are painful reminders. The caregivers do it much better at this time. But visits are fun.

  2. kristenb, sometimes well turned phrases, well I get caught up in the music of them and can’t decipher what they mean to me. That’s how that phrase hit me.

    But I ask a question and I got an answer about my fantasy, my challenging Neptunian aspects at work. (mind, it’s a funny thing and not so ha ha) I got some serious boundary issues going on. And the “magical” feeling is wonderful to roll around in, you are right there. But it makes the day to day wake up to the physical disappointing.

    So it took me awhile but I got it. I am working that awareness.

    The positive you listed kinduv worked it’s way out with Gardener’s discussion of virgo in work. I think the work we do has to be the reward in itself. Some of the environments I have worked in may have been less than desirable, but in everyone of those places I can look back, see the goals I set, and the work that I did, and I can count personal successes, and other’s successes that I contributed to. And being in accounting, if it actually moved the company in a better way at the same time, well what more can I ask for. Afterall, those jobs and paychecks come from someplace, and if we can manage that someplace better, it is good. A few times someone has actually noticed my work, and that is always surprising. It humbles me. But I don’t count on that. But do offer a job well done to others when i experience that.

    If we only could focus on the good of the company as a whole and honor the product that we are providing, instead of scrapping like a bunch of sibling brats. Hopefully, I have worked through enough of my personal family stuff since I left the “pay for work” environment that I won’t be attracting those issues any more when I return to income generation. Yes, my faux retirement is winding down.

  3. Victoria: Witless reaction to fantasy?

    Well, I feel this means a reactionary mode versus an intentional, thoughtful merge and interplay…

    Fantasy can be a wonderland of fun and learning, or can be a stupid or nightmare space of the 108 kleshas…

  4. Hi Gardner –

    Thanks for the saturn/virgo advice! (You too, Victoria!)

    “You already had the chiron-pluto conjunction – did anything interesting happen?” Well, I’ll have to find an ephemeris, as I am not sure when it happened. Anyone know any good on-line ephemeris for Chiron?

  5. well now Gardener, this virgo is a little more direct. I just walked into my boss’s office, looked her straight in the eye, and said, “you have pissed on me for two years. (I hate leg lifters) Today you used me twice to piss on others. I’ve allowed you to piss on me, but I will not allow you to use me to piss on others. No more.”

    She said, “okay.” Yeah, like that was going to change. It was a disease that permeated that company. The next leg lifter presened herself a few weeks later. Too much. Bye bye thanks for the wild ride.

  6. I shouldn’t say “I confronted her”. I waited 4 years, and when she was promoted out of state, I asked her if I could give her some ‘confidential’ advice about working out differences with employees. That was when she turned green, learning that I knew it was she who made ‘anomynous’ complaints about me.

    She has since lost her job. you reap what you sow, but I’m sure she is blaming everyone else.

  7. Victoria, If you hate to be a fart, then don’t be one. It is a fact that most of us are susceptible to ass-kissing now and then. Who wants to work with someone who bitches constantly? On the other hand, ass kissers can be damned dangerous.

    I had a virgo friend (I thought) who I later found out was running to EEOC and the employee assistance program to complain about me!! She turned green when I confronted her. She thought she could just go bitch about me and get it off of her chest. I explained to her that when you file a complaint against someone the person has a right to defend herself! She was speechless. She is still doing the same things at the same company, only in another state.


  8. Gardener, I hate to be a fart here, but I got some gas to release on the virgo work ethic. I took great pride in my management succeeding. My boss’s just did not fail, together we worked to company success. But something changed out there in the workforce, bosses became exclusionary with a legion of ass kissers looking for raises. I think we can no longer do it for the other, we can only do it by attending to our commitment. I am feeling this saturn transit is for us, not them. I am thinking we need to work smarter and part of that is breaking through the crap in our group participation. You know those annoying department meetings where you search around the table of eyes for signs of life. Something needs to be inserted in the discussion besides alot of yawning. Now we virgoes can be brutal, and it will take some assessment and tempering, but I think that is what we can offer. And I don’t think we have to get permission from the boss first. It’s one table, right? And I think we can agree, that she who makes the most money is the annointed to be adhered to, has been an awful failure affecting all of us. Talk about brutal.

    Virgo is a human sign. I am thinking more about that lately, rather than the commitment to service at any cost.

  9. AnnaT,

    Look at the positive qualities of Virgo and emulate that in your career life. Don’t nitpick or find fault. Pay attention to details – do good quality work. Those things are applicable to everyone, but for you it goes double. You will get a nice raise or promotion later, for making the boss look so good – or a new career will surface.

  10. Hi AnnaT,

    You must be in the first saturn return. I’m approaching the 2nd saturn return, so I have Chiron in Capricorn 2, conjunct Pluto in the 3rd house. I am working out issues with my siblings – even down to our rough-housing as kids. Strange how it lasts a lifetime like that. You already had the chiron-pluto conjunction – did anything interesting happen?

    Saturn on the midheaven – are you a Sag rising? It usually means you will face the consequences of whatever you put into action in your lifetime – good or bad. Let honesty and integrity rule your career decisions, and public persona, and you will be able to look back on your life with humble pride. You should earn a blue ribbon or two when Saturn moves into Libra!

  11. God/dess there is some good stuff swimming in these waters … no wonder I start my day off with a “dip” in the p-waves.

    Thank you all for your feedback … I’m adopting the baby-steps (baby-strokes?) today as I go with an allowing femaleness as I move forward. Now that we’re in the world of fish a brain doesn’t seem near as important as it did just yesterday.

    Bless you fishes.

  12. Hi Gardener –

    Saturn grinding back and forth accross my midheaven most of this year, and can’t quite tie Virgo meaning to this. This is my only planet in earth! Need a good reading.
    I’m damn determined to learn my lessons well and grab for a prize, this time around the merry-go-round.

    Please explain Chiron-Pluto conjunction. Who is transiting whom? If its Pluto sneaking up to my natal Chiron, I think that already happened, as my Chiron 16 sag.

    (Yes, let’s hang in there, thanks!)

    blessed Sun into pisces this AM

  13. My copy is: The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones, Aurora Press 1993. Front cover has picture of sunset over ocean…

    And, Aquarius 30, the further explanation says:

    “This is a symbol of the spiritual integrity of nature herself, dramatized by Marie Corelli’s mystic meadow of ancient Babylon as an ageless and special challenge to modern life. Everyone may count on the inherent friendliness of the universe, and in consequence on the capacity of man’s destiny to endow him with fruits of his good rather than his bad works. The individual ultimately must rely on the world in which he finds himself, and so should live in such fashion that a reliance on him in turn is both possible and inviting.”

    So, same interp! 🙂

  14. Looks like several of us are into a Virgo saturn return, which means you are also doing a pluto chiron conjunction. Aaack. Hang in there cousins, we are healing together. Remember to honor the issues of the house position of saturn and at the end of the period you will either be rewarded for learning the lessons well, or not.

  15. Gardener, it’s austere for me yet, but thanks for the gardens image. I can work with that. In the midst of the service message, I was feeling more like it was about individuation for me, at this point. Maybe I’ll be back in 300 years? Was kinduv hoping I could get er done this time around. “mystical connection to the archaic roots of our identity” . . . that’s a mouthful. I don’t get it, but that’s probably why I like it. Intrigue . . . against a beautiful background. Flower power.

  16. Thank you all for the beautiful images – to babylon and back, by the light of the Moon & metamorphosis; delicate, white, ardent blossomings in the the energy field. Well, I’m right on my 2nd Saturn return; snuck up on me. Seems so beside the point with all that more universal stuff going on out there!
    Cried more today that I ever have in my life; must be working through all my past lives, as well. I can do this, what it is, too, but thanks for letting me know that again, marymack.

  17. My Marc Edmund Jones copy says:

    Aqu 30
    A mystic and traditional Babylon has sprung into delicate white bloom.

    There must be various translations of the symbols. Blain Bovee says the Ardath gardens are the Babylonian gardens that are always in full bloom for everyone and that Our task as humans is to learn our mystical connection to the archaic roots of our identity.

    From those Babylonian roots we metamorphosized into beings, I take it. The mystical pisces age should be helping us find our way home – and what a journey it has been. When the pisces age ends, will we arrive at Aquarius 30, and thus enlightenment? Is that what is meant by the end of the age, from the biblical perspective? Well cousins, only 300 more years of this nonsense?

  18. Is that where my mind went? I thought I had found my mind, but I feel so thoughtless, that it has ocurred to me that I may have lost my mind. I have no idea where anything I do or say comes from. I am on automatic pilot. So I took a test drive out into the world today and the physical world seemed clearer. Transactions seemed more defined. I feel like I have an ability to make choices now. I imagine I always did, but it seems more automatic all of a sudden. But to look at it rationally (boo hiss bad), how would I really know? It seems to be working okay. It feels lighter in quality.

    I guess it is time to take the process I’ve been working with into the world. I’ve kinda been protecting it, limiting input, so I could let it happen from me.

    Today ain’t over and then there’s tomorrow. I just never know.

  19. Dr. Marc Edmund Jones says: “the field of Ardath in bloom”

    keyword: continuity

    self-illumination through exceptional service to others, positive

    witless reaction to fantasy, negative

  20. Fe,

    I have heard a lot of jibber-jabber that this bill won’t be “enough” and will be disappointing to the new presidency. However, the Moon was in Sagittarius and conjunct Pholus.

    Wikipedia has some encouraging observations about Pholus, like “vague perception often leads to concrete & tangible results”, “rapidly takes on form (Saturn-styled)”, “…Centaur of fast-moving changes, or rapid transformations..”, “the catalyst & provider for a landslide-like change….and turning points”, and “the energy of Pholus feels like a pressure release, akin to shaking up a bottle of Pepsi on a hot day, and promptly opening it.” How’s that for starters?

    That Moon in the 6th house (service) is the ruler of the chart and it also trines Venus (love, money, happiness) in Aries (self-start) in the 10th(reputation), and sextiles Jupiter, Mars and the NN in Aquarius in the 8th house of other people’s money. Nice going Barack!

    The Sun in the last degree of Aquarius would imply an almost complete cycle in the sign of group participation and future plans, and because it is out-of-sign sextile to Pluto who’s been known to transform a thing or two. . .perhaps a lot of sewer repair/rebuilding and more emphasis on other people’s (our) money?

    Then of course, there is the Uranus/Saturn opposition, with Uranus on the midheaven, it could mean a very visual(10th) and emotional(Pisces) break-through, and with Saturn on the nadir in Virgo keeping the project grounded. A tricky balancing act for these two!

  21. LOL!! Each of you is totally awesome.

    Wishing me an erotic,esoteric Solar Return – ericStyle (me = natal sun 2degree Pisces).

    Happy Botherhood to me, Happy Botherhood to me as I drift “lightly” into Nirvana.

    Yep. Love you all.

  22. Crystalized theory is about to dissolve into the waters of Cosmos in motion, mantra dissolves into crown chakra fluttergasm, whoosh…what was that? No time. Dreaming of extracting myself from a clingy seal on the other side of the ocean, but that’s not now. Now it feels like drowning until I find my gills.

  23. Me, I’m kinda gettin’ with that ‘spiritual botherhood***’ stuff. (Everywhere I go, twilight language. Make it stooooppppp…!! Just kidding, it doesn’t brother me in the least.)

    ***just in case this gets corrected… the original quote read:
    “a spiritual botherhood in which many individual minds are merged”

    Actually, I dropped through the floor of one initiatory tradition because they kept calling me a ‘brother of the Leaf.’ After formally petitioning to be cousined (come on, cousin of the leaf had a certain ring to it) I gave up.

    Dane is laughing his ass off somewhere.

    (But not his balls, I’ll wager you that.)


  24. The metamorphosis symbolism is appropriate; during complex metamorphosis the original being is almost completely destroyed (broken down with digestive juices…I’ve stewed in a few pots myself), leaving just a few cells containing the potential for a whole new being. Using the nutrients from the digested body, the new being is formed.

    This is a reminder to me that slowly I am changing into a “being of light.” Lifetime after lifetime of experiences serve as digestive juices and also as nourishment. Each individual has to make this change for themselves; we evolve as “individual minds merging into the glowing light of a unanimous consciousness.”

    Or something like that 😉

  25. Aquarius 30 might be a waking up point – the point into the mystical River of Pisces. The end of Aquarius finally recognizes that all humanity is one spirit, one mind, one body. Almost nirvana.

    It’s about you Eric, and the Pisces Point.

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