The sky is emphasizing fire and water right now. And although water can put a fire out, if you use the right container, you can also create steam. This weekend, as we approach Sunday’s Aquarius Full Moon, that container comes in the form of Saturn in Scorpio making a T-square to the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius.
In fact, there are whole groupings of planets in Leo and Scorpio, and the Moon will be opposing and squaring all of them as it travels through Aquarius. That series of events begins as the Moon ingresses Aquarius at 9:52 am EDT on Saturday, Aug. 9, and could feel like tension that keeps changing its ice cream flavor every time you try to lick the edge of the cone.
Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are all fixed signs (as is Taurus, which is not hosting any major planets right now, though some minor objects are in that region). Fixed signs are known for being steadfast and stable — and sometimes taking that to the extreme of ‘stuck’. If you’ve been noticing any situation in your life that feels like it has reached a plateau or even a deadlock, you can use this Full Moon to get some energy (and therefore the situation) moving productively. Kind of like dipping the ice cream scoop in hot water before digging into the frozen-solid carton.
Sunday’s Full Moon is exact at 2:09 pm EDT Aug. 10. While this makes it trickier to use the Full Moon as leverage in a work situation, any personal matters needing a nudge could find some space for clear sailing, particularly if you using timing consciously. Try to schedule a discussion about whatever’s stuck right before the Full Moon; say, about an hour before if possible (this is true of any Full Moon, if it’s exact at a humane hour of the day).
As the Moon and Sun peak and begin to separate, you get an energetic advantage — kind of like how the tide raises all boats — that should show you where the open water is in the situation. You can also use the Full Moon to guide something along that seems unlikely to happen otherwise.
Another great thing about having an Aquarius Full Moon on a weekend? They’re great for parties. Aquarius Moons love to get people together — and the more eccentric, the better. People with the Moon in Aquarius are often rather ‘unique’ yet productive. And since Aquarius is an air sign and fiery Leo is highly social, you’re almost guaranteed to enjoy lively conversations at any gathering this weekend.
Remember that steam image from the first paragraph? Mars, ruler of Scorpio, is currently several degrees into that sign. Passion is the word right now. If you’re looking for one simple idea to guide you through the next few days (and nights), that’s the one — with or without ice cream.
with Eric Francis
Great analogies, they really helped me to see the astrology. On Sunday I chose to go swimming with a friend instead of work, it seems I should have used the energy to work instead and forged through this pile of stuff to do. But, the water did recharge me. Though I’m having a hard time focusing today. I did receive an email about part of this work yesterday at 2:08pm wanting something ‘ASAP’, while I was swimming. And I went to parties on Saturday, they were perfect. I’m the one that’s stuck, wanting to do anything but tackle this work stuff. The moon was conjunct my Mars/Pholus exact conjunction in Aquarius in the 7th, I felt like I was going to burst if I didn’t get out and do something (cool off from all the fire and heat). Wish I could grab that momentum today, but my Neptune is conjunct transiting Saturn. I was able to be creative with both work and my personal art over the weekend, which was brilliant. But Neptune is behind this inability to focus my energy today. I’ll have to use Saturn and Mars to ground myself and create some steam. Thanking you for helping me through the fog with your amazing words, like a beacon they brought me back to the here and now.
thanks, too, amanda for the timing tip! almost getting a good handle on that with multiple sequential transit/natal hits on my AC, IC, DC, and the 2nd and 3rd house ever since jupiter entered leo *_* and it looks like this will persist till the virgo new moon.
sanguinesu — although clogged toilets are no laughing matter, the timing is! i am glad you could enjoy the giggle. and good luck in finding that flow (especially with the toilets) before sunday!
Funny thing, all the toilets in my apartment building are currently clogged. Reading about being stuck and looking for where the open water is in a situation provided a bit of levity. So thanks for the giggles and the tips, and here’s hoping I don’t have to wait until Sunday to “find the flow” again. LOL.
Thank you Amanda (and Eric) for reminding us how to “time” a Full Moon and the useful metaphors to help us keep moving through it.