New Edition and Weekend Update

Dear Fellow Earth-dweller:

We’re about to issue the Planet Waves version of the economic situation, in the form of the new edition of a new edition of Astrology News. The article looks at the chart for the stimulus bill signed by Barack Obama earlier this week, pondering whether the nearly $800 billion spending and tax cuts will actually work to solve our problems, or make them worse.

Photo by Sean Hayes.
Photo by Sean Hayes.

“The rest of the story, and I believe it’s the bigger piece, the one not being talked about, has to do with us. It is about our inner process, and the way we relate to one another through a conducting medium we call the economy. Economy is a 500-year-old English word going back to Greek and Latin that means household management. It also relates to the concept of a dwelling or a village. It’s a much more personal and local concept than we think of it as being.”

“The chart for the stimulus bill, the first major legislation that President Obama signed into law, offers a holographic image of the condition of our society, a culture where money is referred to in religious terms as the Almighty Dollar.”

Our new edition talks a lot about the psychology of consumption. We believe that Planet Waves is a different kind of purchase, not to be confused with dinner out or a new handbag; more like going to yoga class or therapy. In a world where the news is making sense at all, we are someone who delivers information about the world in a way that’s personally relevant to you, in a way that puts the pieces together using the miracle of astrology.

This edition also includes the my weekly horoscope. I won’t tell you how good it is, but I’ll tell you that most websites give the horoscope away for free. Out of millions of horoscope providers on the Internet, we are the only one we know of where thousands of people pay to read it, and unless we’ve been fooling our readers for years, there must be a reason. We have new writing by Judith Gayle, news about the satellite collision, the recent submarine crash under the Atlantic and the chart of the satellite that’s being sent into space to measure carbon levels on Earth.

Interesting enough? Don’t you think it’s time to subscribe? You can do so here.

As for this weekend’s astrology. Mercury is about to move out of the second echo phase tomorrow, finally drawing to a close the retrograde phase that began when it entered the first echo phase Dec. 26. What is the echo phase? Mercury is retrograde for three weeks, meaning that it goes past the Earth, appearing to move backwards. The first echo phase is when it covers the degrees where it will be retrograde; the second echo phase is when it covers the degrees where it was just retrograde.

The Moon remains in Capricorn, where it will be through Sunday night, heading for a New Moon on Tuesday, Feb. 24. The Capricorn Moon does not know how to play for the sake of play, but this morning’s aspects are suggesting that’s just what we need. So if you’re feeling nervous or guilty about the thoughts in your mind, consider the possibility that ideas are here for us to play with, and from that frame of mind, creative and constructive things can pop up like mushrooms.

I have more to say — but I have to go.

Catch you later, or tomorrow.

Eric Francis

7 thoughts on “New Edition and Weekend Update”

  1. Thanks Gardener!

    My Irish ancestry keeps fighting off the brooding, dark, German side and usually wins (but not always). Spring is beginning here, and we have the first new shoots, the first dandelion, and many tiny green buds appearing. So many things to appreciate in life.

    The state deficit increased by $4 billion over the last 3 months as retail sales have declined here. We have no state income tax, so this doubling in the shortfall has just hit the fan called the legislature. No one knows what’s going to happen at this point.

    Plenty of people of all economic status are hunkering down and now saving. Not driving is a big part of that, and public transit is reaping the benefits of increased ridership around here, recording an increase of about 30-40% since last summer’s gasoline price spike. We were paying between $4.25 and $4.65 a gallon at the height and I basically stopped driving for two months.

    Time to re-do so much.

  2. Top o’ the Morning to ya Brendan! So nice to chat with you again.

    That massive reformation in the brain may be affecting all of us.
    I’ve been wondering for awhile if all the frugality and ‘green’ blogs might be changing the way we think about consumer goods. The drop in retail sales could probably be attributed to the many who are learning to live within their means and live greener lives….there’s the green word again…and could correlate to a 7.5% unemployment rate too. The gas price hike last summer was the deal killer, and I’m more inclined to blame it for the housing market crash. We could be in for a monstrous time until things change – and I’m thinking radical change, like new monetary system in a few years.

    Green eyebrows? Ok I’ll do it – I’m a green-eyed lassie, with a St. Patty’s birthdate, and the sun moved into my 5th house yesterday – sigh of relief. boo hiss on the 4th house and mercury Rx! Hurray for art and 5th house creativity!

    Love is in the air, tra la la

  3. Yeah, all this energy and the planets in my natal house have been driving me a little buggy for a while now. There’s this brain turning to mush feeling up top, but it also feels like a massive reformation of said gray matter is underway, underneath.

    I’ll gladly contribute to the group hug…

  4. oh gardener, you’re such a kidder…

    Every one *is* right and is heard; and from what I can see, the grouphug is an ongoing phenom

    (though I have to admit, GHs are not my favorite thing in the world… too much like getting multiple vaccinations at once)

    Green eyes work better with green eyebrows.



  5. This week’s edition is fantastic! Thanks PW staff and Eric!

    Mercury Rx? Is that why all the bloggers at PW need to do a group hug? Everyone seems to want to be right (or be heard?), or else the green eyed monster is lurking around, or there is a troll in the computer.

    Only 4 weeks until spring.

  6. I enjoy Eric’s take on charts, the stim-packed chart esp. I wonder if there isn’t something to the Moon, representing us, as Eric says, in 5th house sextiling Mercury… echoing a childish “help me”. Also, I’m impressed with the lack of anything in 7th house, indicating (possibly) that we must do this ourselves.

    Fascinating and scary-real for me.

  7. Eric:

    So Mercury is exiting out of echo phase? And it has been in Rx echo phase since the day after Christmas?

    So THAT explains why even though I purchased a good computer which works beautifully, the check that purchased it was cashed late, it and I screwed up my accounting, and that check screwed up all my other pending checks in cash flow, so I got so nailed by bank charges that I’ve been late up the yin-yang on rent? By BofA, the Bank of no return, that needs to be bailed out by TARP?

    Oh, THAT Mercury Rx in Aquarius my sun-sign?

    Ahhhstrology in motion. I have nothing else I can do but laugh.

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