The transition of power: a miracle

Dear Friend and Reader:

All the astrology aside — but not too far aside — I hold it as a miracle that the United States successfully transferred power to a new administration yesterday. I hold it a miracle that the election went as well as it did last November, and that yesterday’s events proceeded based on 100% protocol. Looking just at the astrology, or at the history of the past decade, there was every reason to think that things would go badly. Here is an article I wrote cautioning about the election astrology more than a year ago.

I am not inclined to put mystical causes on the events of the Earth, so when I use the word miracle I mean it in the sense of a connection. I can tell you that from the look of the charts, there was no reason to predict that things would have gone as well as they did, on Election Day, on Inauguration Day or the many days between. There were many reasons to believe they would go badly.

But the living tarot card may explains why things went well seems to be Dick Cheney being wheeled from the White House in a wheelchair; seeing George HW Bush walking on a cane; and not hearing Karl Rove’s name once. Newt Gingrich and Jack Abramoff, men who bought and sold the country many times over, were nowhere to be seen. These perfectly evil men may have finally run out of mojo to cause kinds of havoc with the entire country that they made their names doing. The Republican Party’s leadership has been destroyed by the antics of the so-called Neoconservatives, to the point where Sarah Palin and John McCain were the best candidates they had to offer.

I feel in my heart that the promise of JFK in Inauguration Day of 1961 — that the flame has been passed to a new generation — came to fulfillment yesterday, but this is only the beginning. Humans are excellent at starting things and somewhat less excellent at finishing them. Then there is the limited extent to which the movement forward of society affects the people who need that movement the most, and the ones who have been discarded in the wastepaper of greedy and selfish social policies for generations — like tax cuts for the rich while people are starving in the streets.

I feel deeply that there is only so far that optimism can go to remedy deep and hardened cynicism that has been shot at us day after day and night after night relentlessly for more than a decade. Barack Obama seems sober in his recognition, and his statements, that the real work is ahead. I believe he knows that it’s easy to win a campaign and it’s difficult to run a country; and to participate in world government at a time when we are admitting that human life on our planet is threatened by many perils for which we have no easy answer.

To me a change has come to the United States, and it’s very helpful to see fresh, open and honest faces in the White House. It has been beautiful to feel the groundswell of support, and to see the millions who came out to witness the inauguration in person. I know what this turn of history means to any conscious African American, whose plight has been one of the great travesties of our supposedly enlightened nation.

I believe a change as come, but it’s more subtle than we think, and more fragile. And if you know where you fit in, you’re truly fortunate.

Eric Francis

31 thoughts on “The transition of power: a miracle”

  1. kristenb, per your while we were sleeping ideas. No use cryin over spilt milk. Sometimes things gotta bottom out before you can get back up again. W is a wonder. Who else could have fucked things up this bad, that the whole thing needs a rework.

    And no, I do not think we will acknowlege we were too extravagant. But we are definitely finding out what is most important and necessary.

    I heard a comment today from a town hall planner that housing has sunk as low as it is going to go. What is he thinking? He’s ready to proceed with business as usual. I believe he is a member of the wishful thinking party. You know, this is just a slump, it will all be restored to its previous state. He’s a knowlegeable guy about alot of stuff, so his prediction surprised me. I suppose his job would be easier that way: just like it used to be. Lack of creativity and imagination in government is a problem.

  2. kristenb, dandy lions are good. I’m also imbibing in violets, mallows, nettle, plaintain, oat grass, amaranth, and lambs quarters. Made my first batch of catnip pesto and also queen anne’s lace chips on a stick. Got a load of composted manure from a horse goddess. Very healthy weeds sprung up in that pile of dirt.

    I am so looking forward to the spring thing.

  3. To all:

    Reading all these entries at one time gives you a sense of the energy (positive) that’s been released; as if we all exhaled and then took a deep breath at the same time. Whew, what a relief; how exhilarating! Or maybe it’s just because the Sun and Jupiter are conjunct my Mars; whatever.

    All the same, anybody reading here will get a sense of great expectations tempered with caution and vigilance. And, above all, a great lesson learned by individuals making up a society of a young country, which has survived a mighty blow and with a desire and a will to repair, regain and grow stronger (and smarter) than ever before.

    I was born on the 4th of July and am proud to be an American among all the many incredible, brave, and full-of-faith Americans, and friends of America. God bless us everyone.

  4. I was wondering if retaking the oath of office changes things up, planetary alignment and the energy vibrations of our new administration.
    There has been so much change in the air, and the energy that has been coming in through the cosmic gateway has been incredible, the veil has been lifted or made less opaque.

  5. V – “Weeds” are native to somewhere; just like I am a native – a native of planet earth. [My little one world soap box! But, then I live in a tricultural zone/third cum second world zone in USA.] Dandelions are amazing supplements for starters and quite tasty!

  6. You know something, I usually try to avoid psychoanalytic metaphors herein, but it’s really like most of the country went into being a child of an alcoholic parent. Too afraid to confront the rage; needing approval to move to Cananda aka check out; not sure what appropriate behavior is for, for any situation. (But, I am a strong advocate of no matter what is occurring, avoiding war-like language usage which many radicals prefer.)

    The trick now is to in fact wake up, take responsibility, stop blaming Bush [okay, we can use him for jokes ad infinitum until, until we hit the bump of equanimity and compassionate inclusion], and learn how to affirm ourselves, participate wisely and let even those we are ‘supposed’ to love know that their behavior is not okay when it’s not okay!

    I had a really hard 1.5 years as I finally told my parents to take friggin’ hike with all their hypocrisy and muddy ethics. Righteousness is ONLY for the open-hearted (!) imho. Sometimes, the most compassionate thing, right speech is harsh sounding, BUT you know you are saying the right things if the other side keeps whining in self-pity, then you know there is fear. And, at least that is a ground from which to re-start, if one chooses.

    I probably sound cynical, but really I am very happy and hold faith, even at this late hour that more and more people in this country will see just how extravagant daily life is here, though maybe I am lying to myself, and I really am just another bitch :). It’s true, I have seen ‘liberals’ turn into republicans after attaining wealth or being unable to face relationship issues. Sigh. And, frankly, it is not so much about dem versus repub, but really more a question of: what the heck are YOUR values? Can you engage in authentic conversation? For example, if you say you are an environmentalist and concerned about, I don’t know, PCB’s, then, uh, did you properly recycle your last 4 computers and all those poly water bottles?

    Fe: Sorry to hear you were on the receiving end of such diatribe, truly, but really we all are, when anyone is allowed to exhibit such strong bias, hypocrisy. Funny, my family also has an asian branch in the bay area. A great uncle married a woman, Helen, and brought her back to the USA after the war. He later committed suicide and she was left to bring up their two sons. We stopped by the city once to visit on our way south for spring break. And, what I remember most about the trip, I was 5, was that I connected with an old asian man on the street in chinatown. We locked eyeballs. He crossed the street to come stroke my head. My parents freaked out. Poor relative had to assure them he was a fine, kindly man, but that was the day I emotionally left my parents. They treated me as if I had done something wrong for acknowledging another human in return. Today, that incident is one of innumerable which mark my mystical life, and my connection to buddhism. But, it was also a defining moment of what it felt like to be ‘seen’ and ‘heard’ or not. I measure against that sparkling eyed old man to this moment.

    As you probably know, Fe, in spanish means, faith. How lovely for such a state to built right into your cells! I have had to learn a very, very long hard way what faith means, and how to make space for it in my life, but now I live somewhere where I am reminded of saints and goddesses daily, so it’s easier.

    So, let’s keep the faith sister(s) and brother(s). We are adults, we can do this. It’s not going to be easy, but there are a few balls for us all to, uh, attend! Costume optional.

  7. Anybody else out there eating weeds, the marvelous donation from our european ancestors. Wildman Brill in NY, Linda Runyon, Susan Weed’s 4×4 weed box. They are my new sensation. The energy release in the system is awesome. And to think I was cursing them in my garden.

  8. I agree, there is a totally different vibe about since the 20th I’m in Australia so I didn’t get the full hit that the US got but believe me the dark empire cast it’s gloom right around the world, and I too tend to ask people if they are Canadian! We had a similar thing here a year ago when we got rid of John Howard alias GWB mini-me. And I lived through the Thatcher years in England so I know the feeling well!
    I would suggest caution, this is a battle won, not a war! It’s not like a tornado came and went and is gone forever. The bad guys got a licking and slimmed off into the woodwork but bear in mind the biggest pox is still upon you ie the financial stuff, so this break in the weather should be used to fix up the ship and stay vigilant. Firstly, I don’t fully understand your election system and I’m very cynical of all the razzamatazz, money and politics don’t mix, never will! That needs changing big time. Get financial influence out of politics as much as you can and you’re halfway there.
    Like I said, the bad guys got a licking, but nothing they can’t recover from, so I would like to see Obama really go after them, not out of vengeance, though god knows it would be due, but because you can’t let this disease regroup, and you still don’t know the half of what went on or is still going on.
    And lastly – from the world outside of the USA I would like to thank and congratulate all those who helped make this change, your efforts are greatly appreciated.

  9. …the adoptive mother of the daughter I gave up for adoption added me to her вЂ?friends’ on facebook….

    )G(raduate… I am just sitting here grinnin’ like a grandma… are you going to throw that mortarboard in the air, or what??.

  10. Mystes, I guess it is something we all know and experience at times, but not all at once? Isn’t that what the Course in Miracles says – we will all wake up together?

    Wakefulness – and letting go of the things that no longer matter – which is almost everything – and returning to spirit. Maybe Cayce knew it all along.

    The next few years will still be difficult, but it will be easier if everyone remembers who they really are – spirit. Few people are patient, which is why so many people got mad at Jimmy Carter. He wanted us to sacrifice, but we didn’t want to sacrifice very long. Hopefully Obama will have many successes along the way that will continue to build hope. I think I will have to go back and start re-reading the astrology articles for the build-up to 2012. Knowing what has happened this week was so positive will change the way we look at all that is to come.

    Thanks Eric, Fe, Shanna, Gen, Mystes, Be, Victoria, and everyone else….

  11. to top off my day, the adoptive mother of the daughter I gave up for adoption added me to her ‘friends’ on facebook. The world must be coming to an end, because this woman has had a heart of stone all these years I’ve attempted making some kind of peace with her.

  12. okay, where do I begin?

    Mystes, I presume you saw my post above that after three years, I had a period yesterday after viewing the inauguration. Some energy was freed up in that chakra. If I am feeling it on that level unconsciously, I want to focus freeing energy into more channeling to get the old chakra choochoo from head to toe.

    gardener, all creative energy is sexual. You need the energy of the polarities to create the force of energy.


    What an amazing post. Yours is a story so like mine, though my parents and me were direct recipients of the diatribe from people like your grandfather, so we had to cope with behavioral idiocy of all stripes from what we normally deem reasonable, rational people.

    The country has had it relatively easy compared to the rest of the world. What we need to experience is feeling ok to not have to have two cars in the garage, one of them being purely for recreation. We need to enjoy walking to the store or the farmer’s market. We need to use water wisely instead of manicuring our perfect lawns. We need some perspective on what we’ve taken and how much from the globe. This won’t be easy.

    We’re closer to each other than we were led to believe, and that is going to be an interesting adjustment to make. The more of us who have gotten past the fear of that can help or at least talk down those who haven’t — that should help speed things along. We need as many helpers we can to evolve ourselves past the mess we’ve been mired in.

    I had an interesting conversation with one of my co-workers today. He’s from Bangladesh. We talked about the new White House internal ethics changes which won’t be good for ex-Bush administration officials looking for lobbying jobs. Even he said, we were lulled to sleep the last eight years.

    It started with an illegal selection of a President in 2000 and we went downhill from there, accepting lies for truth and war for peace, while standing helplessly by as the cronies raped the world. The collective rage and guilt are latent and will probably come out in different ways against Obama, Congress, all of us. We need to stand firm. The future is ahead.

  13. Gardener, honey… “No kidding – what i saw wasn’t really sexual – more like new life forming. There were hundreds of people creating – creating is the word I use, because there was no actual sexual act going on. I don[t know how to describe”

    This, my angel, really IS sex. It is what sex IS when it isn’t being used for domination or survival or catharsis or camouflage…. The frisson down in our roots is pure Makefulness. Yeah, flip the M over and you’ve got Wakefulness. Compassion is supposed to stream *with* orgasmic energy.

    We’re realigning the systems as quickly as we possibly can. On one level, we’ve already crossed over into the Real. On others, understanding is still catching up.

    Expect surprises from your body. It is about to become essentially unfettered.

    Love and more…


  14. I just noticed that I did NOT cringe as I turned the TV to the news (even PBS has made me quail for *years*). I can’t think of a time since Reagan took office that I haven’t had that reaction.


  15. Another thought I had is that Edgar cayce always equated the creative forces with spirituality, or protecting the birth of a spiritual idea.

  16. There is so much I want to say…

    I went to watch the event on a large screen with a group of local friends via CNN. The room remained largely silent until oaths of office were taken, then applause and standing ovation. An amazing day indeed!

    And, J Stewart’s videos later were great, as usual, especially Samantha Bee.

    My parents went to school with Wilt Chamberlain and the family lore is that my paternal grandfather looked out my father’s dorm room window and upon seeing Wilt walking along the path, hard to miss a 7′ tall black man, made several, highly unpleasant sneers (kindest word I could locate). My parents say they disagreed with their parents and went so far as to host many international teachers of various ethnicities and backgrounds in our home when I was small. BUT, just last year, my parents were so disgusted over the public airings of the former high school music teacher, a gay man, I was ashamed to be sitting at the dining room table with them. Ashamed, and full of a sense of failure, because of all the years I have introduced and supported my sex positive friends of various sexual orientations to them, it would seem my words were invisible, unheard. [Okay, this is a life long issue for me in general, so we better bypass this.] So, I wonder, will it be another 40 years before we see a single or poly or unknown sexual orientation president? Okay, I am jumping ahead; this is a HISTORIC event to be sure, in and of itself. I hope the groundwork is solid for future generations of who knows who to cum along.

    Again, I grew up in a house where family dinner was mandatory so my father could warn my sisters and I about the terrible headlines – rape, murder, theivery, etc. It’s a wonder I retained an ounce of positivity. Cynacism is the shadow product of our nation, especially for those that have had to work 6-7 days a week their entire lives, from the depression right through to the new depression. I came along in a bubble when many of my friends, through being in the right place at the right time and working, became super wealthy. But, here’s the thing about the last 8 years and now, and why I agree that the present moment, and moments to follow, as supported by the astrology, is about subtlety: We were all here, every day during the recent past.

    While the new administration is a boon, the state of the nation really comes down to each one of us, and the values that each one of us enacts on a daily basis, in our own neighborhoods, talking to our own representatives and sentors and governors.

    If we had been awake and willing to participate openly, earlier, I feel we would have changed the nation 8 years ago, demanding a presidential stepdown. But, often what I heard was ‘I am so depressed, I’m thinking about moving to Cananda.’ The recount must be right; what can I/We do? Well, 8 years has now proven, there is no where to hide on the planet. No even here in the USA. Homeless, satellite tracking shows where you sleep.

    Here’s my take on how to move out of fragility versus hitting the snooze button the morning after: Do you know your neighbors names? If they asked for help for 2 hours on a Saturday or Monday night, would you willingly, happily assist? If you became wealthy overnight, do you really understand how your life would change, or not, overnight; in other words, would your liberal politics remain the same? Or, another way to say it is, what makes you feel abundance/t? And, can you give someone, anyone a yuppie foodstamp ($20) without judging how they might spend it/when you’ll get repaid? Do you know how much energy you use daily? If you had to live on a solar power system of 5Kwhrs/day, could you do it (hint: computers and routers use alot of energy as do refrigerators)? Do you understand and respect your fellow colleagues and clients, charging a reasonable rate for your services? And, do you know how little you can live upon while still maintaining a nourishing lifestyle? Can you grow a vegetable garden?

    The times ahead are about taking care of ourselves, collectively, as a nation, but more importantly, individually, functioning a whole people, taking personal responsibility. This is what the 1960’s were about to me, a moment when each person really felt they could and would make a difference and many tried to do so. We need to do that now.

    So, let’s go out on our street corners and help elderly folks cross the street, help young kids have fun in the park, assist each other at work, effectively and efficiently, so we can all get home or off to see those we adore and love and share authentic friendship.

    In other words, let’s esteem everyone, including ourselves! We deserve freedom on every level.

  17. No kidding – what i saw wasn’t really sexual – more like new life forming. There were hundreds of people creating – creating is the word I use, because there was no actual sexual act going on. I don[t know how to describe it

    Weird – and I swear I wasn’t drinking.

  18. Something very bad has ended!


    I’m thinking we witnessed the fall of at least forty years of axial-energy that’s kept the world in an us-v-them standoff. The Bushes were heavily a part of that.

    Two million people on the mall of the nation’s capital. The shock of that alone, when past Inaugurations seemed like another Super Bowl party (sponsors, corporations and their crony guests)–was enough to creep those folks out.

    It took Clinton to help Bush Sr. down the stairs. Cheney had to be wheeled out of the White House, physically broken (Whatever soul was trapped in that body is taking it out on him physically).

    Whatever had a hold on us is looking at the changing of the guard. Something very bad ended is probably, and hopefully, an understatement.

  19. I didn’t sleep at all – I kept visioning sex and the opening of the vagina – I was in that half-state between being awake and dreaming.

    Today my husband woke up and said he is making an appointment to see a VA counselor – at 64 it is long overdue. he was shot down in 1967 in Viet Nam, badly injurred, and pulled to safety by the pilot. He was a photographer. He has guilt – a lot of it. Last night on the history channel we watched a show about the gospel of Thomas. He was never interested in this sort of thing before, but suddenly he was all ears.

    Something very bad has ended!

  20. I had a feeling it would happen this way. “We’re in the middle of freakin’ crazy but, the universe seems (to me at least) to be willing to throw us a line, however it may occur?!”. The emphasis seems to have been grounded on self, freedom, awareness, collective due to the three prior assertions, and looking out of one’s own eyes and saying “I AM”.

    My opinion, It doesn’t (only nominally in the collective sense, it’s just that those energies are huge and far reaching) matter who inhabits “whatever” form of “power”, WE ARE DESTINED to wake up, slow on all temporal impatient accounts but, awake we will be. Of course we all could annihilate by then but….. it’s so beyond this structure of time space that all that truly can matter at this point of time is individuals opening up to the entire scope of being, which means relax, feel good about yourself, do yourself (and everyone else) a favor and nurture the kindness, beauty, love that’s within you.

    From here on out (as far as my sight allows) it’s about connecting, support (on a self ensouled collaborative level), opening, BEING, AWARENESS,…. It’s about the internal smile that “one holds with themself”, and the fact that there are more of us out there who recognize…..

    Anyway, short stream of conciousness,… just sayin’ “Hey!”, “LOVE YA!!!”


  21. victoria,

    Some (of them) might indeed find your song and dance a little nutty, but the point is you get their attention. That’s a great accomplishment – to get the attention of the 75 to 85 year old crowd. Just think what you could do – think propaganda leaflets – once they become conscious that you exist.

    So many people this age feel useless; feel they have no purpose; feel just plain depressed. I know some of them, if they thought they could be useful, would join you in your 60 song sing-a-long. Hell, I might even do it!

  22. victoria:

    Either the walls in the world that separate us are getting weaker or the network between us is getting stronger. I think there’s more to the virtual world than we know.

  23. eric:

    Yesterday, after three years, I had a period. Somehow watching Bush take off in a helicopter, leaving DC for good released a short blast of estrogen, priobably waking up my creativity chakra.

    This morning it as though the time since last Friday afternoon until today felt like a year had passed. It was a fold in time and here we are today.

    As for cynicism, I know its hard to get over. Alot of people on both the left and the right are feeling disenamored of the entire office of the Presidency, the legislature and the judicial. But that in itself was a plan all along.

    I think we’ve played out the current role government takes, and we’re ready for something else. By the time Obama is done, at least with this phase, we could have another type of American revolution and Age of Enlightement – the new age of Pluto in Cap.

    I hope this includes an investigation of what we value now versus what we can sustain as a planet. Our world has become that small and that close. We can’t be the America of the Monroe Doctrine ever again. Its inappropriate on every level.

  24. I usually end up dancing and singing 60s songs for them because that’s what drives me, but I realize that that looks nuts to them.

  25. victoria,

    be here; how observant – Cheney in Strangelove costume – so grateful to you for bringing that image to our attention.

    The 75-85 year old crowd, well they’re just old folks my dear, and they are leaving the planet in droves. I have no doubt that, with your sense of humor and timing, when you do engage them, you could quite possibly put a dent in that brick wall they have around their viewpoints. No promises, but behind that wall there might still be some live brain cells just waiting to be stimulated. What a contribution you could make toward raising world consciousness!

    Like you, I want to be ready to “take the walk when it is my time to walk” . . . probably a lot of us feel that way. After the motivation, it’s all in the timing.

  26. So, the hand-over went smoothly — yes, the pictures looked very pretty on TV, so yes, I guess all must be well then!

    Personally, I thought the whole thing went so smoothly that it was almost eerie.

    Not sure why you assume all went so well — we have not a clue as to what is going on behind the scenes. But yes, I agree on a superficial level, the pomp and ceremony was most impressive. Rome burns and yet not even a crack in the champagne glass! Very impressive indeed.

    Why would it have been any different? These guys are all in bed together — and the real power is rarely ever in the throne (sometimes in wheelchairs though).

    Can we all wake up now?

  27. Oh, yes. The whole day had such a unique and powerful new energy and I figure it’s just as you suggest — miraculous. Time and again I watched as Barack and others marinating in the communal vibe, let go of small and petty as they ended up with something much more fitting of the day.

    I can let go of the bitterness I harbored over the past elections and all that was wrought of their thievery as I want something better, grander … I want in on this new day.

  28. So like Darth Cheney showed up costumed like Dr Strangelove. Not real comforting. It will take some doing to get his scary mug totally deleted from my mind.

    I missed the thing, no tv. But I did get to the computer store early afternoon and the repairs took awhile, so I did see alot of parade. They have lots of tvs there. About early afternoon . . . was minglin with the 75-85 year old crowd. So as they checked out the tv, I’d say, “that’s really something, huh?” I don’t think they like obama. I heard, 58% of the people didn’t vote for him, oprah winfrey put him in office, he ain’t nuthin: I seen all this before, nobody lies more than a democrat, and let’s wait and see who he is payin off for putting him in office.

    Well then. I don’t want to belabor this elephant donkey mentality. What to do??? I am going to have to work on something cuz here it is. I don’t think give peace a chance, or make love not war is gonna work. I think I might have to engage with these people? Maybe ask what would you like to see happen in this country? Not sure, but I will be working to get this party fever thing diffused.

    I guess at least no one attacked him for his skin color and that is something. He’s just a democrat. Ain’t that something.

    And about fitting into the change, many levels to that one. It might take alot of creativity and alot of cooperation at times, but then again we all have gifts we are not even aware of. Did see Oprahs MLK show, too, checked out the king. That would be the far end for me. The thing for me is just to be ready to take the walk when it is my time to walk. And when I am called, I answer. There’s no two ways about it. It’s right and it’s time.

    As long as I don’t need to stand in the snow barefoot. G Washington I’m not.

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