An appalling moment on the GOP convention floor

This happened at the Republican National Convention this week — Zoraida Fonalledas, the National Committeewoman for Puerto Rico and chairwoman of the party’s permanent organization committee, steps up to the podium. Notice what happens when she tries to give her report. The chants of “USA – USA” are implying that Puerto Rico is not part of the United States. She looks like she’s about to cry. We will have additional coverage of this tonight.

11 thoughts on “An appalling moment on the GOP convention floor”

  1. WTF?

    I surmise that civllity went the same way as civics, and now apparently civllization.

    Appalling but not surprising considering that most ‘Pubs and Baggers I encounter don’t want to hear anything other than affirmations of their own position, and won’t discuss anything. The chanting was merely a crowd performance of putting covering one’s ears and screeching “lalalalalalalalal” to drown out anyone else’s voice.


  2. I’m no lip reader but some of those guys appear to be chanting “kick them out” (NOT “USA”). You can hear it also at the beginning before it changes to “USA”. Apalling indeed!

  3. Gotta admit I’m mouth-breathing, watching the Pub hijinks. I’ve never seen this level of … ummm … not even sure what to call it. It’s like that hive-mind that happens at football games, but informed with some kind of romanticized Rand’ian super-individuality fantasy, equal parts religious and nationalistic –and consequently, neither. This is hybrid, this is scary and almost everything they say is Utter Nonsense. When it’s pointed out to be lies, they just laugh maniacally and keep on repeating it. Pod People, writ large.

  4. I for one believe that Ron Paul supporters are definitely nutty enough to disrespect anyone at the podium – including Ryan – when their delegates are unseated. My issue is indeed with appearances; this clip gathered so much steam over social media, and everyone just accepted the appearance of it without digging to get to the truth. Like I said, I’m no fan of the right wing, but I do think it is imperative that they are criticized for their reality, not some clip that got flung around without investigation.

    Zori Fonalledas spoke after Mike Duncan on Tuesday. His segment wrapped up around 4:17 pm (east coast time), according to C-SPAN. The weird part is that the video archive at C-SPAN then skips over the next 4 speakers (including Zori), and picks up at 4:31 pm with John Hoeven. So the incident must have happened between those two times.

  5. Lucky Driver — I recognize from the article you posted that this was a kind of unhappy synchronicity, in terms of being a racial issue. However, it shows blatant disrespect in any case, and illustrates an underlying truth that everyone knows is there. One question is, would they have done this with Paul Ryan at the podium?

    In politics, one must watch appearances. And a bunch of white guys yelling USA when a Puerto Rican woman is at the podium is definitely the wrong appearance. Let’s not even get into what this means to have happen while someone from P.R. per se is involved; that’s a whole travesty that deserves to be exposed, in terms of the way that P.R. is treated and exploited as a colony — which it is — and one that has no political rights whatsoever.

    Does anyone have the time that this happened?

  6. It will be in Aquarius before then, making a conjunction to a centaur planet called Nessus. This is a caution to be mindful of group dynamics. Groups of any kind can be insidious. A collection of perfectly nice people can turn into a raging, judgmental asshole if enough of them give up their individuality.

    This is happening under the influence of the Moon moving toward full polarity, so there is likely to be some extra emotional and psychic pressure on.


    Are you talking about this?

    here’s the key excerpt:

    This week, Republicans are trying super hard at their convention to show that their party isn’t made up mostly of angry white guys. Which is not going very well:

    But they have delivered those speeches to a convention hall filled overwhelmingly with white faces, an awkward contrast that has been made more uncomfortable this week by a series of racial headaches that have intruded on the party’s efforts to project a new level of inclusiveness.

    Astute political observer and one-third of the most infamous bipartisan traveling ménage à trois, Sen. Lindsey Graham, knows exactly what the Republican Party’s problem really is:

    “The demographics race we’re losing badly,” said Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.). “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”

  7. Then there was the African American camerawoman from CNN who was pelted with peanuts by a delegate, who said “This is what we feed the animals”. The delegate was ejected, and CNN covered the incident.

  8. Appalling indeed. The two day warm up and tension building to the Full Moon always seems to bring out some of the worst behavior imaginable and then some. Ask any Nurse!

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