Astrology Ahead: Aspects for Sept. 8-14

Good Morning World,
I’m off to a slightly late start today after the Long More East Coast conference this past weekend. If you’re curious about that conference, there are three posts below. Today’s aspects were written with Genevieve Salerno, and calculated by Tracy Delaney at

Eric Francis

8 Monday: Moon enters Capricorn at 3:45 am EDT. Jupiter stations direct in Capricorn, so we have a Moon-Jupiter conjunction just as Jupiter is stationing. Mercury conjoins Mars and squares Jupiter, granting an atmosphere of exaggeration, passion, drive and ambition to the day.Then Jupiter trines Saturn. This is the perfect mix of push power and ease. It’s a great day to look forward to the stuff you work so hard on finally paying off.

9 Tuesday: Venus squares Jupiter. If you look this aspect up in astrology books, you will get advice about not eating too much sugar or other rich food. These are two planets of abundance, meeting in a tense angle. The thing about squares is that they often compel us to make a choice that turns out to be a false one. With Venus and Jupiter there is not really a conflict, but the feeling of emotional tension, and this can be pleasant and useful…it’s one of those days to have too much fun.

Pluto stations direct in Sagittarius, it’s final station direct at 28+ Sagittarius for this 250 year cycle. It is now on a direct course for Capricorn, where it will stay until 2023-2024.

Mercury sextiles the Great Attractor. Eros is conjunct Logos, trine Sedna.

10 Wednesday: Vesta stations retrograde in Taurus. The past few months have had that feeling of Vesta’s potency, and she may have special dignity in this sign. The nature of Taurus is an interesting mix of asceticism and extreme comfort. Taurus likes it rich, and can do without. Vesta grants the attribute of awareness, humility and willingness to give up what you don’t want so that you can have some of what is necessary. Psyche squares Neptune. The most tenacious wounds we carry within us are the ones that we perceive as necessary for survival, but we might want to ask whether our sense of injury is real.

Genevieve adds, “It’s true that the little quirks and characteristics we have make us individuals, but if those things keep us from changing, they may be worth examining further to determine whether or not they are worth keeping.”

11 Thursday: Moon enters Aquarius at 3:20 am EDT. Chiron sextiles Juno. Venus conjoins Mars in Libra. The Venus-Mars conjunction is one of the most challenging in all of astrology. All conjunctions seem to require sorting out. Venus and Mars together merge the inner male and female polarities, so the theme here may be to join rather than to divide.

Uranus is gradually forming its opposition to Saturn, which in turn is still in a trine with Jupiter in Capricorn. On a day as charged as today is, keep awareness around your emotions, and if you can take them to a quiet place to clearly experience what it is they are trying to say. Be on the lookout for anything that appears staged, exaggerated or makes you feel like you owe something to a power greater than yourself.

12 Friday: Uranus opposes the Sun. The Moon occults Neptune. The Moon’s aspect to Neptune is prime time sorting truth from lies. We may have a tendency to believe what is not true or to disbelieve what is true. Stay in tune with your deeper emotions and needs, allowing them to float to the forefront of your attention, but check your work.

With rebellious Uranus giving the Sun a high five from across the Universe, the sudden impulses you feel today, or the emotions that resonate from the deepest part of you, might be bringing you closer to a climax of personality that deserves to have some special towels set aside to catch it with.

Sun sextile Varuna says that the truth is important to have both in there, and out there.

13 Saturday: Moon enters Pisces at 12:04 am EDT. Mercury sextile Juno. Venus trine Chiron. Sun conjunct Logos. This is a combination of aspects that will allow mental and verbal access on topics normally difficult to speak about.

14 Sunday: Pisces Full Moon. Mercury conjoins Venus. Nessus trine Chaos. Pallas opposite the Great Attractor. When compassion becomes the mind’s focus, as it sometimes does when Mercury conjoins Venus, then justice no longer becomes a question of vengeance, but rather, forgiveness.

Nessus in harmony with Chaos could make us do a 360 as far as vicious cycles. Usually, cycles that we become fixated on have their source in an injury from long ago. Anger and resentment are natural emotions associated with pain, but they are meant to be temporary states designed for survival. When we stay angry, we stay frozen. Often times, we make the mistake of equating emotional paralysis with safety.

Finally, with Pallas opposite the Great Attractor, we have a situation in which another person or philosophy presents a particular draw for us, or a magnetic thought cycle that may have something to do with injustice. A choice to be made between an old way of looking at what has happened to us, and a new way that may have letting go of violent emotions as part of it, is indicated by today’s aspects.

In other words, today is all about forgiveness, and how far we should take it in order to become whole again.

Catch you later. Comments on these aspects are welcome.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

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