Aquarius into Pisces Moon

Dear Friend and Reader:

The Moon is in Aquarius sitting right on top of Chiron as of this writing, and it’s about to pass over an existing conjunction between Juno and Neptune.

Photo by Sean Hayes.

This is to say, there is currently a cluster of three close planets (Chiron, Juno, Neptune) and the Moon is right there. Juno-Neptune feels like the gradual dissolving of the social pressures on conjugal relationships. Juno is about relationships based on competition, jealousy and expectations. Add the word “scorekeeping” and you have a nearly complete profile. At its best, it will describe an ideal marriage partner, but more often it describes the expectations on that partner, who they will be or how they will act, given from a mother to a child.

Of course conjunct Neptune that could be an expansion of the idea; it could be the delusion getting so big and so misty that nobody even sees, it which sounds true enough for the average day. Where you have Chiron present, you have the invitation, and the urgency, for awareness. Look around and you will notice that a lot of relationships are in unsteady territory, and by that I mean delivering more challenges than rewards. We take this for granted, without questioning the rules (unspoken or otherwise) by which we live. Personally, I think it’s the rules that are the issue. I don’t question monogamy, for example, as much as I question the reasons for its existence and the harsh codes by which it’s mediated.

Many of these rules are based on social lies; for example, the wide-scale social expectation that cheating will happen. So we make the biggest deal out of this one kind of relationship, as if it were the only kind there is — and then we have this notion that cheating is going to happen. This does make sense; if you make rules too strict for anyone to follow, nobody will follow them, because they cannot. Why we don’t negotiate the contract seems to be a matter of lack of consciousness, and of taboo.

After the Moon finishes these conjunctions, by modern rules it’s void of course, which may give today the feeling of perpetual drift. Don’t try to get too much done. This is one of those let it happen days.

However, while it’s busy being void, the Moon is opposed to an odd little hypothetical called Transpluto. I ignored Transpluto entirely until a software upgrade by Time Cycles Research included it in the new version. I could click on that point and remove it, but it seems ridiculous to pretend something is not there, even if it happens to be opposite Neptune.

Transpluto, not a real planet but rather a narrowing, focusing influence. I’m just getting the feeling for how it behaves and responds, but it’s a little like a funnel. It will guide ideas and experiences into one direction, which can be friendly or not, depending on the circumstances: that is, a force for restriction, or a force for discipline.

The Moon will ingress Pisces tonight at about 5 pm ET, where it will begin to make a conjunction to Mars. That is exact early Tuesday morning ET. This is all a leadup to the Aries New Moon, which is exact Thursday at 12:05 pm. This New Moon is all about the Aries Point. We will have Mercury sitting right there, plus a conjunction of the Moon, the Sun and Venus just a few degrees away. We will see and feel some effects from this alignment.

One of them will be to make the world feel smaller. It’s a lot smaller than we think.

Catch you later,
Eric Francis

6 thoughts on “Aquarius into Pisces Moon”

  1. apainter 26, your message reminded me of Peggy Lee’s old song. . .”Is That All There Is?” (if that’s all there is then let’s keep dancin’ and bring on the booze, if that’s all – there – is!) For what it’s worth, a popular astrological phrase for sagittarians is “don’t fence me in”.

  2. upyonder . .many thanks for the advice. Will use it if necessary, but my nice bank lady just told me they would waive the 90 day thing but I have to sign something. Maybe it’s that idemnity form! Anyway, they aren’t going to charge me a fee for this; after all, they were the people who (supposedly) mailed it. I’m still going to mail the letter tomorrow (and told her so) if for no other reason that a paper trail. You know, document, document, document!

  3. B Koehler !
    I went through exactly the same thing, almost same amount. Bank told me ‘no stop payment for 90 days’, after cheque never arrived.
    Ask for an indemnity form !! The indemnity releases the bank from having to pay out the amount (because the cheque is certified). I found out through one helpful banker lady. My foreign bank was useless in helping and stalled at each step. The lack of information and cooperation was nerve wrecking, had to push through the bureaucracy myself. Got money back just 4 days ago. They will not wave the 90 day, because it’s a law that protects the recipient. The internet has no info on this.

  4. it never ceases to amaze me how on-target these astrology themes are; just last night around midnight i was enganged in a very intense conversation about “the social pressures on conjugal relationships,” and the “rules” that govern these contracts, how and if it’s possible to change the officially sanctioned model, and until there is true awareness and questioning of the “rules” on a scale to effect paradigm shift, what do we do? it was a small-town taurean actress struggling to live freely yet with “integrity” and “ethics” talking to a big-city saggitarian dancer insisting that our time on this earth is too short not to simply live in the moment and make the most of connections as they happen, for whatever they are and as far as they need to go. damn.

    and the “daily oracles” for the last two days have been stunningly apropos. love it.

  5. And I thought it was just today’s sun square pluto that made me write that letter to my bank! Thought chiron and juno were egging me on, but didn’t know about transpluto and that little funnel-like focusing influence. Seems my bank won’t stop payment on a cashiers check (even one for over $9000) for 90 days. That would be a check to my creditor, which I borrowed from the bank (and have already made my 1st payment on – mostly interest of course) which they mailed. Unfortunately, it never got to the creditor, so I mailed them a minimum payment, but they still haven’t received that either! Talk about your neptune influence. The big check was mailed on 2/24 and my personal check was mailed on 3/17.

    Anyway, I am counting on the “force for discipline” option, and that my letter will persuade the bank to waive the 90 day policy to stop payment and then cut the creditor a new one, before they(creditor) call me again at 8:30 on a Saturday morning. Enuf’s enuf!

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