A Message from the Moon

By Len Wallick

The Moon is trying to tell us something. Last weekend when Jupiter made its historic transit across the Aries Point, Luna was right there, doing the same thing within the same hour. Today when Mercury makes an auspicious entry into Gemini, the sign it rules, the Moon will be less than two degrees behind. Next week when Venus links with Leo, same thing, the Moon holding her train.

Once a fluke. Twice a coincidence. Three times a pattern. Cycles and their patterns and how they synchronize, that’s what astrology is about. Hence our subject for today. Observations on what our closest celestial neighbor and constant companion may be whispering of current synchronicity.

We may do well to start with the basics of a sign transit. Planets major and minor, have their symbolic identities. Like human personalities, these are layered, multiple, hierarchical and dynamic. The older ones are more set in their ways, rooted in myth, familiar. The newer ones are in development, rooted in their discovery charts, on a path of individuation.

No planet is an island. Constantly in motion, the context of expression is subject to cyclical change. The syntax will shift. It all depends on where it is at, what direction it is moving and its angular relationship to other celestial bodies and points. Among the most fundamental considerations is the sign placement of the planet in question. Each sign also has its own character. Each sign also is associated with one of twelve houses and with a ruling planet. Any planet transiting a sign takes on some of the character of that sign, the associated house and the ruling planet. Its expression changes. In return, any body passing through brings its own cachet to the sign, house and dispositor. So a sign change is a big deal.

The day of crossing is especially so. It is a threshold event. Very much like the major and minor thresholds we all cross in real life. Going in and out of doors, into and out of relationships, or occupations, or residences, or earthly life itself. Crossing a threshold changes each of us. Each of us also alter the place we cross into. Each place we leave is not the same. Finally, our relationship to everything else shifts.

As was the recently the case with Mars, Mercury has just spent a disproportionate amount of time in one sign because of a retrograde. It entered Taurus back on April 2nd, if you can believe that. It went retrograde on April 18th and stationed forward on May 11th. Nine weeks in one sign is a long time for the Fleet One. But that’s not all.

The last degrees of a sign are always associated with a time of trial. In the case of Mercury in Taurus, especially so, forming a trine to Saturn and Virgo followed by a square to retrograde Neptune. Talk about stress. Wherever you have Gemini or Virgo influence in your natal chart has probably felt pretty darned overwhelmed in the last 48 hours.

And now for something completely different. When it comes to signs and rulers Mercury and Gemini are as good a match as any. Both have both of them, so to speak. Yup, there is that duality in each. That’s a good thing, understand. Remember the last time you shot off your mouth or an e-mail without thinking? Ouch. How about the occasions you cannot for one reason or another speak your mind? Oy. Now we have a chance to engage both sides and it may well be quite the liberation. With poetic apropos, that’s both good news and potentially, bad.

Add the Moon and we add an emphasis on the personal. That also has a double edge. Moon conjoined with Mercury in the first degree of Gemini implies self-expression unbound. Intellect makes room for instinct. Inhibition opens up to possibility. That’s all good news as well. The question is where the balance will come from. Do we really want to learn the truth about too much of a good thing? There’s enough learning in the next few days as it is.

First of all, please remember that the Sun is also currently resident in Gemini. The ingress of the Moon means that their conjunction, otherwise known as the New Moon, cannot be far behind. Indeed, that is the case this coming Saturday, June 12th. In the twenty-second degree of Gemini. 11:15 am, UTC, 7:15 in the morning on the east coast of the United States and 4:15 on the left. But not before….

Before the New Moon, LunaMerc (the hottest new celebrity couple) will experience two key aspects. This morning it will be a sextile with the separating but still functional Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in the first degree of Aries. That’s where the good news part might come in. It may however, require a steady hand and discerning judgment.

Then there’s the other edge. Later today Mercury forms a square to Chiron, retrograde (whoa, when did that happen?) in Pisces. And that’s just a set up for tomorrow’s square with bada-boom Mars in Virgo. The Moon, of course will be close behind on both counts.

Bad news? Not necessarily. Depends on who you are. One thing seems probable, however. As overwhelming as the last few days have been, the next few promise to be proportionally revelatory. It just may be when we begin to hear what the Moon is trying to say. If you are inclined to listen to your decrepit amateur reporter, his advice would be to remember that discretion is the better part of valor.

Stick around. Let’s compare notes on Monday.

Offered In Service

29 thoughts on “A Message from the Moon”

  1. HazelF, thanks, I dont think I am too bad just trying to make ourselves heard and to let you northeners know there is life downunder,actually the feedback from both len and Eric via direct email has been excellant and caring in their approach.
    The rescue for Abigail here is huge, it is covered by Yahoo Australia with pictures of the plane,aircrew and all maps etc of the area and her boat.
    Don from a very chilly winter downunder.

  2. An update;UPDATE 10.20am: A special charter aircraft left Perth Airport just after 10am today to fly over lone teenage sailor Abby Sunderland and her stricken vessel Wide Eyes, bobbing in mountainous seas 2000 nautical miles south-west of WA.

    The aircraft is expected to take several hours to reach the 16-year-old American and will check on her welfare and her position as a French rescue vessel rushes to her from Reunion Island.

    Yesterday evening a Qantas aircraft flew over the sailor and managed to make contact with her.

    Photographs of the stricken 12m yacht showed it was upright, drifting and without its mast.

    The Australian Maritime Safety Authority’s Rescue Co-ordination Centre took over the overall co-ordination of the search and rescue yesterday.

    The position of Wild Eyes continues to be monitored via distress beacon transmission.

    The charter aircraft will attempt to regain radio contact with Wild Eyes ahead of the planned rescue
    Don Downunder.

  3. Oh Len! We love you just the way you are! 😉

    I am so releived that Abby was found safe. I still say it is a remake of the Sedna story in that we daughters have been more influenced aka sacrificed into the paternal waters of our fathers these last decades than nurtured by the material waters that born us.

    The oil spill is not lacking in these metaphors either.

    And so Abby’s story has a different ending – she came through her adventure differently than planned but comes home reborn in some symbolic and symboliclly different way nonetheless.


  4. Patricia – is there an addiction to sensationalism? I’m thinking it’s more an addiction to fear. Though that is sensationalised!!

    I want to apologise to Don. You were right, and I was so wrong.

  5. Sorry, Don. Hazel makes a good point: You’re welcome to post stories that you feel should be shared, just the same as everyone else.

    Go Jessica! That really is an incredible feat.

    What do you think about the possibility of that being one reason why it wasn’t widely publicized? Is there any addiction to sensationalism in the press? Abby is lost at sea.

    The things that make you go hummmm.

    There was a great commentary about that on NPR yesterday. The show host said that the goal of a journalist or reporter or newscaster should be to aspire to boredom (something like that). Just the facts, ma’am. How profound!

    breathing deeply.

    Patricia MoonRose

  6. Len, thank you for that brief comment that you didn’t have to offer.

    I have venus squaring pluto, uranus and my ascendant so probably those aspects for the MC as well? That’s a good guess, I think.

    Hmmmm. Discretion is good advice always, I think. And choice is paramount, not only having one to make, but actually making one.

    Do I care what other people think? Not so much anymore. But I do care greatly about what I think about myself and how I feel about myself. I don’t always get it right; but I learn as I go and adjust as I’m able.

    It’s going to be a rough few days for me, based on the past two. Women in general are popping up and giving me drama-related earfuls. I’m just listening — wanting to do that less and less even — and wishing folks could see how they play a part in the stories they’re telling me. I see it; and when I suggested to a very good friend that she take the current opportunity to change something, start a new course, for herself, she said she couldn’t do that, she wasn’t capable.

    So there you go. That’s what we’re up against more than anything. I’ve been there. There’s not much I can do but gently support her and remind her. Maybe one day it will help.

    Len, if you were closer I’d invite you for tea. Actually, if you ever come to my locale, it’s a standing invitation. 🙂

    Hail the New Moon!

    breathing deeply.

    Patricia MoonRose

  7. Well, it does appear that Mercury is in square aspect to Mars.

    But Astrology is not destiny. We choose.

    We are all in this together.

    My thanks to Don from Down Under for the relief of good news regarding Ms. Sunderland. My apologies as well for not writing something to feature the heroic Ms. Watson even though Don was kind enough to provide the time of her triumphant return to Sydney Harbor.

    My apologies for offending anyone in my clumsy attempt to ask support for the business that provides me with a chance to express myself in service.

    For all my trespasses i ask forgiveness and sincerely apologize. Now, let us please move forward together. It’s a New Moon.

  8. Jere,

    I had to reread your post a few dozen times…My energy meter is all over the map, serious shit in my neighborhood……as far as peoples trips in reality…..escape artists…I have been there a few times…..this reality is daunting to say the least. I am tired of the ignorants and the stupids….and truly I measure not by intelligence as I do love. Still I continue with the message….


  9. Don – I thought it was meant to be the pommies who were always whingeing. I have never known anyone moan and whine so much as you do on here. Well except for maybe Charles. Thanks for the update on Abby – great news. However…

    If you thought so much of Jessica, why did you not report it on here yourself and share the event with everyone? I think you really are missing the many points of PW. Just one of the points it aims to encourage is ‘taking responsibility for yourself’ and moving away from the blaming/victim position, which is the most powerless place you can be and from what I read of you on here, a route you seem intent on taking. Mostly about how Eric never gets it right for you, and rather rudely in my view, setting him up against Len, who apparently gets it right.

    There was I recall an invitation to people from your part of the world to make a contribution here – heard nothing from you and only one other person posted on here in response to complain that Eric had put the comment up when you guys were asleep!!!

    Get a grip man. I’m from the UK, and we barely get column inches in the press in the US never mind on here – so what – it is not what it’s about. As E explained – he writes about what he knows. If you want your part of the world represented, why not try making a contribution yourself and one which doesn’t involve assasinating the editors here.

  10. From downunder Abby Sunderland” has been found safe due to the efforts of Australian air crews and are directing a near fishing boat to her rescue.
    She tried and all good luck to her however I feel as many of us do down here that Americans are totally absent when it comes to achievements outside the US, an almost we are it and nothing ele maters or exists, EG what about our Jessica Watson a sixteen year old who just completed a around the world sailing effort, a near neighbour of mine, there was nothing whatsoever in this blog of her amazing achievments,shame on you lot.
    Don downunder

  11. ..Monday, man.. seriously, let’s compare notes.. this is some trippy energy running through the pipe-line.

    I’ve got my eyes on family and friends,.. It seems they’re goin’ down,.. I’ve already impoverished,.. up, is all I can do.. these cats are goin’ down.. weird shit..

    Outside of regular thought, aside from being ourselves, how do we escort those folk who would rather jack themselves out of this reality?

    ..and, why would a cat jack themselves out of reality in the first place?

    Love, always,..


  12. PS Len, my sense was in that children often set their aspirations according to what their parents teach them. And yes, Sedna actually went against her parental wish in a sense simply because she tried to climb back into the boat didn’t she……well – this is a long conversation which would be lovely to have. And of course, I posted the story for a few other reasons not those we discuss – 1) to indicate that there is news worthy of our attention in support of eric’s suggestion that being aware of “news” is important 2) water is large in our astrology and our news and 3) woman power/initiative is also large and growing in what seem positive ways.
    And of course, a generic feeling of Sedna’s sacrifice, which we all continue to pray this current situation is not reflective of in that sense of sacrifice as death.

    Thx and love,

  13. Len,

    I can imagine. I pray for her like she were my own daughter – and yes, for her parents too.
    I have prayed for the lives of my own children, although in circumstance not of their own choosing.

    Yes. And God/dess/s bless us all.

  14. aword –

    You do not pray alone.

    Don’t give up.

    Ms. Sunderland’s father did not send her on her voyage. He supported her aspirations. Not like Sedna’s father at all. Abby’s father should be included in our prayers. Imagine what he must be going through right now.

  15. The Abby Sunderland story really stands out for me today because in real time we are aware that this young woman -who has a name, that is, who is real – has capacized in a storm and had life enough to set off her signals and is now either still clinging to life or drowned.

    And what goes through a 16 year old girl’s mind at the point her sailboat turns over?

    Father thank you for giving me this opportunity?
    Father why did you let me do this?

    It just seems like Sedna all the way.

    And somehow it sets me to praying hard, – for her – and for whatever it is about us that she stands for.

  16. Wherever you have Gemini or Virgo influence in your natal chart has probably felt pretty darned overwhelmed in the last 48 hours.”

    Indeedy. This Virgo has been more inspired & fearless at work than she’s been in months. Still my Virgo sun was under siege – I was the target of road rage the other day. Very Very scary. The policeman helped me reclaim my right to feel safe in my neighborhood though, god bless him.

    Hope I can go back to the more positive side of the energy now.

  17. Len,

    Stop being so self-deprecating, you are a fantastic writer! I do the same to myself, Saturn in the first house and one of the best things I ever learned was to keep a compliment journal for myself.

    When I am feeling like crap and can’t possibly consider myself good at anything, I look into that journal and can remember the times when people encouraged and supported my art and me.

    Another thing.

    I just received the Taurus Birthday Audio yesterday and am literally dumbfounded.

    I have struggled with vacillation on my part, giving value to “starving art” and then chastising myself for wanting to skip art altogether and get rich the “normal way.”

    In my solar chart, that would be Gemini on the 2H and Virgo on the 5th. And in natal chart, Gemini on the 10H and Virgo on the 1H. Bah!

    Len, you spoke to me today.

    And ironically, what was revelatory for me, came from you and Eric’s fantastic Taurus Birthday Audio.

    My Taurus stomach needs to digest these new revelations for a few days. 🙂

    Much love and happiness and gratitude,

    Thank you,

  18. hypnotic – hope your headache is gone soon. Quick answer: Capricorn is my DC, hosting Chiron in the 7th house.

  19. It begins for this Virgo closing out the blinding sun with a serious lunar cycle migraine…

    Cap’n Len, as always, thank you for keeping us on track with the movement of the cosmos… I salute your decrepitude


    (you wouldnt happen to have capricorn strong in your chart would you?)

  20. Many thnks to those withh kind words today.

    aword – thank you for word of the courageous Ms. Sunderland so that we can keep her in our thoughts until she is confirmed safe.

    Patricia MoonRose – a quick answer. First, do not know the aspects to the MC in your chart. However, the MC (cusp betweeen 9th and 10th house) does imply your public life. Given the Gemini component, your perception of and verbal interaction with specific groups of people or “the public” in general is a area of emphasis. Going back to my blog, there is both promise and peril in that area. Hence, back to my general advice – discretion is the better part of valor. Unless, of course, you don’t care what other people think about you – in which case do what you will (and, preferrably, harm none).

  21. It is a veritable symphony. . if you know how to “listen”, like you Len. Like a dozen or so musical instruments, the planets create patterns of harmony and drama, excitement and discord, emotion and tranquility. We can all pick up on the major influences, say the violins, but it takes someone with a true ear to hear the minor, less obvious background influences. So glad we have you to fine-tune our perceptions that we may be able to observe the subtle changes in the patterns. We would miss so much of the splendor without it.

    Like that moon accompanying Jupiter or Mercury; changes the whole tune doesn’t it?

  22. More water. And a determined young woman.


    “Emergency rescue effort is launched for teen sailor Abby Sunderland”
    By: Pete Thomas, GrindTV.com (this morning)

    “A rescue effort has been launched in hope of finding Abby Sunderland, 16, who set off her emergency beacon locating devices from the southern Indian Ocean early this morning.

    Sunderland, who had been attempting to sail around the world alone, endured multiple knockdowns in 60-knot winds yesterday (Thursday local time) before conditions briefly abated.

    However, her parents lost satellite phone contact early this morning and an hour later were notified by the Coast Guard at French-controlled Reunion Islands that both of Sunderland’s EPIRB satellite devices had been activated.

    One is apparently is attached to a survival suit or a life raft and meant to be used when a person is in the water or a life raft.”

  23. Len, since reading your posts, astrology is making more and more sense to me. Thank you.

    True for me: “Wherever you have Gemini or Virgo influence in your natal chart has probably felt pretty darned overwhelmed in the last 48 hours.” Especially the last 18.

    The new moon will be nearly on top of my midheaven right along with venus – what could that mean?! Anyone?

    Patricia MoonRose
    off to write my essay!

  24. LOL! As overwhelming moves into revelatory, let me say thank you, Len, from my own state of decrepitude to yours, LOLOL!


  25. what shebear said. with your help, may our stumblings thru the universe be a little more graceful.

  26. Hey Len, I don’t know about your being a “decrepit amateur reporter”, and aside from your tendency towards self-deprecation you are a GENIUS astrological reporter and a charming educator of the heavens in the most professional manner I can imagine.

    I tune into your soul-filled mappings every time you write, checking to see if my compass is aligned to the energies of the skies. You never fail to enhance my attempts at evolving on planet Earth, and this morning’s lesson was divine.

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