An invitation to a Planet Waves Brain Trust: Beyond the Concepts of Subscription or Membership

Photo by Eric Francis.
Photo by Eric Francis.

Good afternoon cousins,

I’m inviting you into a Brain Trust on a key issue — I believe we need a concept beyond “subscription” or “membership” to describe a commitment to Planet Waves and what we are offering to the community.

Neither of these describe Planet Waves at all. I know there is a better way to describe an energy exchange and the mutual support that we are about.

The idea paying a subscription fee, which is a commitment, needs to be seen in context of something much larger. It must convey more than a membership or a product. Planet Waves is not a “thing.” It is a point of view, an orientation on existence, a journey, a commitment to oneself and also to something larger than oneself.

The idea, phrase or language needs to convey what we actually offer:

— Life-affirming, timely information, professionally prepared.

— In an era of disinformation, agenda-driven “messaging.”

— In a time of global crisis — both individual and collective; social and political; where health and environmental concerns are no longer an option or luxury: they are necessities.

— Where everyone is welcome to contribute.

— Sponsored by the community, rather than by corporate advertisers — offering true freedom of thought and accountability.

— A place where you are free to think, reflect and share.

— Culture of media literacy.

— And of astrological literacy, where astrology is a means to an end; a tool to facilitate discussion

— Presented with beautiful art and music — an aesthetic quality and value.

— Personal growth/self-exploration support community.

— Community of artists, musicians, writers, people involved with their creativity.

— Community of people working a daring edge of consciousness and

— Devoted to healing.

— Relief from alienation, and from thinking you’re the only one who cares.

— Mentorship.

— Tools for healing and self-actualization.

— Connection to tradition and to innovative modes.

— “If you are concerned about the world and about how to live meaningfully, being part of Planet Waves cam be of unique value.” — client comment

— Focus: Living meaningfully.

— “Relationships with folks the world over, of compassion caring and juicy love of life” — client comment.

— “In a world filled with endless chatter, information and even more disinformation, it’s getting harder and harder to find the truth. I receive regular newsletters from you and want to thank you for your discerning, unfailing, wise and broad choices of what you include.” — client comment.

— “nothing less than an alternative way of living, perhaps a way to be truly alive in a way corporate and establishment behemoths simply do not want us to be. Truthfulness and empowerment provided with a loving and welcoming spirit.” — editor comment

— I was a charter subscriber when Eric Francis started this a decade ago. I am continually amazed at how his weekly horoscopes DON’T predict my life, but OPEN MY MIND to what is possible in my life…. and the information never fails to enrich me, to support me, and to cause me to wonder what is possible for me in the next week, the next month, and through the year. — client comment

— Honest discussion of sex, sexuality and relationships.

— Inspire, motivate, focus.

— Astrology as introspection, timing factors.

— All genders and sexes welcome and active in leadership.

— Leadership training.

Thank you for your ideas and input.



14 thoughts on “An invitation to a Planet Waves Brain Trust: Beyond the Concepts of Subscription or Membership”

  1. “a community of readers” – which of course, includes listeners and viewers – as there’s so much great art work, music, photography…..

  2. Sorry not to have any useful ideas to add here, Eric. But just want to say that it’s remarkable what you’ve done – how you’ve managed to create the wonderful PW, giving the opportunity to so many to express their voice and immense talents and share them with a community of readers, who, in turn, are invited to share their views and feelings – all without compromising your integrity in any way. No mean feat!

  3. so, astrology is more like a lens through which we view our world — whether the camera is pointed inward, or outward to the world at large ….

  4. Ok so…thanks for these ideas.

    It’s not the astrology itself that is community supported. it’s my ability to distribute it, and to do it on a professional level. i can do astrology without anyone else. what resources do is raise the level of production, the reach, and my ability to run an ethical business model.

    The support is mutual. Yet in an exploitation business model, the concept of a plus-plus symbiosis is not intuitive.

    One other thought. Planet Waves utilizes astrology but is not about astrology. It’s central to what we do, but so are a number of other elements of life.

    Let’s keep building on these ideas.

  5. I like green star gazer’s CSA …. I like that “community” and “supported” are both included — because that is what it feels like to me, community and support — you get, and you give — a symbiotic relationship.

  6. CSA = Community supported Astrology

    Coming from the land where CSA’s spring up like dandelion weeds in the spring I think this model/ option is a good fit for all those readers who like coming here to read the “free” stuff but who don’t feel the pull to become a full member. Not everyone wants all the features or the more in-dept coverage/readings you offer yet you all (the creators of PW) put out a tremendous amount of content that we get to enjoy for no compensation. A small CSA annual gift x lots more people = more financial support for the “free” work that you do.

    I know you already offer a membership level but this would be slightly different. I think it would also be totally appropriate to devote an article a quarter to promoting this option. Or some information and an easy “donate” link up on the nav bar. If the amount was small, if it was super easy to make the gift/exchange and if we were reminded that all this “free” stuff deserves support too, I’d be all up for that. Getting an annual reminder that it is my time to re-gift the service would be helpful as the small things tend to slip between the cracks more easily these days.

    Speaking only for myself, there are certain PW writers that I will usually take some time to read. There are others that I never read. Mostly because their field of topics/comments generally are not something that is of paramount interest to me… but I get it that it could be invaluable for other readers. It’s like a good party… not everyone drinks the same drink or eats the same food, but if it is a good party everyone will enjoy themselves. And I know there are good and lasting friendships that arise from this place… I’ve been blessed with one myself that I treasure.

    There is a big banquet spread out here in PW-land. I come in and nibble on a few things from time to time and then don’t come back for several days/weeks or longer sometimes. To me, the word “member” seems to be too big costume to wear for how I interact with this place. That said, there IS a PW icon on my bookmark toolbar. How much would I pay if I had to give some $ for that bookmark I wonder? Hmmmmm now that is something to ponder.

  7. ..Side comment to the intern candidate, dandelion root, burdock root, yellow dock root, and calamus,.. I would recommend for the liver. (Calamus more of an assisting herb).

    Another way-side note, I’ve often thought that we might throw down a section regarding foods and nutrition, I think we could share a plethora of insight and experience, just for the sake of understanding our bodies in a basic/basal, perhaps helpful manner.

    Simple/brief, best I can muster these days.

    As always, Love,


  8. comment from internship candidate — A resonance with the healing catalyzed by the open forum/community; a dispelling of the fear which often obstructs necessary communication; an excitement rising due to the nature of both sites pointing toward gnosis. I enjoy your pursuits/interest in audio, and I feel a pull toward planet waves fm in particular.

    It all inspires me to further my pursuits in music/audio/astrology/astrotheology/symbolism/tarot/etcetera. I enjoy the holistic, organic nature of the information. It’s not contrived; which is refreshing, as there is so much pseudo-spirituality to sift through in the Information Age.

    I also find a specific interest in the utilization of planet waves for spreading awareness about health– a poignant area for me lately, as my mother has been suffering from an illness, and I’ve been caring to devote time to accumulating knowledge about lifefood/liver cleanses/etc, and how profound of an effect a lifefood diet can have.

  9. comment from friend

    btw… what i am finding more and more is the lack of caring in many of the so called spiritual healer channeler community… integrity and caring go hand in hand… it´s water and earth. like a mother, your caring for your readers to be safe , to nurture their dreams, is integrity. the line between war and peace, hurt and care, is so subtle…

  10. How about an invitation/opportunity to join the star craft

    (credit: from one of your ideas already)

  11. I’ve always thought of PW as a Light Island — a cyber-community of like-minded, open and creative folk resonating at the same vibratory speed — dedicated to truth, ethics, harmlessness, open to finding commonalities among the diverse experiences and philosophies represented, supporting one another in an, often, seemingly isolated human journey. Star children, and more than the sum of our parts.

  12. Symbiotic equanimity.

    (As soon as I pull my head out of my ass I’ll get there…)

    I truly Love you All.


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