Astrology Today: The Oracle, and a bit on Mojoday.

Dear Friend and Reader,

Eris. Illustration: Ravendusk.

Reading today’s Daily Oracle, a random computer selection from the haystack of Eric’s daily, weekly, monthly and annual horoscopes that have been collected over the years, I thought I’d do a bit of digging around on the concept of struggle and feeling out of control. During the surf I discovered that March 19, the date pulled for the Oracle, is a holiday: Mojoday, the holiday of discord, for the new age religion Discordianism.

Discordianism is a religion centered on the natural existence of chaos and disorder, finding it equally as important, if not more, than peace and harmony. Eris, the goddess of discord in Greek mythology (and a minor planet discussed often in Planet Waves Astrology News articles), is the Discordian matron deity.

As a friend once told me: if we were happy all the time, we wouldn’t appreciate the difference. This is how I view the celebration of chaos. If we never spiraled out of control, we wouldn’t notice the peace that comes with equilibrium.

So welcome the unrest that comes with reading this 1999 horoscope from Mojoday, and when you’re ready to appreciate the feeling of balance — it’s not just for Libras, you know — subscribe to Planet Waves Astrology News, where you’ll get weekly and monthly horoscopes that correspond to your own sign in the time you live in.


Rachel Asher

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Aries weekly of March 19, 1999

(The Oracle is a random daily selection from among 10,000 horoscopes written by Eric Francis)

The pitch of drama may be spiraling upward in some sensitive areas of your life, while your resolve spirals downward — though I suggest you train your eyes and your mind on the real issues involved, which may seem obscure unless you look closely and feel deeply. For example, it would be very useful to penetrate beneath the surface illusion of what may feel like a “relationship issue,” and consider how what is happening in reality does not involve anyone else at all, at least not as a major factor. You are most definitely in a legitimate period of going through changes, and for that you need your space and your freedom. Remember that it’s natural to struggle with personal decisions, though within a few days you’ll be a bunch more clear about just what it is you’re deciding.

Aspects for Wednesday 03 September 2008

Ceres (6+ Leo) semisquare Logos (21+ Virgo)
Eros (15+ Virgo) septile Chariklo (7+ Scorpio)
Amor (15+ Gemini) septile 1992 QB1 (23+ Aries Rx)
Ceres (6+ Leo) sesquiquadrate Uranus (21+ Pisces Rx)
Ceres (6+ Leo) trine Pholus (6+ Sagittarius)
Waxing Crescent Moon – Sun (11+ Virgo) semi-square Moon (26+ Libra)
Sun (11+ Virgo) semisquare Sisyphus (26+ Libra)
Venus (4+ Libra) square Kronos (4+ Cancer)
Venus (4+ Libra) quintile Quaoar (16+ Sagittarius)
Hidalgo (8+ Scorpio) opposite Asbolus (8+ Taurus Rx)
Uranus (21+ Pisces Rx) opposite Logos (21+ Virgo)
Sun (11+ Virgo) quincunx Nessus (11+ Aquarius Rx)
Mercury (7+ Libra) sesquiquadrate Neptune (22+ Aquarius Rx)
Sun (11+ Virgo) septile Varuna (20+ Cancer)
Mercury shadow begins (7+ Libra)

1 thought on “Astrology Today: The Oracle, and a bit on Mojoday.”

  1. Continent-Wide Telescope Brings Galactic Black Hole into Focus

    “Astronomers used a “virtual” telescope spanning more than 2,800 miles (4,500 km) to home in on Sagittarius A* (“A-star”), the light source believed to mark the location of a black hole four million times as massive as the sun.”

    So. It is always prudent to remember that whatever you look into is looking back.


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