An Epiphany… of sorts

I was thwarted in my attempts to find a good article about the status as astrologers of those three kings who visited the baby Jesus on this date. I was unable to track down a fascinating bit I heard on the radio a couple weeks ago about the common astrological thread uniting various cultural myths centered around virgin births and three wise men following a star to make a pilgrimage to visit the son (Sun) of god. I finally decided a good laugh might have to do. – amanda

9 thoughts on “An Epiphany… of sorts”

  1. and since the Catholic Church currently doesn’t “believe in” astrology – I forget what level of sin it is to do so – there’s a bit of a need to leave out some simple historical facts.

  2. At the time of the purported birth of Jesus, there was no such thing as astronomy, and the concept “science” did not exist. But there were astrologers and alchemists. Astronomers don’t take celestial events as signs. Astrologers do; that is the difference.

  3. Our priest mentioned in his sermon last Sunday on the three wise men that they were ‘astronomers,’ apparently feeling more comfortable with the ‘science’ frame than the ‘mystical’ frame in avoiding calling them ‘astrologers.’ I think they were both.

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