A Fine Trine for Our Time

By Len Wallick

Second day out of the eclipse wormhole. Our perception of and response to space and time has been subtly but definitively distorted by the alignments of the Sun and Moon with the Earth. We are in the process of getting re-oriented, whether we’re aware of it or not.

To reiterate, the axis of the signs / houses along which the eclipses took place (Cancer and Capricorn) implies that the subject matter is relationships, especially the emotional component. Once again, our best bet is to focus on what is going on with the luminaries. Today, however, the relationship between Venus and Pluto is just too timely and resonant to pass up. That relationship is an aspect called a trine. This one in particular is very special. Let’s break it down.

Each sign is identified in several ways, and one of the most important sources of identity is the associated element. The signs have a relationship to one of the four elements of ancient natural science in the western world: earth, air, fire and water. There are twelve signs. Twelve divided by four equals three. Three signs for each element, equally spaced, 120 degrees apart on the 360-degree circle known as the zodiac. That’s a trine, defined by a common element and degree of separation.

Two or more planets in different signs associated with the same element are by definition 120 degrees apart. That’s a trine aspect. Among the operative words for the relationship of planets in a trine aspect are ease, comfort, strong, pure, harmony, momentum and balance. All very positive stuff. What’s missing is a challenge. Trines imply the path of least resistance. Thus a trine does nothing to strengthen character. It is the silver spoon of aspects.

But wait a minute. What about the planets in the trine? What if they do not have the same compatibility as the signs of same element? Venus, after all is commonly acknowledged to be the minor benefic. It brings the good news.

Pluto, on the other hand, is not quite in the same category. It may not necessarily be a malefic but it certainly implies some things which are not among the warm and fuzzy. On the most superficial level it is associated with things we pay professionals to handle in a discreet manner – death, taxes and sex. On a deeper level it is associated with the sort of transformation that takes place during the darker times of the year, or in the dark places of the earth. Not optional or discretionary transformation, either. Compulsory and enforced by default. That’s what makes this relationship interesting. The comparative personalities of Venus and Pluto are not precisely on the same page as the trine aspect.

So, what’s up with a with a relationship where the meaning of the aspect is at odds with the personalities of the planets involved? Let’s start with the relationship between each planet and the sign it is in.

If the relationship between the sign and the planet is of short duration, it would seem that the element, quality and dispositor of the territory would be more dominant than the quality of a planet passing through. In other words the planet will take on the quality of the sign more than the other way around.

In the case of Venus, three weeks in a mutable earth sign ostensibly ruled by Mercury would seem to modulate the expression of the planet. Self-awareness may take over from the self-involvement that Venus might have portrayed in Leo. Affection may look more like appreciation than passion. Options may become more important than focus. Change might take priority over holding the line. Virgo, on the other hand, is not going to be a whole lot different after Venus is gone, although it will probably retain a pleasant smell.

But lengthening a planet’s tenure along with powerful aspects can carry a lot of weight. Just look at the Plutonian transformations that have taken place to things associated with Capricorn in less than three years – banks, governments, monetary systems, educational institutions and traditions. And we have more than a decade to go. That’s the combination of three years (as opposed to three weeks) and the cardinal t-square’s influence talking.

So we have one planet in a process of shaking and reshaping the foundations of the earth and another being brought down to earth. How does such a pair find ease, comfort, strength harmony and balance? Sounds like a singles ad.

But seriously folks, the answer is in a quality without which no healthy relationship could be possible. One word: boundaries.

Now, that’s a loaded word, so let’s get simple and unload it. It begins with knowing and owning yourself. Knowing and owning what works for you and what does not. Even more importantly, what you can live with and what you can’t. Staying in touch with those things but remaining open to pushing out or pulling in the slack. Staying strong without being stubborn. Staying flexible without being weak.

And that is the contribution of the Venus-Pluto earth trine to this time of re-orientation. Boundaries are what allow Venus and Pluto to share their compassion in a free flow without possessiveness. Boundaries are what makes it possible to explore those interesting differences that would become repulsive if they were compulsive. Boundaries make it possible for the exchange of deep feelings on a win-win basis.

Nobody is saying that the practice of boundaries is easy, please understand. What today’s Venus-Pluto trine is definitely saying, however, is that the effort put into that practice can go a long way towards making even the most challenging relationships more rewarding, more productive and less destructive.

How about that. Turning things on their heads. Actually taking advantage of the fact that a trine poses little challenge. Harnessing what easily flows from the aspect to overcome the challenges posed by its constituents. That’s a skill we use a little more of around here.

Offered In Service

15 thoughts on “A Fine Trine for Our Time”

  1. @moonrose… happies to you.

    @ len… your writing is always so … full of things i want to respond to… i come back and read and come back and read. but, in the end, all i can say is thank you for writing such resonant stuff. (yeah – “stuff” is the technical word i’ve used today in all sorts of places. even at work. gotta get my words back!)

    you alwas have such brilliant phrases with so much meaning… but if i had to pick one today it’s this one: “Boundaries make it possible for the exchange of deep feelings on a win-win basis.” that is one big truth right there.


  2. Anyone know what kind of orb you give the eclipse? It matters because my life mate (husband) has his natal moon in 11 degrees Cancer and his natal Uranus at 18 degrees Cancer; both in the seventh house with the moon being right ON the house cusp. Both these natal planets form the right-side base of a Yod that has natal Jupiter as the left side base (in Taurus in the 4th house) and the apex of the Yod is natal Venus (in Sagittarius just inside the 12th house cusp). Knowing that would allow me to explain to him about his chart and the Yod and now the Venus-Pluto trine as Len explained them (DH wants to know). Thanks in advance to anyone who can answer.

  3. HazelF, Be, and Aword, thank you!!!

    It was a rough several days for me around the eclipse, and didn’t realize until Len’s article yesterday that the eclipse was right on top of my sun at 20 Cancer. Smack dab, along with all the other natal aspects in my chart to my sun and moon – everything was firing! I received my annual hug from Ammachi the hugging saint though, on Friday, and that was a bright spot, along with attending a homa (fire ceremony) for world peace on Sunday. I had an acupuncture treatment also that allowed me to partake of some astral travel of sorts to where I found myself nursing at the breast of the great mother (never before!). I sort of felt rebirthed! That too was Friday, and the peaceful feeling didn’t stick for too long as Saturday and Sunday I found myself easily agitated, somewhat feeling confused, and had to really work on not letting either get the best of me for too long at one time.

    For my birthday I’ve dedicated myself to 30 days of morning meditation, daily yoga and absolutely no alcohol. This is also a first and it will be a challenge, but it will be oh-so-good for me. The intention is to create a habit! :0)

    Hope everyone else came through the eclipse with flying colors. Even with my challenges, just in talking to my sisters earlier I know I came through pretty easily and well.

    Thanks again for the birthday wishes!


  4. Lately, I’ve been able to take the spinning wheel out of my head, and throw it into peripheral cosmic donut/halo space. I’ve been able to sit with myself and feel comfortable within mine own energy. The “spin” that was within my head, has exited unto my peripheral sight/realms. …

    …there’s no other space than now.

    (Feeling mirrorly profound.. )

    Jere 🙂

    ..Take care all, it’s the trip of lifetimes! (smiling and bowing)

  5. well, also there is something to be said for the moon in capricorn as well, today.. which … always makes me feel strong and solid… and the sun shining on my ascendant which offers a nice healthy glow… : D

  6. Indeed, some of our current shifts at first glance feel um – unfamiliar – as we are only still beginning to get our sea legs. This piece continues your totally helpful insights, Len. Thank you so much. Boundaries, then – my theme for today as well.

    Another happy BDwish from this PWer Moonrose 69!

  7. Len, such a brilliant analysis!! A great tutorial on interpretation.. Really bended my mind…

    Although I knew ahead about this aspect (it is in aspect to my venus/IC), I didnt realize the connection … I woke up this morning feeling oddly free of unhealthy boundary issues that have been haunting me of late… I wont go into the emotional details of it, but at first it felt depressing, like a loss of some sorts, mixed with anger… but then I realized that it is replaced with a solidity and strength I have not felt for some time….

    another one for the scrapbook…. : )


  8. Len,

    Maybe it was the “pleasant smell” that triggered the surfacing in my mind of the word “essence” and pushed further, “essential”, but that’s how the trine between Venus in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn became relevant to my particular circumstances. It is a matter of too much stuff and too little space. A matter of limited bounderies, for sure.

    Mind you, this is a gentle reminder of what needs to be done. This year my progessed chart has 5 planets in Virgo, all conjunct my natal Neptune, the ruler of my natal chart. Yeah, 5. Including a Sun/Moon conjunction saying start fresh.

    Then there is the eclipse with Mars and Vesta in Virgo. Conjunct my natal ruler. Okay, okay, I get the message. I’m thinking, for me anyway, Chiron, still in Pisces right now, has a small “hand” (get it?) in this personal message as he is opposed Venus and sextile Pluto. Just a tiny little nudge to get down the the essentials and stay within the boundries of my space. Saturn/Capricorn determines my space, Pluto tells me to decide what’s essential, and Virgo prioritizes. And Venus? Venus tells me less is more, keep what you love and need, and there will be more room for friends. Now that is a pleasant smell. Thanks for not letting this moment escape Len.

    Hazel1, I know you can do it,. . . Hazel F, got the message,. . . Moonrose69, Happy Birthday!

  9. ah yes, thanks for another timely reminder, len… boundaries. they can get so darned fuzzy for me sometimes…

  10. Hey Len,

    Thanks for this post. I’ll keep your description of boundaries rolling in my mind this week when I’m dealing with the new boss. “Boundaries are what makes it possible to explore those interesting differences that would become repulsive if they become compulsive” While I don’t think she and I will ever make it to having a shared compassion and deep feelings of mutual respect, I think we may find some common ground somewhere, even if it’s only one square inch of it, it’s something. Every time I see a window into her spirit that makes her human, she closes that shade tight again. It’s hard working for someone who’s basically so frightened, I’m not used to a scared boss, my other one was much more secure in herself which is a wonderful thing, let me tell you. So, I’ll remember that the effort I put into being strong without being stubborn, flexible without being weak, is helping things change for the better no matter how it looks at the moment.

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