A new widget…Eris, asteroids, Chiron, planets, Moon and Sun

Hello all,

You may have noticed the disappearance of the Moon Phase widget from our left margin. It was pretty, but the leading astrology programming mind over at Serennu.com in the land called Wales noticed that it was wrong almost all the time. At Planet Waves, we are wrong part of the time, but never all of the time, so it got the old delete key.

Eric Francis

I asked her if she would make us our very own widget to track the Moon phase and planetary placements, and she has done so. This was during the final stretch of the election campaign, so I didn’t have a chance to acknowledge it — and that thank you would surely have been lost in our news blitz of the past three weeks. This note is by way of thank you — and to introduce you to the information we’re now offering.

With this vastly improved custom gadget, we now track the phase of the Moon as well as the positions (in longitude) of the Sun and Moon, the “eight planets,” the mean lunar node (Rahu), the dwarf planets Ceres, Eris and Pluto, the Centaur planet Chiron and the asteroids Pallas, Vesta and Juno. I.e., extremely cool. We LOVE Eris…speaking for myself, I am in love with this living sigil of the postmodern world…and would not cast a chart for anything, including walking the dog, without her.

You may think it’s easy for a programmer to calculate these points; after all, it’s just computers. But someone has to take the ephemeris equation (the set of data that constitutes a “planet”) and then make it run. Then, step by step, it must engage in a mighty digital chatter with many other ephemeris equations for a few moments that must be eminently entertaining if you’re watching from the Sixth dimension. That is called programming.

The further these nuggets of gas and chilled space debris get from the Sun, the more challenging that is. Many programmers (our sources say) cannot tell you what day an aspect happens with true precision much less the hour and minute of certain things with say 500 or 1,000 year orbits. While this particular program does not list aspects, those can be found by looking around the Serennu website. If you are researching planetary cycles (for example, how often is 1992 QB1 conjunct Eris?) you will find it there.

Chironically yours,

Eric Francis

3 thoughts on “A new widget…Eris, asteroids, Chiron, planets, Moon and Sun”

  1. Eric:

    Love the Daily Moon Phase “widget”. Honestly, I hadn’t noticed it before, but it is a wonderful way to get caught up; especially in those times when I don’t even remember what sign the moon is in. Since I’m spending more and more time at your site, what with the increase of reading material of late, it saves me from clicking on to another site to check out the aspects. Many thanks….brilliant idea.

  2. There you go with the d word. Listened to Lisa Randall, theoretical physicist, lecture at a local university a few years ago about her theories presented in her book Warped Passages about the many dimensions that we experience.

    Asking people about dimensions and parallels, the ones who say they get it, explain it in terms of the twilight zone. In Lisa’s question answer session, someone related a personal experience to which she answered, I get email from people all the time about this stuff, but I just do the science.

    So whether I get it or not, depending on time for study and digestion, which is what it is for someone who has been told “you have to learn everything the hard way,” and “you want everything the easy way”, dimensional experiences (possibilites?) are at play. So this is another one to pull down off the shelf. Oh my aching brain. The mindless vacation in physical labor land must be winding down.

    Wanted to say I appreciated your statement on astrology in one of the blogs yesterday. A tool. It’s what I try to explain to people but never had the word. And of course the rest of the statement nailed it. “Density” is the one thing I don’t quite get or is that too perfect.

    What can I say I was a fan of moose and squirrel as a kid? Why don’t they get any credit for opening up our nut brains?

  3. Thank you then!

    I still don’t “get it” from a specific astrological perspective; but then, I’m not trying to.

    (I read what you write, ingest, spit/live out something digested.)

    So glad for all these ‘little’ tools that help those of you that are doing what you do.


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