Astrology in the Body

By Len Wallick

And then there’s the challenging point: to see this prior to everything being all worked out…”
Eric Francis

This is going to be another week with a lot of astrology to keep track of. Helping you to think your own way through it, rather than telling you what to think is one purpose of your faithful reporter’s service. Helping you retain your thoughts and discoveries in your own physical consciousness is the next, hoped-for step in that service.

If you will recall, in recent weeks we accomplished that purpose by drawing simple pictures together. Remember the cross in the circle? Today, or rather tonight, we are going back to before there was paper and something to write with. We are asking you to use your own beautiful human body to connect us with the sky.

Today Saturn is direct in early Libra, while retrograde Jupiter is in early Aries — both exact in the opposition that Eric previewed last week. Uranus retrogrades back to Pisces until March of 2011, and combined with the Saturn-Jupiter opposition this can fairly be considered a new rendition of the cardinal T-Square.

It is not like Uranus is out of the action. Its energy is simply being expressed differently now that it is in Pisces again. It is as if submerged, more diffuse and subjective than before, and more a matter of what we have in common than anything having to do with self. Like Pluto and Saturn before it, however, Uranus remains a continuous part of the cardinal T-square in spite of a short return to its previous sign of long tenure. We will come back and touch base with Uranus in the coming days and weeks. Today, however, we want to literally get in touch with today’s most prominent aspect.

Because both Jupiter and Saturn are currently visible, weather permitting, we each have the opportunity to experience their opposition in our own bodies. Because Jupiter is the more easily found, let us please use it to begin our visualization.

It is no longer necessary to stay up very late or get up very early to see Jupiter. Two or three hours after the Sun’s glow has disappeared from the western sky, go outside and look to the southeast. It is unmistakable. Nearly as bright as Venus and brighter than any star, it shines with a steady pale light. Like all visible planets, it does not twinkle.

Start off by facing Jupiter. Imagine the light from Jupiter shining straight through your body and down through the Earth. Where it comes out on the other side traces a line towards where Saturn is. The same Saturn that descended below the western horizon, closely following the Sun. Feel it. Fix your eyes on Jupiter, and feel it pull you. At the same time, be conscious of the Earth beneath your feet. Then, shift your consciousness down and behind you. Feel Saturn pulling you away from Jupiter, through the very ground you are standing on. Take a few moments with that. Eyes open, eyes closed.

Has anything in your life felt that way lately? Does it feel like your job is taking time away from your occupation? Does it feel like school is about to pull you away from attending to your education? Do you feel the desire to expand your personal horizons while at the same time needing to contain your desires and stay in balance with the demands of the so-called real world? Do you hear anyone else talk about this? Have you shared yourself?

If you can find Jupiter in the sky and the ground under your feet, visualize the line from Jupiter through you into the ground and towards Saturn on the other side. If you can feel the pull and tension along that line and connect that feeling with experiences in your own life, right now, you will have connected with this new rendition of the cardinal T-square.

But that’s only two planets. The shape of the T implies at least three.

While you are still out looking at Jupiter, turn your left side towards it and point your left hand up at it. Point your right hand down into the Earth at the same angle your left hand is pointing up. That means your right hand is pointing towards Saturn. After you have done so, look straight ahead and you will be very roughly looking in the direction of Pluto. It is splitting the opposition between Jupiter and Saturn. Very nearly 90 degrees apart from both. It is the vertical stem of the letter “T”. This is called a square aspect.

In any T-square, the object forming a square to the two in opposition is seen as a point of reconciliation. Take a moment and consider that your heart is also facing in Pluto’s general direction as your left hand points up to Jupiter, your right hand down towards Saturn on the other side. Your heart is where the tensions of square aspects are resolved. Imagine your heart opening up like a flower. Breathe in deeply. Breathe out slowly. With each breath let the flower open wider.

So here you are and hopefully nobody watching is calling the authorities. Your left arm spread up towards Jupiter, your right down towards Saturn and your heart wide open. Now turn your attention back to the ground under your feet. That’s your Capricorn component. The good, solid ground that absorbs the rain and sun alike. The ground that is your body’s connection to the material world while it feels out the cardinal T-square using one distant light in the sky and your imagination of the other two. Be present to the ground and your open heart while your arms point their opposite ways. Heed what you feel in the body and hold on to it.

At this point it will be necessary to have a little faith. Faith in yourself. Faith that you are a part of what you are witnessing. Your body is made of and sustained by the waters and the substances of the earth. There is evidence that the patterns and templates that govern how your body is put together originate in the sky. Perhaps brought here by meteors very much like those you may have seen over the last few nights. That means that you know what you are doing on a very fundamental level. Hold on to what you discovered in your body while looking at Jupiter and feeling the ground. It is true and we will build upon that truth to access the more abstract astrology of tomorrow’s blog and later this week.

Offered In Service

9 thoughts on “Astrology in the Body”

  1. just had a chance to read this today; wish i had been able to see it while i was in i dark field with the milky way visible this weekend.

    len, your physical exercise sounds in some ways like an experience i had monday on a very personal level, though i had not conceived of it in quite these terms because the reconciliation came so gently; a stark contrast to how i was feeling all this tension in areas of the rest of my life — “real” life (though one could make an argument that i have the term misapplied).

    hoping to expand that sense of loving resolution out to the rest of my life…

  2. this is a bit like a yoko ono performance.

    a small card reads:

    Go outside at night. Find Jupiter. Feel Jupiter. Make your body a line through the earth. Touch Saturn. Feel the pull. Turn to the left, feel Pluto. Tug. Let your heart open to the vibration. Listen to the cicadas. Love.

  3. Excellent way of connecting with the astrology in a physical way; thanks Len for writing it so clearly. I think that with Pluto as the “reconciliation” between the pulling of Jupiter and Saturn, the reconciliation includes major, irreversible changes that are completely different from what we have been doing. And as always, if we don’t initiate the changes, Pluto will do it for us and in ways that can often feel uncomfortable.

    I have been making some very deep changes; I will have to see how those changes affect that pulling of Jupiter and Saturn that I am in the middle of.

  4. “Imagine your heart opening up like a flower. Breathe in deeply. Breathe out slowly. With each breath let the flower open wider.”

    Wow, this way of feeling astrology and planets in the body is just wonderful! Thank you so much.

  5. Yes I feel that split and pull and tug in almost every part of my existence. But holy cow, Pluto as the point of reconciliation, though, I had not considered that and boy does that ever feel true, ringing like a bell. Just that alone is food for the day’s journey, Len, thank you.

    Breathe…… we hold all this within each one of us and that is amazing.

  6. Thanks for that, Len. This was particularly moving for me. Moving in my body, my heart, my soul. And that was just visualizing it. Plan on going out on the Earth tonight and experiencing it first-hand. Thanks for starting my day with such a profound insight.

  7. I just did that a couple of nights ago. Earth being suspended between the 2 biggest planets is palpable. Standing on the deck with Jupiter overhead it seemed like the thing to do. Of course it’s happening in the daytime too, but the visual cue of Jupiter high after midnight in a cloudless sky makes it obvious. Yeah, stretched. Deep breathing really does work wonders.

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