Astrology Q & A: Should I really be a Pisces?

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Dear Eric:

I have an unusual situation as far as my horoscope is concerned, and I would appreciate your input.

Evening walk along a Trouville beach. Normandy, France. Photo by Danielle Voirin.

I was born via C-section three months prematurely because of severe birth defects, which led to cerebral palsy.

I am a Sagittarius, born December 15, 1986, intended to be born March 15, 1987. I am curious as to how that affects me, astrology-wise. I have always felt an incredibly strong influence from the water sign I was supposed to be born under: Pisces.

For instance, when I am on a boat or smell the ocean, something very strong and spiritual comes over me. That may be superficial, but it is just an example.

More importantly, my spirit animal is the seal, for reasons too deep to really go into. I just am.

I am a Sun-sign Sag with a moon in Gemini, Sag ascendant, born 6:32 am. There is no research on extremely premature births, or the change in astrological sign and the effects thereof.

Please let me know what you make of this.

Thank you.



Dear Jessica,

C-sections present one of the most challenging questions for astrology, and for life. Yours was one of the rare few that seems to have been medically necessary. Nearly all c-sections could be classed as premature births; the same would hold true for forceps births, which are even more common than surgical births.

I am something of a purist in that I use the stated time of a birth rather than the anticipated time, or probable time had things gone “normally.” Looking at your chart, we find a profound horoscope with many unusual features. But skipping right to the Pisces part, as I am sure you noticed, you have Mars conjunct Jupiter in Pisces. Those looking can find those two planets in red/orange at the bottom of the chart — in the 3rd house.

Not only do you have planets in Pisces, they are strong on three different accounts. First is they square your ascendant; second is they square Saturn; and third is they are trine Venus, Pluto and Pallas Athene. So they are stand-out planets. They may evoke some powerful childhood memory of when you traveled to the sea, probably between the ages of 1 and 4 years.

They also speak to your physical environment; an environment you might appreciate being in. And with Pisces so strong in the 3rd house, that would be a pull toward the water. Just checking the major points, you have five elements in water signs. It matters little that your Sun is not in a water sign; it has another job to do, and that is to give you the energy to survive and indeed thrive in this world despite your disabilities.

The challenges you face are described in a T-square, involving the Moon and Chiron in Gemini; Saturn, the ascendant, Uranus and the Sun in Sagittarius; and Mars and Jupiter in Pisces.

It is often said that when you see a T-square in a chart, look for the things that complete the aspect in the 4th point of the cross, thus forming a grand cross. You have no major points in Virgo, but you do have an impressive collection of minor planets. Space does not permit a full reading of them, but the most interesting of them is Psyche conjunct Apollo in Virgo, which is precisely aligned with the T-square.

This tells me a few things. One is to be aware of the danger of repeated injuries to the head. Protect your head as best you can. There is also the prospect of making some error in what you believe about the condition of your soul. The thing to remember is that it’s not your soul that’s having the problem — it’s the beliefs you have, which were probably given to you by others.

Your chart reveals the lifepath of a blazing innovator. Your are not someone who was sent here with only with problems; rather, you have enormous fortitude, and you are one who came here with solutions that will benefit many, many people, if you allow yourself to accept your role. The first and most vital way to do that is to accept that you are different to the point of being a visitor from another world; that your energy could power a city; that your mind stands high above what most of the people around you think is possible for themselves, or for you.

No matter. Carry on.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

2 thoughts on “Astrology Q & A: Should I really be a Pisces?”

  1. Hi Jessica, Eric…

    As you know, E, I have an interest in this question, and think your decision to focus on the ‘first breath’ is a good one as far as developing a specific set of potentials/insights.

    Jessica’s pull to her Piscean co-self was what got through the door *here* at PW however, so a binary chart of some kind still might be useful to see where her Other is opening pathways. Given that we are socially-entrained to orient along one identity axis, seeing through two (or more) views can be tricky, but *not* having a big bilateral asymmetry machine (a.k.a. a ‘normal’ body) to work around may actually be an asset.

    I’ve said it before: each of us are packed with a set of selves (personally, I’m pretty much shooting for в?ћ), and what better time than this exigent moment to figure out how to set them all into play? Can astrology help? Mebbe…



  2. Hi Eric. Your message to Jessica was wonderful. We are all so fortunate to have the benefit of your insight. Best wishes,

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