‘A gentle reminder’

Editor’s Note: We’ve been asking our clients for feedback about the professional services we publish, and your responses have created the opportunity for an exciting dialog. The farmhouse, fireplace and industrial-strength internet connection mentioned in this reader’s letter are part of the vision for Planet Waves Eric described in his original request for feedback.

Dear Eric,

I just really wanted to say thanks. I love Planet Waves. I’m delighted every time I see an email in my inbox from here. “Contemplative rather than predictive” is absolutely right.

Each encounter I have with a Planet Waves email or blog entry feels to me like a gentle reminder to be compassionate with myself and everyone else, and always gives me some perspective. I leave each post breathing a little more slowly and feeling like I can listen to myself a little bit better. That’s such a gift. Thank you.

I hope the farmhouse, fireplace, and industrial internet connection are just around the corner for all of you.

Diane from Denver

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