About your April monthly horoscope…and the Vestal whores

Coming Friday in Planet Waves Astrology News: An article called “Dancing with Discord,” on the new planet Eris. It sums up the recent history of feminism.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Vesta may be my favorite asteroid, surely up there with Psyche. Here are some Vesta notes from Planet Wiki, if you want to go deep into this topic. Do you remember that Bjork song, the one where she makes reference to “sex without touching”? Vesta is right there: she is the chaste sacred whore: the morph of virgin and prostitute. She offers herself in service, and in the service of pleasure; she sometimes goes “too far,” but that is part of her pleasure.She defines space — all local space is organized around fire, the hearth. She holds space for sex. She represents the divine creative and erotic fire at the core of each person. She is the energy of constant attention to that flame; she is the quality of devotion to the inner light, and inner life.

Mercury in Pisces is conjunct Vesta. This is an invitation to celebrate and put all those themes into words. Tell someone or tell yourself; write it down. When you write, guide yourself in the direction of maximum embarrassment. Write so explicitly it would make a hooker blush.

Speaking of. In the charts of sex workers, I don’t usually see a lot of Vesta. In one group I studied and got to know, the thing they had in common was a hot, hot Moon aspect structure. That is, a lot of planets talking to and from the Moon. This told me two things — one is that their entire personality was involved. Another is that there was an energy source coming directly from their mothers.

Venus in these charts was typically pretty potent as well, again meaning lots of aspects.

I am sure the nature of their natal Vesta placements told a story — I did not see the thread. Each in her own way seemed to struggle with the sexual giving aspect of the work, which for this group involved no intercourse, but rather a handjob or sometimes a body massages. A couple of the women told me this kind of experience (which would typically happen four or five times per working day) detracted from the erotic resources they had to share with their partners. Some felt guilty (such as for religious reasons). I knew that most could open up and be there for the guy’s orgasm, if they wanted to, and recognized the sacredness of the giving. A touch of Vesta: the slight detachment necessary to allow others to exist without fear; to be in one’s space, and also that of another.

Today, with Vesta conjunct Mercury in Pisces, there is something about liberating fantasy, imagination and feeling: about being the whore of your dreams, starting in your mind. Within our own psychic space, we are absolutely free to dream. For some, this is an exploration of the space of loneliness. For some, it’s an exploration of a desire to share. Feel it for yourself, but perhaps Mercury wants to express itself in some way: to write or to speak so that another may understand.

Here, Vesta says: throw open your empathy. Feel the erotic needs of those around you, and admit their beauty. Feel that deep-in pang in yourself, the one like a hot pencil that wants to burst this bubble you walk around in all day.

Peace & passion,

Eric Francis

PS, Here is the Aries monthly horoscope for April 2008.

Most people take the necessity of communication for granted. Perhaps this is because so few people are actually willing to listen. More likely, it’s because when we reveal our plans, ideas or needs, we stand a pretty good chance of getting shot down or plagiarized. You have reached a point where you must put communication first. The thing is, you’re likely to need to communicate something new, something you have not heard yourself say before, and which you feel may be threatening to others. I suggest you practice for a while, until you take off any aggressive edge. It is possible to relate exactly what you need to and still do so in an endearing way. Revealing your vulnerability in speaking your truth helps a lot. The truth is daring enough; you don’t need to impress anyone with how gutsy you are, or how dedicated you are to conquering any prior system of ideas or beliefs. I suggest you use the identical method whether you’re relating to those you consider your peers, or those who you consider to be in positions of authority. They may not be the same, but you are.

Thursday 27 March 2008

Venus (17+ Pisces) trine Varuna (17+ Cancer Rx)
Eros (25+ Aries) quintile Nessus (13+ Aquarius)
Eros (25+ Aries) opposite Atlantis (25+ Libra Rx)
Vesta (18+ Pisces) square Quaoar (18+ Sagittarius Rx)
Sisyphus (29+ Libra Rx) quincunx Ceres (29+ Taurus)
Sun (6+ Aries) opposite Arachne (6+ Libra Rx)
Eros (25+ Aries) sextile Hades (25+ Gemini)
Sisyphus (29+ Libra Rx) opposite Asbolus (29+ Aries)
Mercury (18+ Pisces) square Quaoar (18+ Sagittarius Rx)
Mercury (19+ Pisces) conjunct Vesta (19+ Pisces)
Hidalgo (16+ Scorpio Rx) semisquare Pluto (1+ Capricorn)
Sisyphus (29+ Libra Rx) semisquare Great Attractor (14+ Sagittarius)
Mercury (19+ Pisces) sextile Jupiter (19+ Capricorn)
Mercury (19+ Pisces) conjunct Uranus (19+ Pisces)
Sun (7+ Aries) sesquiquadrate Pandora (22+ Scorpio Rx)
Mars (8+ Cancer) semisquare Admetos (23+ Taurus)

Nov 19, 1999 – SAGITTARIUS – Weekly

This is the year of no compromises. Even if you want to sleight yourself, you will find it difficult, if not impossible, so there is no point at all in resisting, or pretending what must be so; no point imagining you can hang out in the private reality of your desires and fantasies without acting on them directly, and with the full power of your spirit. This becomes increasingly natural as these months unfold, and as the extraordinary events of this next age of your life reveal themselves. You’re becoming the highest manifestation of Sagittarius: the arrow of intention released from its bow, bound straight for its destination.

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