Astrology Today: The Oracle

Dear Friend and Reader,

As you may know from looking at our site, Sarah Palin is an Aquarius. If we could give this Aquarius Oracle to her, we would.

Eric’s current horoscopes are now available for subscribers. A subscription to Planet Waves Astrology News includes a weekly horoscope that arrives with Friday edition (a full-length Internet magazine emailed to you), plus four different monthly horoscopes delivered to your inbox on Tuesdays. Click here for the full details.

Yours on brunch day,

Rachel Asher

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Aquarius monthly for Nov. 1, 2003

(The Oracle is a random daily selection from among 10,000 horoscopes written by Eric Francis)

Aquarius offers the other 11 signs many virtues, but often its downfall is crystallization. Aquarius makes and maintains patterns, which works well until those patterns start to take over known reality. Then change is not only necessary, but inevitable. It takes enormous strength for change to be a voluntary act; often people invite various shocks and calamities into their existence to shake up a little progress. The current moment offers you a gem of an opportunity to completely transform yourself without destroying the safety of your life. But your patterns will change. Your mission will change. You will change. How? I offer a deceptively simplistic formula: Let the principle of improvement be your only guide.

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